Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Prerequisites For PostgreSQL Metadata

Before you begin the following prerequisites must be met:


  1. Access to a Redshift System, with the following connectivity information:
    • Server Name
    • Database Name
    • Port
    • User Name
    • Password
  2. Access to an S3 bucket in the same region as your Redshift system to be used for temporary files while loading data from Windows files and database tables. Specifically, you need to know:
    • Access Key, Secret Key, Region
    • S3 storage location in this format: s3://bucketName/folderName
  3. Create Database and ODBC DSN Redshift ODBC driver (64-bit)
  4. Redshift software installed
    • Amazon Redshift ODBC driver (64-bit)
    • ODBC DSN was created to connect to your RED Data Warehouse on Redshift.
  5. Python 3.8 or higher 
    • Select "Add Python 3.8 to PATH" from the installation Window
    • Pip Manager Install with the command : python -m pip install --upgrade pip

Installation Through Setup Wizard

Run Setup Wizard as administrator

Create a new repository or upgrade an existing repository.

Select the created ODBC DSN, input login details, and select Validate. Click Next.

Select the directory that contains the unzipped Enablement Pack for installation. Click Next.

Using the checkboxed list, include or exclude the components that are to be installed. Click Next.

Configure a target connection (for example, Data Warehouse) and its target locations. Validate and click Add.

When done, click Add and then Next to advance.

Configure a data source connection (optional) and its target locations. Validate and click Add. Click Next to continue.

Review the installation summary and click Install
Click the View Logs to open the installation log. Click Finish once the installation is completed successfully.

Login to WhereScape RED.


Upgrade Of Existing Repository

For upgrade of an existing repository

  • From host script set the script type of wsl_post_install_enablement_pack as Auto Execute - PowerShell Script


Important Upgrade Notes
If RED upgrades the repository option is chosen.
This enablement pack will overwrite any existing Source Enablement Pack UI Configs:


To ensure existing Source Enablement Pack connections and associated Load Tables continue to browse and load:
Go into UI Configuration Maintenance in RED before installing this  Enablement Pack and rename the affected UI Configurations. While the updated Load Template will work with the previous Source Enablement Pack we recommend moving these previous versions of Load Tables to newly created Parser-based connections following this install. The earlier versions of the Source Enablement Pack will be deprecated following this release.

Post Install Steps – Optional

If you used the script Setup Wizard for installation then the following optional post-install steps are available.


  1. Connection: Data Warehouse ('Redshift' )- This connection was set as per parameters provided in Setup Wizard
    • open its properties and check the extended properties tab, set it up for Access Key, Secret Key, S3 Region, and S3 Storage Location
  2. Connection: 'Database Source System' - this connection was set up as an example source connection,
    • open it's properties and set it up for a source DB in your environment
    • or you can remove it if not required

Source Enablement Pack Support

Source Pack Name

Supported By Redshift

Supported Features

Prerequisites/Permissions Required for Redshift

Google Cloud Storage


Download to local and load


Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2


Download to local and load


Amazon S3


Download to local and load


Windows Parser


Load Template, Source Properties will have option to select parser type to load the files.

Refer to Windows Parser Guide

Troubleshooting and Tips

Run As Administrator

Press the Windows Key on your keyboard and start typing cmd.exe, when the cmd.exe icon shows up in the search list right click it to bring up the context menu, select "Run As Administrator"
Now you have an admin prompt navigate to to the folder where you have unpacked your WhereScape Red Enablement Pack to using the 'cd' command:
C:\Windows\system32> cd <full path to the unpacked folder> 
Run Powershell (.ps1) scripts from the administrator prompt by typing the Powershell run script command, for example:
C:\temp\EnablementPack>Powershell -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File .\Setup_Enablement_Pack.ps1
