Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Powershell script above provides some help at the command line, this can be output by passing the -help parameter to the script.

Note that on some systems executing Windows Powershell scripts is disabled by default, see troubleshooting for workarounds.


  • Property Section Google Drive Settings
    • Drive Folder: Source file location on Google Drive.Path till single Child folder supported, for example: 'rootFolder
      subFolder' are considered. Path for shared files are supported. The token used to read the directory name in the script is $WSL_SRCCFG_googleDriveFolderPath$
  • Property Section Google Drive Auth File Path
    • Authentication Files Path: File location where credentials.json file is stored. This path will also be used to create and store token.json file for authentication.
      The token used to read Authentication Files Path in the scripts is $WSL_SRCCFG_googleDriveCredentialsFilePath$              
  • Property Section Google Drive File Filter Options
    • Field Headings/Labels : Indicates whether the first line of source file contains a heading/label for each field, which is not regarded as data so it should not be loaded. The token used to reader field header boolean value in the script is $WSL_SRCCFG_googleDriveFirstLineHeader$
    • File Filter Name: Indicates source file name.Provide Google Drive filename pattern. The file list filters with file extensions,file name patterns
      • *.*
      • *.<File Extension>
      • <File Name>.<File Extension>
      • <File Name Start>*     
      •  The token used to read File Filter Name in the scripts is $WSL_SRCCFG_googlDriveFileFilterName$ 
    • Field Delimiter: This is a character that separates the fields within each record of the source file. The field delimiter identifies end of each field.For Example, comma ( , ),pipe( | ). The token used to reader field delimiter in the script is $WSL_SRCCFG_googleDriveFieldDelimiter$
    • Field Enclosure Delimiter: This is a character that delimits BOTH start and end of field value i.e. encapsulates value. A double quote is a common enclosure delimiter. The token used to reader field enclosure delimiter in the script is $WSL_SRCCFG_googleDriveFieldEnclosureDelimiter$
    • Record Delimiter: This is to identify how each line/record in source file is ended/terminated/delineated. Default is '\n' . The token used to read the record delimiter value in the script is $WSL_SRCCFG_googleDriveRecordDelimiter$       
    • Data Limit (in KB) for Data Profiling: Kilobytes (KB's) to scan for Data Profiling. Data profiling is used to get the column names and data types from the source file.By default 100 KB will be scanned. The token used to read the record delimiter value in the script is $WSL_SRCCFG_googleDriveDataLimit$                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 
      •  Files with extension .dat are read as a single column because Google Drive reads .dat files as application/octet-stream file type
      •  Folders present in Google Drive must have unique names. Example: "REDFolder" and "REDFolder1" similar folder names should be avoided
      •  Files which are deleted from 'Google Drive Folders' are still browsable. To avoid such files, delete them from 'Bin\Trash' as well.
      •  Sometimes, it might take 2-5 minutes for files or directories that were recently added/uploaded to 'Google Drive' to be browsed.

Google Drive API Setup Steps - Optional

These steps are for Google API connection setup.If the API is already set and credentials.json is ready then these steps are not required.


Press the Windows Key on your keyboard and start typing cmd.exe, when the cmd.exe icon shows up in the search list right click it to bring up the context menu, select Run As Administrator
Now you have an admin prompt navigate to to the folder where you have unpacked your WhereScape Source Enablement Pack using the cd command:
C:\Windows\system32> cd <full path to the unpacked folder>
Run Powershell (.ps1) scripts from the administrator prompt by typing the Powershell run script command, for example:
C:\temp\EnablementPack>Powershell -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File .\install_Source_Enablement_Pack.ps1


In the event you can not bypass the Powershell execution policy due to group policies you can instead try -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned which should allow unsigned local scripts.
