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Table of Contents


  • Python 3.8 or higher
    • Download Python installer from {+}
    • Select Add Python 3.8 to PATH from the installation Window
    • PIP Manager, from Command Prompt (Run As Administrator), run command: python -m pip install --upgrade pip
  • Google Cloud Storage

Source Enablement Pack Setup Scripts

Scripts entirely drive the Enablement Pack Install process. The table below outlines these scripts, their purpose, and if Run as Administrator is required. 


Note that on some systems executing Windows Powershell scripts is disabled by default, see troubleshooting for workarounds.

Source Enablement Pack Installation

  • Run Windows Powershell as Administrator 
    Code Block
    titleInstall Source Connectivity Packs
    <Script1 Location > Powershell -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File .\install_Source_Enablement_Pack.ps1
  • If prompted enter the source enablement pack as  'Google' Note: Skip the installation step if the target build with source packs is installed.

Google Cloud Storage Connection Setup

  1. Login to RED
  2. Check in Host Script Browse_Google_Cloud Storage in the objects list.                                                                                  
  3. Check UI Configurations in Menu, Tools → UI Configurations → Maintain UI Configurations
  4. Create a new connection in RED
  5. Select properties as shown below screenshot


Authentication is not done through script. It needs to be done while installing GoogleCloudSDKInstaller.

Troubleshooting and Tips

Run As Administrator

Press the Windows Key on your keyboard and start typing cmd.exe, when the cmd.exe icon shows up in the search list right click it to bring up the context menu, select Run As Administrator
Now you have an admin prompt navigate to to the folder where you have unpacked your WhereScape Source Enablement Pack to using the 'cd' command:
C:\Windows\system32> cd <full path to the unpacked folder>
Run Powershell (.ps1) scripts from the administrator prompt by typing the Powershell run script command, for example:
C:\temp\EnablementPack>Powershell -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File .\install_Source_Enablement_Pack.ps1

In the event you can not bypass the Powershell execution policy due to group policies you can instead try -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned which should allow unsigned local scripts.

Windows Powershell Script Execution

On some systems, Windows Powershell script execution is disabled by default. There are several workarounds for this which can be found by searching the term "Powershell Execution Policy".
Here is the most common workaround that WhereScape suggests, which does not permanently change the execution rights:
Start a Windows CMD prompt as Administrator, change the directory to your script directory, and run the WhereScape Powershell scripts with this command:

  • cmd:>Powershell -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File .\<script_file_name.ps1>

Restarting failed scripts

Some of the setup scripts will track each step and output the step number when there is a failure. To restart from the failed step (or to skip the step) provide the parameter -startAtStep <step number> to the script.
Powershell -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File .\<script_file_name.ps1> -startAtStep 123

To avoid having to provide all the parameters again you can copy the full command line with parameters from the first "INFO" message from the beginning of the console output.

If a valid RED installation can not be found

If you have Red 8.6.1.x or higher installed but the script (install_Source_Enablement_Pack.ps1) fails to find it on your system then you are most likely running the PowerShell (x86) version which does not show installed 64-bit apps by default. Please open a 64-bit version of PowerShell instead and re-run the script.
