Versions Compared


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The following enhancements have been made since Version

Detailed list of changes in Version

The following changes have been implemented since Version

New Feature


  • Microsoft Purview Integration
  • Enhanced data profiling capabilities

Microsoft Purview Integration

Metadata can now be imported from Microsoft Purview, which enhances WhereScape's offering for Microsoft
Fabric customers. Information stored in the Purview data catalogue can now feed into WhereScape 3D's design
automation processes. This feature allows for yet another step in the data warehouse design process to be

Enhanced data profiling capabilities

WhereScape 3D can now perform data profiling on a wider range of source systems. There is also more flexibility
in how profiling results can be leveraged in WhereScape's design automation processes. For example attribute
types could be assigned based on data profiling results and rate of change of source data. Advanced data profiling
on source systems such as Salesforce, Google Cloud and Azure Datalake Storage will be performed using
WhereScape enablement packs.


Detailed list of changes in Version 9.0.



The following changes have been implemented since Version




BLUE-2932    Enhanced model conversion properties, including the ability to iterate through a single model conversion rule multiple times.
BLUE-3122    Added the ability to access a list of dependent entities and attributes within Pebble templates3156    The ability to integrate WhereScape 3D with Microsoft Purview has been included.
BLUE-3157    Data profiling can now be performed on Extensible connections.
BLUE-3134    A wider selection of information about categories and models is now accessible from 3158   Information about all profiling versions can now be accessed within Pebble templates.


BLUE-3131    Improvements to the execution speed of model conversion rules involving extended properties. 
BLUE-3097    Additional settings added to configurable workflow buttons of type MCR. 
BLUE-3132    Added support for executing Validation templates as part of a workflow button. 
BLUE-3028    The change entity properties model conversion rule is now capable of manipulating entity level ratings. 
BLUE-3117    The script language is now included when exporting scripts via the CLI. 
BLUE-3135    Added the ability to update load table property merge operations in bulk. 
BLUE-3095    The split entities per source mapping set model conversion rule now supports multiple transformations per column and transformations with no source set defined. 
BLUE-3065    Added a new option to auto refresh the repository after user defined workflow scripts are executed. 
BLUE-3120    Added an option to create a repository via the CLI with no categories present. 
BLUE-3086    Improved error messages when exporting UI configurations via the CLI.
BLUE-3085    Unnecessary warning messages are no longer displayed when using the WhereScape 3D CLI. 
BLUE-3110    Queries of up to 65344 characters in length can now be stored in the WhereScape 3D metadata. 
BLUE-3043    Comments with a maximum length of 65,535 bytes can now be stored in the WhereScape 3D metadata. 
BLUE-3111    Extended property values of up to 16,000 characters in length can now be stored in the WhereScape 3D metadata. 
BLUE-3128    The following components used by WhereScape 3D have been upgraded:

•    XStream Core: 1.4.20 
•    Proguard Ant: 7.4.1 
•    Pebble: 3.2.2 
•    JDOM 2: 
•    Jackson Databind: 2.16.1 
•    Xerces2 J: 2.12.2 
•    Apache POI Common: 5.2.5 
•    Apache POI API Based On OPC and OOXML Schemas: 5.2.5 
•    Apache OOXML Schemas: 1.4 
•    Apache Xalan: 2.7.3

BLUE-3127    The following JDBC drivers packaged with WhereScape 3D have been upgraded:

•    PostgreSQL: 42.6.1 
•    Snowflake: 3.14.5 
•    Hive: 3.1.3 
•    Oracle: 
•    MySQL: 8.3.0 
•    Derby:

Bug Fixes

3159    Enhanced user interface for defining script languages.
BLUE-3148    Enhanced data transformation capabilities in the Bridge table wizard.
BLUE-2507    Improved visualization of pair value profiling metrics in the profiling results details tables displayed within WhereScape 3D.
BLUE-3038    When copying a model conversion rule the current conversion set is now always selected by default in the copy rule dialogue.
BLUE-3140    The JDK used by WhereScape 3D has been upgraded to version 11.0.22+7.

Bug Fix

BLUE-3168   Fixed an issue viewing entity profiling metric results.
BLUE-3151   Fixed an issue displaying multi-line text fields in extensible source connection properties.BLUE-3092    Fixed an issue exporting models sourced from a Host connection to xml. 
BLUE-3107    Fixed an issue generating HTML documentation when data transformations with no source set defined are included. 
BLUE-3104    Fixed an issue with the collapse source mappings model conversion rule and case conversion settings. 
BLUE-3119    Fixed an issue importing models that require a connection via the CLI. 
BLUE-3114    Fixed an issue displaying custom icons in the workflow pane. 
BLUE-3073    Fixed a UI issue when displaying connection information related to models sourced from extensible source connections.