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Currently, there is no interactive install wizard for WhereScape Azkaban on Linux but the azkaban-installer.jar file in the RED install directory under <install_dir>\Azkaban\ can be transferred to Linux and run directly using Java. This process requires a pre-prepared response file to be supplied with the parameters for the installation.


  • First, set the environment variables for your Azkaban metadata user and pwd:
  • Then, run the azkaban-installer.jar with the ‘the upgrade-schemacommand:
    Code Block
    java.exe -jar "azkaban-installer.jar" upgrade-schema --database=AZ_REPO --host=PG_HOST --port=5432 --schema=white --username-var=AZ_DB_USER --password-var=AZ_DB_PWD


To start using this scheduler in RED first, the Scheduler Configuration needs to be added to RED via the Scheduler tab.


  • Enter your URLs for the Azkaban Web Server you setup earlier into both the Dashboard and Rest API URL fields.
  • Provide the credentials for Dashboard User into the Dashboard section
  • Provide the credentials for Publish User in the Rest API section
  • Add your default scheduler tags which you setup on your Executor servers (these are case sensitive so ensure you have the same case as in your response file)
  • Set the default scripts as shown in the example below


Image Added  

Example response files:

You must install the Azkaban Web Server first before installing any Executor Servers. Both the The Web Server and Executor Servers can be installed on Windows or Linux, or some combination of both. It is important to ensure that connectivity between your Web and Executor Servers is open on the ports you assign to them. 


Starting and Stopping the Azkaban Servervs

On Linux, the Azkaban Servers are not started automatically after installation to run the startup script.


  • @reboot <azkaban_install_dir>/<web_server_name>/azkaban-web-server/bin/

  • @reboot <azkaban_install_dir>/<exec_server_name>/azkaban-exec-server/bin/

crontab -lLists the current users' cron jobs.