Page History
- Creating an action profile recovery script
- Alert Profile and Action Profile Variables (for the purposes of this article focus on the Recovery Script Variables):In the main UIM documentation)
Create an action profile
Lastly, we need to tie the Service Monitor and Recovery Script service monitor and recovery script together in an Action Profile. Follow these steps:action profile.
To create an action profile
- Create a new
- action profile and
- give it a descriptive name.
- Populate the full path to the recovery script.
- Add the Service Monitor we created above.
It should look something like
- the following example:
Testing your work
The final test is to make sure that everything works as expected. Testing is as simple as stopping the Windows Service service from your Service Monitorservice monitor. You may want to adjust the Timing Settings on the Service Monitor service monitor to trigger the action sooner for the purposes of testing.
If you are familiar with Action Profiles action profiles, you may know that Uptime Infrastructure Monitor UIM has a built in Test Action Profile test action profile capability. However, that won't work in our case because the variables we are leveraging only get populated when a Service Monitor service monitor is triggered.
Important notes
The Windows Service will be started service starts in the security context of the Uptime Infrastructure Monitor UIM monitor agent running on the system where the Windows Service service is being started (, by default Local System)it is the local system.
This is not the only one way to accomplish this task, other viable options exist. You could create an Uptime Infrastructure Monitor Agent a UIM monitor agent side script to perform the recovery, . Or you could call a third-party tool from the recovery script to start the service, etc, etcamong other options.