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New Features and Improvements 

Customizable Object Subtypes

Configure your Object Subtypes based on the existing object types in RED with the following configurable settings:

  • Name
  • Icon to appear in object trees and documentation
  • Default Routine Templates for automated code generation
  • Appearance in object trees

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This feature is beneficial to customers wanting to differentiate between more object types and control the automation aspects based on those types. It's particularly useful in the case of Data Vaults where there are many object subtypes that can be configured in 3D but don't currently have a dedicated object type mapping in RED such as PIT and Bridge tables. This feature also allows setting specific icons for each object subtype which improves both productivity and look and feel.

Scheduler Improvements

Azkaban core and the RED plugin for Azkaban have been improved in this release to enhance the workflows when dealing with abnormal job runs.

Improved Azkaban/RED synchronization

Azkaban to RED metadata synchronization on aborted jobs has been improved, now when canceling jobs directly from Azkaban the RED job metadata is updated to match the external job state. This removes the need to run additional tasks via Azkaban to have the job removed from the 'Running' state in RED and allows further remedial tasks to be performed on the job run, as required, immediately following an abort.

Added support for cleaning up child processes on job cancellations

When a job is canceled directly from Azkaban an optional cleanup script is now triggered automatically by the presence of a host script object in RED matching a specific naming convention. This is beneficial to users who need to kill long running or abnormal jobs in the scheduler but ensure that the underlying child processes for the job are also killed to prevent further unwanted transactions on the source and targets involved in the task.
Job cancellations will now execute the RED metadata host scripts, if present, named:

  • wsl_scheduler_job_kill_linux on Linux
  • wsl_scheduler_job_kill_win on Windows

Improved job restart workflow

When manually marking a failed task as 'completed' in the RED Scheduler tab for an aborted job, then a restart on this job will now set the job run to 'Succeeded', provided there were no other failures in the remaining tasks to execute. This is useful when resolving a failed task externally and then later continuing the remaining tasks in the job, so that the job then appears as a successful completion in the metadata.

Migrating from Earlier Versions of RED

WhereScape presents RED 9.0 a new version of RED with new capabilities and features to enhance the user experience. This version includes Advanced Authentication Methods, an improved 3D Integration for Source Mapping Objects, and increased DDL Limits. In addition, over 50 customer-requested improvements and fixes are included in this release. 

Advanced Authentication Methods

The Advanced Connect feature provides a new way to manage connection security and modify ODBC connection attributes in RED enabling a wide variety of authentication mechanisms for your metadata, source, and target connections. This feature combines session-based authentication, complete control over ODBC connection strings, and secure encrypted storage of passwords.

Advanced Connect is enabled through the properties screen of connections, once enabled a connection string must be defined which will be used when establishing a connection. RED Login Screen showing the new Logon Method:

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RED Connection Properties Screen showing the new Connection Method:

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This feature is designed with security in mind and adds even more ways for enterprises to secure their metadata, sources, and targets for a wide variety of authentication methods such as OAuth, Azure Active Directory, and multifactor authentication (depending on vendor driver capabilities). Please see the User and Installation Guides for more details.

This feature is only available for SQL/Azure SQL targets and Enablement Pack target platforms, refer to your specific Enablement Pack platform on the WhereScape downloads page for compatibility.

3D Integration - New Merge Settings for Source Mappings

When deploying Objects with multiple Source Mappings via 3D Export to RED you can now control the merge behavior when updating existing Objects Source Mapping Sets. There is now a new option with three settings when deploying from 3D to RED.

Option: ‘Existing Source Mapping Sets will be’

  • Replaced: [Default] Replaces the entire Source Mapping Set (Source Mappings can be removed in this mode)
  • Merged using Application: Merges the Sets, resolving conflicts by deploying Source Mappings from this Application - Add and Update.
  • Merged using Repository: Merges the Sets, resolving conflicts by retaining Source Mappings in the Repository - Add only.

This feature will be particularly useful to organizations with multiple development teams or projects affecting the same objects in RED, allowing them to deploy only the new Source Mappings that they have added and avoid deploying out-of-date changes to existing Source Mappings.

Stand-alone Script Improvements

Stand-alone Windows scripts can now be associated with Database/ODBC and Extensible Source Connections providing access to the associated connection settings and Credentials in your scripts.

This feature is particularly useful for “High Water Mark” scripts that require access to target connection properties. When combined with Advanced Connect this provides a secure way to run scripts directly against source and target connections in RED. Previously you could only associate a Windows connection to a scriptNote that due to the new PostgreSQL metadata and the external Azkaban-based Scheduler, there is no upgrade path from earlier versions of RED directly to RED 10. Suppose you are an existing customer of WhereScape RED on another metadata platform. In that case, migration tooling will become available soon after this release along with the rollout of procedure-compatible Enablement Packs for selected Target platforms.

WhereScape 3D Compatibility


The following changes have been implemented since



  • RED-11900 Updated the WslMetadataServiceClient.dll to work with the connection string arg. Updated the scheduler integration script to use the metadata connection string. 
  • RED-11895 RED Help (User and Installation Guide) is no longer installed with the product and now links to the online documentation at
  • RED-11829 Azkaban core components and RED Azkaban plugin updated for Advanced Connect feature.
  • RED-11821 Improvements to the Windows Azkaban Scheduler installer to support Advanced Connect with DPAPI encryption. 
  • RED-11816 Added an encryption utility
  • RED-11813 Moved the RED Scheduler Configuration credentials to the RED Profile.
  • RED-11752 Stand-alone scripts can now be associated with Database and Extensible Source Connections providing access to target settings and credentials
  • RED-11745 Added Advanced Connect feature to RED 10 and forced its usage, this has potentially breaking changes, please refer to the important upgrade messages.