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If you prefer to run the script stand-alone outside of RED then you will need to set these the required environment variables prior to running the script, an example follows:

Code Block
titleExample env. variable setup in PowerShell
REM set required env vars
SET $ENV:WSL_BINDIR='C:\Program Files\WhereScape\RED'
$ENV:SET WSL_META_DSN='red10_200_sf'
$ENV:Metadata ODBC DSN
SET WSL_META_USER='redadmin_user'
SET WSL_META_CONSTRING='dsn=red10_200_sfMetadata ODBC DSN;uid=redadmin_user;pwd=mypass;'pwd;

REM run the script
powershell -executionpolicy bypass -f "%WSL_BINDIR%\Administrator\Scripts\wsl_scheduler_profile_maintenance.ps1"