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Anchor_Ref-1322027117_Ref-1322027117To create a new extended property definition, select select Tools > Extended Properties > Maintain Extended Properties.
On the Extended Properties Maintenance screen, click New.

On the Extended Property Definition screen, enter the display and variable names and then configure the settings as described below.

Variable Settings

Menu Options


Display Name

Enter a display name for the variable.  This is the extended property name displayed in the Connection or Table properties.

Variable Name

Enter a unique variable name in the format it is accessed from the RED metadata service and included into scripts.

Mask Value when shown

Select this check box if you want to mask the value of the extended property, when displayed in the Connection or Table properties.  The extended property value is also masked in the RED generated technical documentation.


During an application creation process (via the Tools > Build Deployment Application menu), any extended property variables/assignments applied to a connection or table object are included in the generated application files.


However, a connection or table object extended property with a masked value will not be included in the generated application files.


Enter a description for the variable and its purpose/use

Scope Settings

Menu Options


Connection Visibility

Enables you to control the scope of the extended property definition, by selecting a Connection File System and/or a Database type that can access the extended property variable and their assigned value.For example, if only the SQL Server check box is selected under the Databases option, then the variable will only appear in the Extended Properties screen of connections with an SQL Server database type and not in the Extended Properties screen of any other connections that is not an SQL Server database.

Object Visibility

Enables you to control the scope of the extended property definition, by selecting an Object type that can access the extended property variable and their assigned value.
For example, if only the Load Table check box is selected under the Objects option, then the variable will only appear in the Extended Properties screen of Load tables and not in the Extended Properties screen of any other table objects.



  • Extended property variables can be set for index objects. An extended property's scope is still defined by object type but the value for the variable can be set for the table and each index independently.
  • Automatically created indexes are recreated each time the table's procedure is rebuilt. Therefore, the values set for extended properties on automatically created indexes are lost when they are recreated. Manually created indexes and their extended properties are persisted.
  • As with extended properties defined for tables and connections, extended properties defined on indexes can be accessed from templates, including create index DDL, drop index DDL and update procedure/script.