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NumericIndicates whether the table column holds numeric values. This is normally only relevant for Fact tables. It does not affect the physical table definition but rather provides input to the view ws_admin_v_dim_col which can be used to assist in the population of an end user tool's end user layer. The use of this field is not relevant unless it can be utilized by the end-user tools.
AdditiveIndicates whether the table column holds values that are additive. This implies that the column can be summed when performing data grouping in a query. This is normally only relevant for fact tables. It does not affect the physical table definition, but rather provides input to the view ws_admin_v_dim_col which can be used to assist in the population of an end user tool's end user layer. The use of this field is not relevant unless it can be utilized by the end user tools.
AttributeIndicates whether the table column holds values that are descriptive, and/or are used for grouping/summing. An attribute is defined as a non-factual column. For example, we may have an order number, or a invoice number stored in the Fact table. These columns are considered attributes, rather than facts.
This check-box is therefore normally only relevant for fact tables. This check-box does not affect the physical table definition but rather provides input to the view ws_admin_v_dim_col which can be used to assist in the population of an end user tools end user layer. The use of this field is not relevant unless it can be utilized by the end-user tools.
Business KeyIndicates whether the column is part of the BUSINESS key, which is defined during the update procedure build. [Normally maintained automatically]. Multiple columns can form the primary business key.
Key TypeKey type that is assigned and used when generating the table's update procedure and indexes.  [Normally maintained automatically]. It can be altered here, but this should only be done if the consequences are fully understood and tested.
The supported values are:
Key typeMeaning
0The artificial key. Set when the key is added during drag-and-drop table generation.
1Component of all business keys. Indicates that this column is used as part of any business key. For example: By default, the dss_source_system_key is added to every dimension table. It is considered part of any lookup on that table and has the key type set to 1. Set when the column is added during drag-and-drop table generation.
2Indicates that this column is a dimensional join. Used on fact tables to indicate the dimension keys. Results in bitmap indexes being built for the columns. Set during the update procedure generation for a fact table, based on information from the staging table.
3Slowly changing column indicator. Used on dimension tables to indicate that the column is being managed as a slowly changing column within the context of a slowly changing dimension. Set when a column is identified during the dimension update procedure generation.
4Previous value column indicator. Used on dimension tables to indicate that the column is being managed as a previous value column. The source column identifies the parent column. Set during the dimension creation.
5Indicates a column is a start date column. 
6Indicates a column is an end date column.
7History column indicator.  Used in model history tables to indicate that the column is being managed as a history column within the context of a model history table. Set when a column is identified during the model history update procedure generation.
cChange Hash Key column indicator. Used in Data Vault tables to indicate the differences in the descriptive columns of a Satellite table.  Refer to Data Vaults for details.
hHub Hash Key column indicator. Used in Data Vault tables to indicate the hash key column of a Hub Table.  Refer to Data Vaults for details.
lLink Hash Key column indicator. Used in Data Vault tables to indicate the hash key column of a Link Table. Refer to Data Vaults for details.
mMulti-Active Natural key indicator. Used in Data Vault tables to indicate the Multi-Active key column.
sMulti-Active Sequence key indicator. Used in Data Vault tables to indicate the Multi-Active key column for a generated sequence key
AIndicates that the column is part of the primary business key. Set whenever a business key is defined as part of an update procedure generation.
B-ZIndicates that the column is part of a secondary business key. Only used during index generation and not normally set.
Hash Key SourcesThis field is only displayed for Hash key types. Displays the hash source columns that are used to generate the selected Hub, Link, or Change hash key.
Hash Key Source ForThis field is only displayed for Hash key types. Displays the hash key columns that use the displayed hash key sources.
Multi-Active Key TypeThe value is only 'Natural' or 'Sequence' based on the Multi-Active key type.
Multi-Active Key Source(s)Lists the key column for Multi-Active Natural Key or the sort columns for Multi-Active Sequence Key.


Source TableIdentifies the source table where the column's data comes from. This source table is normally a Load table or a Dimension table within the data warehouse. If the column was sourced from multiple tables, then the normal practice is to record one of the tables in this field and a comment listing all of the other tables in the Source strategy field. This field is used when generating a procedure to update the Stage table. It is also used in the trackback diagrams and the documentation.
Source ColumnIdentifies the source column where the column's data comes from. Such a column is normally a load table column, which in turn may have been a transformation or the combination of multiple columns. This may also be a dimensional key where a dimension is being joined.
Source Data TypeIdentifies the source column's data type. [Read-only].
TransformationRefer to Stage Table Column Transformations for details. [Read-only].
JoinIndicates whether the table column is used in a table join. [Normally maintained automatically but can be optionally changed to override the default join logic used in the generated update procedure]. The Source table and Source column fields will provide the Dimension table's side of the join. The options for this field are False, True, Manual, and Pre-Join.
Setting this field to Manual, changes the way the Dimension table is looked up during the Stage table update procedure build. It enables you to join the dimension manually in the Source Join wizard (used to build the 'Where' clause). The usual dialog for matching the dimension business key to a column or columns in the Stage table is not displayed, if this option is enabled.
Setting this field to Pre Join activates the Pre Join Source Table field and enables you to select a table from the drop-down list.
Pre Join Source TableIndicates the table from which the pre-joined column was sourced. When the Join option is set to False, this field becomes inactive. When the Join option is set to True or Manual, this field is set to the current table name. When the Join option is set to Pre Join, then you can select the required table from the drop-down list.
