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Enter the following code into the Host Script 'Export Objects':cmd.exe
Code Block | ||||
| ||||
Start-Process powershell -ArgumentList "-noexit -command `$host.ui.RawUI.WindowTitle = 'Exporting Metdata from ${env:WSL_META_DSN}, please wait...'; . '$WSL_SCRIPT_wsl_workflow_export_objects_example_CODE$'"
Write-Output 1
Write-Output "Export Objects operation started - You can monitor progress via the separate Powershell window"
Write-Output "NOTE: You can close the separate Powershell window once the process completes, it is left open to display the result only."
Write-Output "Logs are located in the work directory of the script and have a sequence ID of ${ENV:WSL_SEQUENCE}: `n${ENV:WSL_WORKDIR}" |