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The New Trigger dialog window offers you the following two options on the Begin the task field:

  • On a schedule - use this option to create a trigger based on a scheduled criteria.
  • At log on  - select this option to run the task when a user logs on to the computer.
  • At startup - use this option to run the task when the computer starts up.
  • On Idle - select this option to run the task after the computer enters an idle state.
  • On an event - use this option to run the task when specific event entries are added to an event log.
  • At task creation/modification   - select this option if you want to run the task as soon as it is created or when the task is modified. 
  • On connection to user session - use this option to run the task when a user session is connected to the local computer or from a remote desktop connection.
  • On disconnect from user session - select this option to run the task when a user session is disconnected from the local computer or from a remote desktop connection.
  • On workstation lock - use this option to run the task when the computer is locked.
  • On workstation unlock  - use this option to run the task when the computer is unlocked.

Specific settings are defined for each option. Go to the respective sections below to view specific settings for each option.these options. 

Creating a Trigger On a Schedule

If you select this option, you can select from one of the following drop-down options in from the Setting occurs field:

  • One Time -  use this option to run the task once at a specific date and time.
  • Daily - use this option to run the task once per day every X number of days (Recurs every option). For example, you can specify to run a task every 2 or 3 days. 
  • Weekly - use this option to run the task in certain days of the week every X number of weeks (Recurs every option). For example, you can specify to run a task each Sunday and Wednesday every three weeks.
  • Monthly - use this option to identify specific dates of certain months according to these options:
    • Day of every month(s) - select a specific date in a month in which you want to run the task. For example, you can define to run a task the 12th of January. 
    • The of every month(s) - use this option when you do not want to determine specific dates. You can select from options such as FirstSecondThirdFourth, or Last of a selected week day of a specific month. For example, you can determine to run a task the Second Sunday of March.


After you select your trigger time-based specifications, you can go to Advanced Settings for more trigger options. 

Creating a Trigger At Log on 

Use this option if you want the task to run when a user logs on to the computer. You can select from:  

  • Any user - use this option to run the task when any user logs on to the computer
  • Specify user -  use this option to determine a specific user that will trigger the task

Creating a Trigger At Startup

Select this option if you want to run the task when the computer starts up. 

Creating a Trigger On idle 

Select this option to run the task after the computer enters an idle state. You can set the idle settings in the  Conditions tab  of this wizard. 

Creating a Trigger On an Event

Use this option if you want to identify specific event entries added to an event log that will cause to run the task. You can select from:  

  • Basic - this option lets you define basic event trigger settings. Select from the Log drop down list, the log that contains the event, identify the publisher name from the Source drop-down list, and specify the event identifier in the Event ID field.  
  • Custom -  select this option if you want to customize your event trigger settings. Click New Event Filter to specify your settings. In the new dialog window you can define:
    • Filter - use this option to specify a custom event filter to query for events that will trigger the task. You can define the Logged parameter, the Event level (warning, critical, etc.), if the event will be filtered By Log or By source. In each case, specify the respective parameters. According to your settings, you can also identify, the Event IDs to Include or Exclude, Task CategoryKeywordsUsers, or Computers.
    • XML - an XML file will be created according to your settings in the Filter section, you can select Edit query manually to edit your query. 

Creating a Trigger At task creation/modification

Select this option if you want to run the task as soon as it is created or when the task is modified. If you select this option you do not need additional settings, but you can configure Advanced Options.

Creating a Trigger On connection to user session

Use this option run a task when a user session connects from a local or remote desktop connection. You can specify the following settings:

  • Any user - use this option to run the task when any user connects 
  • Specific User - select this option to specify the user that will cause the task to run 
  • Connection from remote computer - use this option to run the task when the user connects from a Remote Desktop Connection program from a remote computer
  • Connection from local computer - use this option to run the task when the user connects to a user session on the local computer 

Creating a Trigger On disconnect from user session

Use this option run a task when a user session disconnects from a local or remote desktop connection. You can specify the following settings:

  • Any user - use this option to run the task when any user disconnects 
  • Specific User - select this option to specify the disconnected user that will cause the task to run 
  • Connection from remote computer - use this option to run the task when the user disconnects from a Remote Desktop Connection program from a remote computer
  • Connection from local computer - use this option to run the task when the user disconnects from a user session on the local computer 

Creating a Trigger On workstation lock

Select this option to run a task when the computer is locked. You can specify from the following options:

  • Any user - use this option to run the task when any user locks the computer
  • Specific User - select this option to specify the user that will cause the task to run  

Creating a Trigger On workstation unlock

 Select this option to run a task when the computer is unlocked. You can specify from the following options:

  • Any user - use this option to run the task when any user unlocks the computer
  • Specific User - select this option to specify the user that will cause the task to run  

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