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The Schedule tab allows you to select when and how often the policy runs. Select


the Type to change


the Schedule options displayed by SQL


defrag manager. Use Restrictions to create a maintenance window for the time frame in which the policy runs. You can also set the policy to stop execution once this window passes.


Automation types

Based on your specified policy settings, SQL


defrag manager analyzes registered instances and can also defragment the hot spots it finds. The schedule you specify in this window defines how often the policy analyzes the selected instances and databases. You can use SQL


defrag manager in several ways:

  • You can schedule SQL
  • Defrag Manager
  • defrag manager to analyze your registered instances on a regular basis and automatically defragment database objects as needed. SQL
  • Defrag Manager
  • defrag manager uses your defined responses
  • and index thresholds to
  • and threshold levels to determine what type of defragmentation tasks to perform.
  • You can schedule SQL
  • Defrag Manager
  • defrag manager to analyze your registered instances on a regular basis. You can define the policies so SQL
  • Defrag Manager
  • defrag manager creates To Do items when it finds Caution or Critical levels of fragmentation. Then, you can review the To Do items on a regular basis and run the defragmentation tasks when appropriate.
  • You can analyze the database objects when you want updated analysis information. Then, you decide what to do based on the data collected and displayed. You can review the results and 
  • manual defragmentation objects
  • manually defragment objects that have high levels of fragmentation.


ConsIDERAtions when defining a schedule




defrag manager allows you to define a custom schedule for database fragmentation analysis. You can define the exact schedule you want to use when analyzing the associated database objects. Scheduling is ideal when you have specific time constraints for analysis and defragmentation tasks, or when there are only certain hot spot areas you want to analyze and defragment on a regular basis. For example, since a thorough analysis can use system resources needed for other database activity, you may want to schedule this analysis during periods of low database activity or demand. You can schedule a custom analysis on a single date and time, or at specified intervals, such as daily or weekly.


The Interval option defines the period of time to wait from the end of a rebuild before running the next analysis. For example, if you select


the Interval option and specify 60 minutes as the repeat interval, SQL


defrag manager waits 60 minutes from the end of a rebuild before running the next policy.

If you select


the Interval or Daily option, you can specify the time period during which the policy can start. SQL


defrag manager runs the policy and the associated defragmentation activities based on the defined automated responses. You can set SQL


defrag manager to stop these automated analysis and defragmentation activities when the end time specified for the between option is reached.


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