Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • Cleaned up JavaScript execution running in the background that was not needed. With a large number of servers registered (from around 150 on a typical system) this could result in some slugginess in interactive parts of Monyog SQL DM for MySQL due to CPU contention.
  • Explain option was not present in processlist page for queries starting with comment.
  • On Windows 'Real_time' monitoring did not work since 5.61.
  • Rendering of replication page failed if GTID (Global Transaction ID) mode was enabled for MySQL Slaves.
  • Resolving the IP from a host name happened multiple times during display of replication page what could slow down rendering of replication page noticeably on some environments.
  • Some Dashboard charts could show incorrect data.
  • Dashboard failed to render charts when based on a counter saved without caption, series caption and series values.
  • When restarting SQL DM for MySQL it would perform a SQLite Schema upgrade even if it was not required. Version 5.61 was affected.


  • The rendering of Monitors and Dashboard page was slow with large number of servers both registered and selected and when multiple users were connected simultaneously displaying the page. It could take one minute or more in some cases. It is now a matter of seconds.
  • With a large number of servers registered, editing details for one was slow. Also this could take around 1 minute, and the improvement is in the same range as above.
  • Event manager's database ( is now moved from global level to server level in order to prevent locking problems with a large number of servers. Monyog SQL DM for MySQL will migrate data first time it starts after the upgrade.
  • Fixed a multi-threading issue that in rare cases could crash Monyog SQL DM for MySQL while registering more than one server at the same time.
  • Fixed a rare crash in Monyog SQL DM for MySQL while viewing replication tab.
  • Fixed a rare crash in Monyog SQL DM for MySQL while resolving CSOs ("Custom SQL Objects").
  • Monyog SQL DM for MySQL could fail to send mail alerts if a single mail contained alerts for more than one monitor.
  • Monyog SQL DM for MySQL was showing errors in Query Analyzer, Realtime and Processlist pages when a query contained characters used for specifying HTML tags.
  • If a registered server was not a slave but marked as such in Advanced Settings .. Replication, Monyog SQL DM for MySQL was leaking connections every time it was collecting data and finally connections (from Monyog SQL DM for MySQL as well as other clients) could fail due to 'max_connections' setting being exceeded.
  • For MySQL InnoDB-related monitors were showing "(n/a)". The reason was removal of the 'have_innodb' server variable in MySQL 5.6.


  • Fixed a memory leak when reading MySQL server logs through SFTP.
  • Fixed a multi-threading issue that in rare cases could crash Monyog SQL DM for MySQL running on Linux while reading the MySQL error log.
  • "Apply settings to all the servers with same tags" was not working when data collection was disabled globally.
  • The fix in 5.55 for indented display of a slave compared to its master was not complete. Proper indentation could still fail.


  • In the replication page a slave was not displaying indented compared to its master as it should if slave and master were running on same host.
  • Fixed a multi-threading issue that in rare cases could crash Monyog SQL DM for MySQL if the Monitors page was viewed simultaneously in multiple browsers.
  • Stability fixes for issues found during internal stress-testing and code review. No crash, slowdown ('hang') or similar was reported due to any of those, but it could theoretically happen under specific and rare circumstances.

5.54 SQL DM for MySQL (November 2012)

Fixed Issues:

  • Sometimes Monyog SQL DM for MySQL could hang while editing server's tag.
  • Processlist did not show "view query" for prepared statements.


Fixed Issues:

  • When upgrading to Monyog SQL DM for MySQL 5.51 admin rights for users with such failed to be migrated. This release fixes this for both users that have already upgraded to 5.51 and those that have not.


  • In the 'Real Time' interface displaying large BULK INSERTS was slow.
  • Logging out from Monyog SQL DM for MySQL while 'Real Time' was populating could crash MonyogSQL DM for MySQL. Linux - and not Windows - was affected.
  • In the replication overview page Monyog SQL DM for MySQL will now show 'binlog' file name and it's position wherever it applies (where binlogging is enabled). Before it was showing only for master servers.
  • In the Monitors page the percentage of SELECTS did not display. This was unlike INSERTS, DELETES and UPDATES .
  • A 'Long running query' email alert has added a note clarifying that when the alert was sent the query may still be running. Before it could be understood like the alert was sent after query had completed.


  • Added a new major feature called ‘Real-Time’ to monitor MySQL. This feature details the top 200 queries, slow queries, locked queries, locking queries, tables, databases, users, hosts and query states in real time. Information is retrieved from MySQL every one second. Queries taking more than 10 seconds to execute are considered as slow queries. Note that Monyog SQL DM for MySQL depends on the ‘InnoDB Plugin’ (optional with recent MySQL 5.1 versions, standard with higher MySQL versions) to get information on locked and locking queries. Refer MySQL docs for more information on InnoDB plugin. Also note that constants listed here are currently 'hard-coded' but we plan to implement user settings. 'Real-Time' is an Enterprise and Ultimate feature.
  • Optimized Monitors page to retrieve and display data approximately 10 times faster than before
  • Added an option to choose verbosity of email notifications. 'lesser verbosity' is in particular relevant if you receive mails on a mobile phone or another small handheld device.
  • Added 'Monitor level' email-address alert setting. If an email address is specified for a specific monitor, notification will be sent to that particular email-address when the monitor is alertable in addition to the email address specified globally for the server.
  • In the MySQL query log settings page, the 'file path' field for general query as well as slow query log was disabled for MySQL versions lesser than 5.1.6.


  • Introduced support for 'native' MySQL SSL-encryption with direct MySQL connections.
  • Monyog SQL DM for MySQL now fully supports IPv6 (Internet Protocol Version 6).
  • History-trends have been optimized to retrieve data faster than it was before. With large data sets this results in a speed improvement in the range of a factor ~25.
  • Passwords for Monyog SQL DM for MySQL users are no longer stored in clear text. A hash is stored (for admin user in MONyog.ini - for other users in the embedded database). Also MySQL passwords as well as SSH/SSL keys, certificates and passphrases are now stored obfuscated. First time Monyog SQL DM for MySQL starts after upgrading from a version using clear text storage it will rewrite passwords etc. to the hashed/obfuscated representation.
  • Added a Linux counter "Load Average" as exposed by the Linux kernel in /proc/loadavg.


  • Notification emails were not being sent when the number of file descriptors used by Monyog SQL DM for MySQL exceeded a certain number.
  • Fixed a bug with the Custom SQL monitor where no data was being displayed in the Monitors page when all the columns retrieved by the Custom SQL were specified as Key Columns.
  • Increased readability by improving SNMP trap format.
  • UI fixes and enhancements.


  • This release requires a new registration code. Neither the 5.1x nor the pre-5.1x key will work with this. Registered customers will get the new code from our Customer Portal. Please have the new code available before installing. Until Monyog SQL DM for MySQL is registered with new keys, it will not be collecting data from your servers.


  • Added filter for including or excluding specific hosts and(or) users in Slow log analysis.
  • Added and modified a few Monitors related to Replication, InnoDB and Security. Most of this utilizes metrics exposed by MySQL from version 5.5 .
  • Added a preconfigured Custom SQL Object (CSO) for Percona Servers exposing the most written and most read tables.
  • There is now session-wide persistence while sorting columns in Query Analyzer.
  • Improved error messages in Query Analyzer and Wayback machine.
  • Usability enhancements, GUI fixes and internal optimizations.

Fixed Issues:

  • Monyog SQL DM for MySQL was not working while behind Apache configured as a reverse proxy. This bug was introduced in Monyog version 5.0 of SQL DM for MySQL.

5.12 SQL DM for MySQL (April 2012)


  • Sometimes the default landing page failed to load after a log in. A refresh was necessary. This was introduced in Monyog version 5.0 of SQL DM for MySQL.
  • Closed alerts could reappear in the Monitors page after an unsuccessful data collection and MySQL restart.


  • This release requires a new registration code. Registered customers will get the new code from our Customer Portal. Please have the new code available before installing. Until Monyog SQL DM for MySQL is registered with new keys, it will not be collecting data from your servers.


  • Introduced tag level customization in Monyog Monitors. Monyog tags for servers are now available as Monyog Object Model variable (MONyog.Connections.TagName returns an array of tag names defined for a server). Documentation has examples on how to use it in scripting. Also see the note on 'Native Javascript properties' support in next point below.
  • Native Javascript JavaScript properties (like length, indexOf, splice etc) are now fully supported in Monitors and Dashboard. Note that 'indexOf' is required to check for individual tags from the array exposed by Monyog.Connections.TagName (see point above) in case there is more than one tag.
  • Optimized Dashboard page to retrieve information faster.
  • Auto-registered slaves will now have server names as their host names as default.
  • Auto registering slaves will now assume the SSH host name of the slaves to be same as that of MySQL host. Before this the slaves' SSH hosts were assumed to be the same as that of the master.


  • On Monyog restart, server edit, SQLite vacuum and Mysql MySQL restart there were 2 consecutive data collections with a short time interval. This could skew charts and MySQL metrics. Now Monyog collects data 2 consecutive times only when required - i.e during the first collection and after an unsuccessful data collection.
  • Exporting charts as PNG exported as JPEG instead in Monitors page. This bug was introduced in Monyog version 5.0 of SQL DM for MySQL.
  • UI fixes.


  • Increased Monyog SQL DM for MySQL session timeout from 30 minutes to 8 hours (the MySQL default).
