Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • The same binary/installer is now used for any license model (whether TRIAL or whatever number of servers). A license key defines and controls how many servers can be registered. You may retrieve your license key from our Customer Portal. Before installation please ensure that you have registration details available and also soon after installation has completed please connect to Monyog SQL DM for MySQL from your browser and enter registration details. This change of packaging concept simplifies the release cycle for us, as there are now much fewer installers that will need to be built and tested.
  • Also now all distributed builds will run as a TRIAL will run for a month (not till a fixed date) and in the TRIAL period an unlimited number of servers can be registered.
  • Unfortunately and as a consequence of the changed packaging concept it is not possible to install a 3.1 RPM build on top of a previous version as the file name format (ie. version substring) will need to change to be functional by RPM installers ('rpm' console command and various distribution-specific commands and GUI tools). Previous RPM versions installed must be uninstalled this time before installing 3.1 (but note that previously collected data will still be preserved and available after this). For Windows .exe and Linux .tar.gz builds there is no such issue.


  • On RedHat type Linux 'service MONyogd start' command would sometimes not start Monyog SQL DM for MySQL in first attempt if Monyog SQL DM for MySQL process had been killed or had crashed.
  • The mail header of Monyog SQL DM for MySQL mail alerts did not handle unicode. Now utf8 encoding is used everywhere.


3.09 SQL DM for MySQL (June 2009)

Fixed Issues:

  • If Monyog SQL DM for MySQL user for monitoring a replicating slave did not have 'replication client' privilege', MySQL availability would be shown as 'No' in Monitors/Advisors page (even though 'test connection' was successful).
  • If mail alerts were enabled, a syntax error in customized javascript JavaScript could cause a crash.
  • Charts for a server in Dashboard page would not resume updating after a disconnect and reconnect to that server. A browser refresh was required.
  • The chart 'popups' from Monitors/Advisors page would not populate with historical data from the Monyog SQL DM for MySQL database but only with fresh data sampled.
  • After sorting in Query Analyzer the expand/collapse state was lost.


  • Query Analyzer did not show correct output when displaying a sorted result. A wrong LIMIT clause was generated when querying the temporary database containing queries.
  • Fixed a bug in checksum calculation on 64 bit builds. The checksum is used by Query Analyzer for indexing. On 64 bit wrong sort order could result from this.
  • If SSH-tunneling to a MySQL server had been used and later the setting for 'Use SSH' was changed to "No", Monyog SQL DM for MySQL would continue to use SSH tunnel as long as valid tunneling details were available.


  • SSL/TLS mail encryption is now supported for mail alerts.
  • Added an option to rebuild Monyog SQL DM for MySQL databases. Using this option periodically may result in better performance - including shorter startup time when OS is rebooted. Basically using this option will defragment the database including indexes. It is not possible to provide an 'absolute' advice on how this option should be used. But the larger the databases and the shorter the sample interval the faster there is a chance of fragmentation occurring after a huge amount of INSERT´s and DELETE´s to the database (note that only with databases files of around 1 GB and larger we have seen the need for this. A 'general' advice could be to execute monthly with large database files).
  • Improved error messages for Query Analyzer.


  • When "Test Connection" or "Test Path" was clicked Monyog SQL DM for MySQL seemed inactive. Now the mouse cursor will change to an 'active state cursor' indicating that Monyog SQL DM for MySQL is performing the requested operation.
  • With query sniffer enabled the 64 bit Linux build could crash. Reports about this include RedHat and Ubuntu Linux distributions with very recent Linux Kernels.


New Features:

  • In case of invalid javascript JavaScript in a counter definition, Monyog SQL DM for MySQL will now tell details about this error.
  • Optimizations in the handling of the Monyog SQL DM for MySQL embedded database. In particular users with a very large retention timeframe setting and rather short sample interval (resulting in large databases) will benefit from that.


  • The above will also fix an issue where Monyog SQL DM for MySQL seemed to 'hang' when saving connection details for a connection having large database files.


Fixed Issues:

  • For 5.1.x server Monyog SQL DM for MySQL was not fetching the log details like slow query log and general query log file path in Connection details section.


  • The 'query sniffer' can now connect to and retrieve data from a running instance of the MySQL-proxy program used by one or more clients to connect to MySQL. A LUA script for controlling the proxy for use with is provided with this build. With this sniffer option the SHOW FULL PROCESSLIST statement will not be sent and thus use of 'query sniffer' will not put any load on MySQL.
  • SSH connections will now attempt more authentication methods in case the first method attempted failed. This will solve problems reported with tunneling to MySQL on FreeBSD that as per default does not support the full range of SSH authentication methods (and possible similar problems).
  • Updated advisors. This is a complete and major revamp of advisors in . It is still in progress (around 80% is finished).
  • Log Analyzer will expose call statements.
  • In Log Analyzer ''Rows Sent' and 'Rows Examined' column will be displayed as KBs/MBs.
  • Connection Details (Connection name, MySQL user, SSH user, SSH tunneling user which are saved in connection details are exposed for customization in Monitors/Advisors. (For instance 'connection name' can be accessed using MONyog.Connections.ConnectionName, 'MySQL user' as MONyog.connections.MySQLUser etc. Please refer documentation for more detailed list of all counters exposed.). Using this option counters can be made specific for specific Monyog SQL DM for MySQL connection details. For instance you can have two connections defined to the same server that will display each their set of counters.
  • Monyog SQL DM for MySQL now has an ability to fully utilize the caching abilities of modern browsers. Now when refreshing a page where there is no change there will be almost no network traffic generated and the page will refresh almost instantaneously.
  • Monyog SQL DM for MySQL is able to read microseconds from proxy and if available in slow query log and will (for readability) show in milliseconds.
  • Sniffer output will now display MAX, first seen time, last seen time, query occurrence %. Also query occurrence % and Lock Time for a query was added to slow query log and query occurrence % for a query was added to general query log displays.
  • Added an option to execute FLUSH STATUS from inside MonyogSQL DM for MySQL.

Fixed Issues:

  • Once a connection in connection page was defined ssh = 'yes' for a Linux server and changed on 'no' then the GUI would not update with proper information.


  • Grouping of queries is now case insensitive for all forms of query analysis.
  • The browser cache support added in beta2 has been temporary removed. There is a problem with Firefox3 with cache and AJAX (update requests were not sent from a cached page - only current cache content was reloaded). Note that FF3 users who had beta2 installed will need to clear the browser cache after installing this beta3.
  • Note that the qd.lua script for PROXY-based sniffer has been updated and renamed to 'MONyog.lua'. For use with this Monyog SQL DM for MySQL version the old script must be replaced.
  • Also note that Log Analyzer has been renamed to 'Query Analyzer'.


  • This release adds a 'base time' setting in MonyogSQL DM for MySQL. This setting (if defined by user) will be used for calculation of uptime-based counters. The reason for this implementation is that if FLUSH STATUS is executed with a MySQL server, specific server status variables will be reset to the same value as would be after a server restart. However the 'uptime' status variable itself is not affected by FLUSH STATUS. And as uptime-based counters will relate the value of cumulative status variables with some initial time, using the 'uptime' variable as the initial time will result in calculation of misleading values if FLUSH STATUS was executed. So to get true uptime-based counters in Monyog SQL DM for MySQL with servers that do not support the 'uptime_since_flush_status' variable (and currently only 5.0 COMMUNITY servers from 5.0.37 do - not ENTERPRISE servers and not any other major branch than 5.0 and also not 5.0 before 5.0.37) you will need to define a 'base time' in Monyog SQL DM for MySQL greater than or equal to the time where FLUSH STATUS was executed last time. Also you can now discard data older than a specific time by using this setting. Refer to documentation for full details.
  • Improved the purging logic with the Monyog embedded database. Now also system CPU load is considered and purging operations will be skipped if CPU is high. This is a further improvement to the change in purging logic introduced in version 2.5.
  • Monyog SQL DM for MySQL can now be running behind an Apache server configured as 'reverse proxy'. Before this release Monyog java script SQL DM for MySQL JavaScript was not accessed due to absolute paths, as a result Monyog SQL DM for MySQL pages were not displaying properly.


  • Fixed an issue where data collection would continue to fail with 'database locked' error message in the log. We now roll back the query generating the lock and collection can continue (this was reported happening by a single user (only) after Monyog SQL DM for MySQL upgrade).

2.8 SQL DM for MySQL (September 2008)


  • On 64 bit Linux systems running Monyog SQL DM for MySQL 64 bit builds queries could be considered identical by Log Analyzer even if they were not.
  • Authentication failed if the "#" character was used in password.


  • Fixed some issues with JSON strings that could prevent objects in the Monyog SQL DM for MySQL browser interface to populate with data. Most important 'Monitors/Advisors' page would fail to display if a username contained a doublequote character.


  • CPU optimizations in both Monyog SQL DM for MySQL (server) process (in particular when 'Monitors/Advisors' page was being viewed) and browser processes (viewing Dashboard could cause high CPU usage in Firefox browser in particular).


  • The RPM installer scripts for Linux was updated in various ways. This solves issues on specific distributions including: 1) Uninstall with the SuSE/YaST 'software management' GUI was not possible. 2) It was not always possible to install on top of a running Monyog SQL DM for MySQL service - sometimes it was necessary to stop service manually before upgrading. Also note: when updating from trial to single/multi server or from single server to multi server it is still necessary to uninstall the old version first. And when installing this version any older version will have to be removed with the "rpm -e ..." command in advance (distribution-specific GUI tools may not work with versions before this one, so please use the RPM console command). We apologize for this but there is no other way.


  • With SFTP connection to the log file selecting "ALL" for log size to be downloaded in Log Analyzer page could have the result that the log file download would last forever.
  • Analyzing log chunks containing BULK INSERT statements could in special situations cause a program crash.
  • "Group by" option in history/trends page could deliver incorrect results if MySQL and Monyog SQL DM for MySQL were using different timezonestime-zones.
  • Fixed a bug with resolvement of time in log analyzer that could result that no queries or less queries than what should be were returned. The most recent queries would sometimes not be shown. Issue was only if log was retrieved with SFTP.
  • When retrieving logs stored in tables the substitution of literals would fail for binary data .
  • Installing a RPM multi/single server builds on top of a trial build (and vice versa) resulted in that they were installed in parallel. Also on SUSE Monyog SQL DM for MySQL was not registered with the correct run level. The RPM has been updated to fix this.
  • When downloading a log Monyog SQL DM for MySQL would continue to download in the background until end of file even after STOP button was clicked.
  • In the display of queries from the Processlist page special characters could garble.
  • Also in Log Analyzer page special characters would not always be identified correctly. This bug also affected records with binary data. Both display and grouping was affected (depending on where those occurred - in plain strings or in identifiers).
  • Repeatedly switching between sorting and show details for a slow query log in Log Analyzer could in certain situations crash MonyogSQL DM for MySQL.


  • Display of servers is now sorted in the order of the server/connection name. Earlier the internal ID was used for sorting. Also note that now no Monyog SQL DM for MySQL restart is required for changing sort order. A connection rename alone will do.


  • MySQL Server Log Analysis: Monyog SQL DM for MySQL is now able to retrieve (completely or partially) the General Query Log and the Slow Query Log (whether stored as files or tables on the server) from the MySQL servers it connects to and analyze them.
  • Query Sniffer: A 'query sniffer' is implemented that will record a 'pseudo log' on the client (MonyogSQL DM for MySQL) side. The sniffer is useful when 'real logs' are not available, but also the sniffer has various filtering options what will sometimes make it more useful than the 'real server logs' also when they are available.


  • More Linux system counters added: Counters related to Linux memory (including swap) usage added.
  • RPM build now supports SuSE SUSE and Mandrake/Mandriva Linux distributions.


  • Under specific circumstances the Monyog the SQL DM for MySQL service would stop very slow.
  • If network connection was temporarily unavailable the first CPU value after network came back told 100% CPU load.
  • The temporary files for storing public/private keys are now being created with very restrictive file permission in Linux. So only the owner will be able to read/write these temporary files. Although these files would exist only for a fraction of second, in earlier versions of Monyog SQL DM for MySQL other users in the same Linux system could get access to them within that small timeslice.
  • Fixed an issue with trending where graphs would not always display properly for uptime-based counters.
  • MONyog.ini file and Monyog SQL DM for MySQL database files on Linux are now only readable for user who starts/installs (.gz and RPM build respectively) Monyog SQL DM for MySQL (and of course for any user too that was given access by a root user). Before the files were world-readable. This applies to fresh installations only - there is no change with existing installations.
  • Solved an issue where slow startup could occur if lots of servers were registered (Technical: If Monyog SQL DM for MySQL had not been running for a while, large amounts of data could require deletion from the Monyog database. The queries used to identify those data would generate significant I/O at startup. The retention process is now 'smoothed over time' and indexes have been added for more efficient deletions).


  • Fixed: The new version 3 release of Mozilla Firefox (now in RC) has a flickering issue with Monyog SQL DM for MySQL and the login page did not load correctly in that browser version.


Performance improvement:

  • Earlier Monyog SQL DM for MySQL was semaphore intensive. That could result in reaching the 'limit of semaphores that can be created by the kernel' in some systems. Monyog SQL DM for MySQL 2.04 will use less semaphores. Another symptom was that a large number of small and zero-size files could be left behind (in system TEMP folder on Windows and in MONyog/bin folder on Linux). This is also solved with this.


  • In some situations where SSH connections failed (including if Monyog SQL DM for MySQL was not able to connect to MySQL through tunnel, wrong SSH authentication details for tunneling etc.), sockets were not being closed and it could result in that many sockets were kept in CLOSE_WAIT state. (Note: Connections to MySQL not using SSH were not affected!)


  • SSH tunneling to MySQL servers.
  • Analysis of historical data (trends).
  • Dashboard graph size is now configurable.
  • You can choose to display x-axis values or not in Dashboard (in 'large' display mode). Also remember that no matter if axis-values are displaying you can retrieve values by pointing the mouse to a node in the charts.
  • The no. of samples displayed in dashboard is configurable.
  • Above dashboard settings can be changed from the dashboard page itself.
  • 64 bit binaries for Linux included.
  • Option to display counters as 'value/sec'.
  • Reorganized the connection page for better clarity.
  • Performance improvements.
  • JavaScript code was 'broken down' to smaller units for easier customization. Every counter group now has its own 'custom' script.
  • The menu was reorganized and other GUI improvements for easier navigation between the different functionalities.
  • The 'looks and feel' (of graphics in particular) has been vastly improved.
  • Documentation/help was updated and reorganized with better structure, more hyperlinks - and also now much more better looking.

Fixed Issues:

  • Monyog SQL DM for MySQL would not install on some older Linux distro's (including RHEL3).
  • In Linux it was possible to start more identically named Monyog instances. This is now prevented.
  • When stopping Monyog SQL DM for MySQL service it could happen that the service was reported to be stopped before the task was complete. Starting service in this situation would return an error. Now it will report 'running' as long as it is not fully stopped.
  • Fixed an issue with the shell script for non-RPM Linux where it could be reported that service had started when it had not.
  • Fixed some calculation bugs (affected 'hit rate' and 'percentage of used blocks' counters).


  • Adding a server with notification enabled was storing wrong information in the '' configuration file. After a restart of the Monyog SQL DM for MySQL service the wrong information that was read from that file would cause notifications to stop working. Note that if a connection was configured in 'two steps' where notification settings were added to an existing connection there was no error.
  • Fixed a memory leak occurring with public/private key authentication when connection was unsuccessful (server not available, invalid key pair etc.).
  • The shortcuts installed by Monyog SQL DM for MySQL installers now point directly to '' (and not 'localhost'). This solves an issue with Firefox on Windows Vista where resolution of the URL 'localhost' was very slow.


  • Adding a server with notification enabled was storing wrong information in the '' configuration file. After a restart of the Monyog SQL DM for MySQL service the wrong information that was read from that file would cause notifications to stop working. Note that if a connection was configured in 'two steps' where notification settings were added to an existing connection there was no error.
  • Fixed a memory leak occurring with public/private key authentication when connection was unsuccessful (server not available, invalid key pair etc.).
  • The shortcuts installed by Monyog SQL DM for MySQL installers now point directly to '' (and not 'localhost'). This solves an issue with Firefox on Windows Vista where resolution of the URL 'localhost' was very slow.


  • Fixed some small memory leaks.
  • Deleting a connection did not remove all the files belonging to that connection.
  • Fixed a rare issue where browser could report that the page cannot be displayed while saving/editing server details or connection (IE issue only).
  • Fixed an issue with system counters where 100% CPU usage erroneously could be reported when Monyog SQL DM for MySQL started.

1.11 SQL DM for MySQL (October 2007)


  • Support for SHOW FULL PROCESSLIST - Monyog SQL DM for MySQL monitor processes on the servers in real time. Various filtering options for PROCESSLIST are available. Further displays, copy and EXPLAIN (EXTENDED) a running query from inside MonyogSQL DM for MySQL.
  • Documentation was updated - including information about the PROCESSLIST feature, up-to-date screenshots etc.
  • Counters and Advisors - Small adjustments!
  • Debug DUMP facility - Monyog SQL DM for MySQL (Windows version) has an ability to store crash-dumps fit for debugging similar to SQLyog as explained here: Debug facility
  • Menu rearrangement etc. - or clarity we have decreased the number of menus displaying. Those that 'went away' are available as links or submenus.


  • Fixed a crashing bug in mailing section if a .js-component was corrupted.
  • Adding the option to send mail after registering a server required Monyog SQL DM for MySQL service to be restarted.

1.03 SQL DM for MySQL (August 2007)


Version 1.0 RC changed the storage position for various files used by MonyogSQL DM for MySQL. This release is in this respect identical to 1.0 RC and 1.0.


Users upgrading from 0.9 who want to use existing data must after installing this version:

  1. Stop Monyog SQL DM for MySQL service.
  2. Copy the folders containing databases named with a number like "0001" or "0002".
  3. Start Monyog SQL DM for MySQL service.

No such intervention is required when upgrading from version 1.0 RC or 1.0 (unless storage position is changed again, of course!).


Version 1.0 RC changed the storage position for various files used by MonyogSQL DM for MySQL. This release is in this respect identical to 1.0 RC.


Users upgrading from 0.9 who want to use existing data must after installing this version.

1. Stop Monyog SQL DM for MySQL service.
2. Copy the folders containing databases named with a number like "0001" or "0002".
3. Start Monyog SQL DM for MySQL service.

No such intervention is required when upgrading from version 1.0 RC (unless storage position is changed again, of course!).

Upgrading from versions before 0.9 is not possible. These versions must be uninstalled and installation folder deleted or this version must be installed to another folder.


0.9 SQL DM for MySQL Beta1 (July 2007)

Note that this release is a TRIAL build. It has the restrictions that,


  • Authentication is in place. Monyog SQL DM for MySQL pages can be watched from another machine where Monyog SQL DM for MySQL service is running. Monyog SQL DM for MySQL pages can be watched from another machine where Monyog SQL DM for MySQL service is running.
  • Two-level alerts (WARNING/CRITICAL).
  • Mail alerts.
  • Various timeframes available for display of data in 'Monitors/Advisors'.
  • Replication counters.
  • Documentation (1st version) included.
  • And lots of minor improvements.


  • Fixed a crashing issue while installing the Monyog SQL DM for MySQL over existing Monyog SQL DM for MySQL installation.
  • Introduced locks to make thread safe.
  • Fixed a leak of GDI's (Graphics Device Interfaces). Number of open GDI's would increase and when Monyog SQL DM for MySQL was running for very long time, Monyog SQL DM for MySQL service could ultimately crash.
  • Fixed few JavaScript issues.
