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Go to AdminPoint and see the Precise Administration Guide to perform the following:•    To

  • To configure the Alerts settings


  • To edit a metric of a Tier or Tier

Process Availability alerts


The Process Availability metric for a specific instance is available on the Alerts user interface only if all of the following conditions are met:•    The

  • The Precise framework is installed.


  • Alerts and Insight are installed and Insight product is integrated with Alerts.


  • Insight OS Agent is installed on the machine the instance is running on.


  • The instance is monitored by Alerts (the FocalPoint of the specific instance is integrated with Alerts). This is required so that the instance can be viewed in the Alerts user interface.


  • Process Availability settings are defined for the instance.

For more information on the installation of these products, see the Precise Installation Guide.


A Process Availability configuration includes the list of processes that you want to monitor and their respective details. You configure Process Availability in the Process Availability Settings dialog box, accessible from the Alerts user interface.

To add a new Process Availability setting1.    From

  1. From the Alerts user interface, on the Precise bar, click Settings>Process Availability.


  1. In the Process Availability Settings dialog box, select the technology you want to work with and Click Add.


  1. In the Process Availability Setting - Add dialog box, enter a Process Availability Name. Do not leave any empty spaces in the name.


  1. Enter User Name (optional). Entering the user name limits the availability of processes search to the collection of processes related to the specified user name.


  1. To search for processes stored in the PMDB, enter a name or use wildcards (*) at the beginning and/or end of the word (for example, *sql*) and click Search Now.


  1. Select each process you want to assign to this definition and click the corresponding arrow to move it to the Processes Assigned to this Definition table.


  1. You can Add Other Processes/Wildcard Patterns by inserting them in the text box and moving them to the Processes Assigned to this Definition table (for example, sqlWb*).


  1. To create an instance association, select whether to associate to Instances that have not been associated with a Definition or to Specific Instances.


  1. If you select Specific Instances, a list of instances that can be monitored (instances that have OS agents installed on the server they are running on) is displayed. Select each instance you want to associate and click the arrow to move it to the table on the right. You can also remove an instance's association by moving the instance back to the table on the left.


  1. Click OK to accept the settings. The Process Availability Settings dialog box is displayed showing your newly configured Process Availability setting.

The configuration will be deployed and sampled automatically on the selected servers. Data will be available on the Alerts GUI according to the sample rate of the selected metric. If you want to resample, you can do so after a 15 minute wait.

To edit an existing Process Availability definition1.    On

  1. On the Precise bar, click Settings>Process Availability.


  1. In the Process Availability Settings dialog box, select the technology you want to edit.


  1. Select the Process Availability Name you want to edit.


  1. Click Edit.


  1. In the Process Availability Settings - Edit dialog box, make the changes you want to the processes definitions and instance associations.


  1. Click OK.

To delete an existing Process Availability definition1.    On

  1. On the Precise bar, click Settings>Process Availability.


  1. In the Process Availability Settings dialog box, select the technology in which you want to make a deletion.


  1. Select the Process Availability Name you want to delete.


  1. Click Delete.


  1. On displayed confirmation dialog box, click Yes.



If you delete a process availability setting, all instances associated to that setting will automatically be disconnected from the process availability setting and their process availability metric will not be available.




If you uninstall the OS agent from a server, process availability will not be collected anymore for the instances on this server.


About editing metric properties
