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abandonment rateIn Web, a counter that keeps track of the percentage of users that abandon the loading of the Web page before it completes downloading.

An operation that Alerts FocalPoint automatically performs when detecting a warning or critical status for a specific metric. According to the defined action, Alerts FocalPoint opens a message box, sends an email or SNMP trap, or executes a program.

action item (manual)

Some installation steps cannot be executed automatically by Precise Installer. The administrator is required to execute them manually. Action Items are presented (when necessary) at end of installation or product update.


The central administration console of Precise that facilitates the maintenance, configuration, and management of all installed Precise components, such as monitoring the status of all Precise agents and PMDB processes, getting license information, starting and stopping the agents, getting log data on agents and events, changing PMDB settings, and installing patches.

See also PMDB. See also Precise Alerts Glossary.

adviceIn Oracle, an algorithm that is designed to recommend on gathering statistics, creating new indexes, change existing indexes, and add or delete hints to make Oracle's Optimizer choose a better access path and make the statement perform better. Can be activated from any DML (Data Manipulation Language) statement.

A program that runs on a server machine to collect, process, or communicate performance information. The Precise installation consists of multiple agents.


The state of an Alerts metric that has reached a near-critical or critical status. An alert is issued by Alerts, triggering an action and informing of a problem that has occurred or is likely to occur within the area sampled by the specific metric.

See also Precise Alerts Glossary.


These product provide alerts to problematic conditions before they turn into performance problems, based on predefined metrics and thresholds. Alerts can automatically perform an action, such as displaying a pop-up message, sending an email message or SNMP trap, or running a program.

Alerts FocalPoint

An agent that receives data from the InformPoint agents, stores it, and performs any action that has been user-defined for that specific alert, such as displaying a pop-up message, sending an email message or SNMP trap, or running a program.

See also InformPoint.

alert type

In Alerts, the status of all metrics belonging to a metric group or a monitored instance, indicating the current performance level through colors.

See also Precise Alerts Glossary. See also metric.

application server metric

In J2EE, a metrics that is provided by the application server or by customer code. This can include metrics published by the Java Management Extension (JMX) APIs or vendor-specific APIs, such as IBM's Performance Management Interface (PMI).

The abbreviation for an application tier in a Precise environment. An AppTier contains one or more instances of the same technology and purpose. Application tiers do not necessarily correspond to distinct physical servers: in many cases, the tiers are logical, with one server running multiple AppTiers or one AppTier spans a cluster of servers. A Precise environment may contain multiple AppTiers on the same technology. For example, you may group J2EE instances (JVMs) into a J2EE Presentation AppTier and a J2EE Business Logic AppTier. Segmenting application service time into the contribution of individual application tiers is helpful in identifying the source of performance problems. Analyzing the performance and behavior of each tier separately is crucial for isolating the root causes of performance problems.

In Oracle, SQL Server, DB2, and Sybase, the highest logical level in the SQL workspace hierarchy. A cabinet contains folders and, within folders, statements.

call path

A subset of a stack trace including only those methods that have been instrumented.

client cache

In Web, a counter that keeps track of the percentage of requests taken from the client cache (http status 304).

client-side collection

See Web client browser-side.


A group of servers or instances that are configured to be treated as a single entity. In Oracle, all Oracle instances of the same Oracle database (RAC configuration) are treated as a cluster and presented in the Precise for Oracle UI as a Database. In J2EE, a group of JVMs that serve the same application can be defined as Cluster (even if they are not defined as a cluster in the application server configuration). All JVMs of the same cluster share the same configuration.

collapsed access plan

In SQL Server and Sybase, the access plan of a unique group of statements or batches that belong to the same collapsed statement or batch but have different access plans. This can differ due to the constants in the text of the original (not collapsed) statements.

See also explained statement. See also collapsed statement.

collapsed statement

In Oracle, SQL Server, Sybase, and DB2, a statement whose constants are replaced with parameters. Each collapsed statement can have several access plans, according to the occurrences of its statements.

See also collapsed access plan.


The program that runs on the monitored server to collect performance information.

Some technologies allow a single Collector (agent) to serve multiple instances running on the same server. Other technologies require a dedicated Collector per monitored instance.

In most cases, it must be installed on the monitored server. Collectors for SAP, SQL Server, and Sybase may reside on a remote server.

See also Precise Alerts Glossary.

collector slice size

In J2EE, the smallest unit of data presentation and storage. It can be configured as 30 seconds or five minutes. If SmartLink is configured, relevant Web and Microsoft .NET Collectors will report to SmartLink using the same collector slice size. Regardless of the defined collector slice size, the most granular slice size presented on both the Precise for Web UI and the Precise for Microsoft .NET UI will be 15 minute intervals.

completion rate

In Web, a counter that keeps track of the percentage of users that completed the loading of a Web page.


The number of occurrences observed during a measurement interval.

CPU time

The average amount of time consumed by the operating system actively processing instructions on behalf of a running activity.

critical status

In Alerts, the status represented by a red bullet indicating that the value of the sampled metric has exceeded the near-critical and critical threshold values.

See also metric Precise Alerts Glossary.


In Insight, Report Manager, and Alerts, a perspective that provides high-level information about the performance of all AppTiers in an environment, including operating system data. It provides a holistic view of the entire environment and helps understand how the AppTiers interact.

See also Precise Alerts Glossary.

current data

In SmartLink, the end-to-end activity, detected by Precise over the last five minutes, including activities that are still in progress. In all databases products, a workspace that presents Current Sessions and the SQL statements that were executed including statements that are still in progress.


Represents invocations of a type not specifically defined.

See also work time.

customized metric

In Alerts, a user-defined metric that measures site-specific parameters.


Within Precise products and Insight SmartLink, the filtering of analyzed data by clicking a specific entity.

Then, additional information about the selected entity is presented, plus a breakdown of its activity by another entity. For example, drill down on a transaction and get an overtime graph of the selected transaction, plus a list of top users that executed the selected transaction.

entry point

Usually a top-level HTTP or EJB request. An entry point can originate when a user clicks in a browser or an E-commerce server invokes a remote EJB. J2EE makes a distinction between service request invocations and other invocations. The first HTTP or EJB invocation within a call path is designated as an entry point.


The highest Precise logical group. It may contain multiple AppTiers of various technologies that serve an application together. For example, a Payroll Production environment may contain all Web servers, application servers, transaction managers, databases, and servers that serve this application. Alternatively, it may contain any set of instances that form together an administrative group. Since Precise version 8.5, an instance can belong to more than one environment. Let's say a single Oracle database serves two different applications plus the DBA wants to associate this database with a group of other databases under his responsibility regardless of served applications. In this case the Oracle database will be associated to three different Precise environments.

See also Precise Alerts Glossary. See also instance.

ERP Extension

In Oracle, DB2, and SQL Server, an extension to the Collector that provides detailed information on the activities and resource consumption of packaged application components. It correlates the database information, and the packaged application information and lets you see users, transactions, reports, and other elements of ERP applications, such as Oracle Applications, SAP, PeopleSoft, and Siebel.


In Oracle, SQL Server, DB2, and Sybase, the number of times a SQL statement was executed during the selected time frame. In SmartLink and SAP, the number of times a transaction was executed during the selected time frame.

explained statement

In Oracle, SQL Server, DB2, and Sybase, a statement whose access path (chosen by the RDBMS Optimizer) is clarified and translated into a visual display. Explained results include information on the objects referenced by the statement and the operations performed on these objects.

extended collection

In Oracle, a function that proactively specifies a future period during which Oracle activity data is collected and organized for subsequent analysis. Extended collections are an easy means to view collected information, assess application resource consumption, and identify bottlenecks that are inhibiting application performance and end-user productivity.

Federated Precise

Federated Precise is a version of Precise (starting with version 8.5) that can manage multiple Precise installations within the AdminPoint screen, displaying and managing all environments, instances, and installations.

findingsA ranked list of top performance problems in the selected context. They are presented in Oracle, SQL Server, .NET, and J2EE. Each finding provides: a short explanation of the problem, detailed background information, and most important: one or more links to further investigate the problem and possibly get more granular findings on the selected context.
first byte time

In Web, a counter that keeps track of the time that it takes from the moment a new Web page is called until the first byte arrives back from the Web server.


An agent that communicates with the Listeners installed on the monitored servers, receives data from the Collectors, periodically processes and stores this data in the PMDB, and serves UI requests.


In SQL Server, Oracle, DB2, and Sybase, the intermediate logical level in the SQL workspace hierarchy. Folders are grouped into cabinets and contain SQL statements.

See also cabinet.

Framework Installer

The application that facilitates the installation of Precise framework components. It can be invoked from the installation DVD to install a new Precise deployment. It can also be invoked from an existing Precise deployment to install an additional framework node and attach it to the originating Precise deployment.

See also Framework node.

Framework node

A set of FocalPoint agents that are installed together and manages a set of monitored instances. The performance data of these instances will be loaded into a dedicated PMDB. A single Precise deployment may contain multiple framework nodes (using a separate PMDB for each node). An environment cannot span over multiple framework nodes.

garbage collection

An automatic process in the Java runtime environment that periodically reclaims memory used by objects that are no longer referenced. The process can impact an application's performance while memory is being reclaimed. Java programmers may initiate garbage collection explicitly.


In Web, the identifier that is used to group other identifiers, such as sites or URLs.


In Oracle, an instruction directed at the Oracle Optimizer that includes considerations for an execution plan.

The Oracle Optimizer will build an execution plan based on the hint, ignoring its own set of considerations.

hour group

A unit that reflects the type and level of activity within the system at different times. By defining the times of the day that are peak and off-peak, or day and night, the performance analysis can be focused on those particular times of the day. If, for example, most performance problems occur within nighttime and weekend batches, it can be useful to focus only on them.


In Alerts, an agent that retrieves performance data from all installed Precise products, analyzes it, and sends an alert to the Alerts FocalPoint when the predefined thresholds are exceeded.

See also Precise Alerts Glossary.


The Precise product family that facilitates the process of monitoring and correlating system performance. It consists of Insight.

See also Report Manager. See also Precise Alerts Glossary.

Insight FocalPoint

An agent that receives performance information from Insight Savvies, which monitor the environment.

Insight FocalPoint then correlates, processes, and stores this information in a centralized location. The Insight performance history is stored in the PMDB.

See also Savvy. See also PMDB. Precise Alerts Glossary.


A monitored object of a specific technology. The following list specifies what constitutes an instance for the various supported technologies: J2EE - a Java Virtual Machine (JVM - a logical name set by the user), Microsoft .NET - a Common Language Runtime (CLR - a logical name set by the user), Oracle Applications - an Oracle Applications Form server, Oracle - an Oracle instance, SAP - a SAP system, SQL Server - an SQL instance, Sybase - a Sybase instance, Tuxedo - a Tuxedo domain, Web - a Web server, WebSphere MQ - an IBM WebSphere Queue Manager, DB2 - a DB2 non-partitioned database or a DB2 database partition. During installation, the instance is associated with one AppTier and environment. An Instance can be moved to a different environment or associated with multiple environments without re-installation nor losing historical data.

See also Precise Alerts Glossary.

instance statistics

See performance counter.

instance / database changes

In SQL Server and Oracle, the part of the Collect Schema Changes process that captures instance definition changes and database option changes and saves them in the PMDB.


The process of inserting fault-tolerant recording hooks in Java byte code, .NET MSIL, HTML pages, or other monitored components, resulting in the capture of performance metrics. In J2EE, a mechanism that enables collecting performance information when an application is executed. The process involves inserting special fault-tolerant recording hooks into application class objects. In WEB, the insertion of recording hooks into HTML pages can either be in memory (Dynamic Instrumentation) or file-based (Static Instrumentation).

instrumentation context

See invocation context.

internal invocation

The process of invoking a request from an HTTP request (Servlet or JSP) or an EJB. J2EE displays an internal invocation like any other invocation.


An execution of a J2EE entity (a Servlet, EJB, SQL Statement, method, and so on). When mentioned in plural (Invocations), means the amount of times that the entity was executed.

invocation context

The context within which a method is invoked. For example, if Method A is invoked both from Method B and from Method C, there will be two different invocation contexts for the performance metrics collected for Method A, one for when it is invoked from Method B and one for when it is invoked from Method C.

See also call path and instrumentation context.

JRE (Java Runtime Environment)

As the runtime part of the Java software, the combination of the components that enable the execution of a Java program: a Java virtual machine, the core class libraries, and the files that form the Java platform.

JSP (Java Server Page)

An HTML page with special tags for Java scripting. An application server processes the tags and generates a Servlet.

JVM (Java Virtual Machine)

An instance of a JRE that executes Java programs. A server-side Java application server is itself a Java program that runs inside a JVM. Servlets, JSPs and EJBs are Java programs (applications) that run within the application server's JVM. J2EE monitors the JVM running the application server and the server-side Java applications within the application server.

JVM Heap Memory

The amount of real computer memory that is allocated to the JVM for executing Java programs.

key metric

In Alerts, a parameter that monitors a very important performance aspect. The status of the Oracle instance (up/down), for example, is crucial for system performance. If the instance is down, this is the first problem that needs to be solved. Marking a metric as key metric ensures that a critical alert raised for this metric receives top priority by the person that is responsible to handle alerts at any time. It can also help determine which alert to handle first in case of multiple alerts. In Alerts, key metrics are always displayed at the top of a metric table when it is sorted by alerts so that they get immediate attention.


The agent that facilitates the communication between the various Precise agents across different servers must be installed on every server where Collectors or FocalPoint agents are installed. The Listener allows communication with all other agents installed on the monitored server, while only the Precise Listener port is known by other servers.

login name

In SQL Server and Sybase, the session identifier that represents the credential used to connect to the database. When an ERP extension is installed, the user name of the packaged application's client overrides the login name. For example, when SAP extension is installed, the SAP user name overrides the login name.


A session identifier. A machine as sampled, for example, by the SQL Server Collector is the identification of the machine where the client process executes. Machine is also sampled by Oracle, DB2 and Sybase. In Insight terminology Machine is called Client machine.

Main framework node

A main framework node is the single point for login and also serves as the Precise FocalPoint for the entire deployment.

major collection count

Number of estimated major garbage collection events that occurred during the last J2EE collector slice. A major garbage collection can stop the application while JVM heap memory is being reclaimed. See also garbage collection.

major garbage collection time

Percentage of time spent by the JVM executing major garbage collection events during the displayed interval.

See also garbage collection.


A Java object that represents a manageable resource. In J2EE, MBeans, or Managed Beans, are used for application server metrics.

memory logger interval

The interval at which the J2EE Collector gathers JVM heap memory data. All snapshots of the memory logger's data collected according to the memory logger interval are summarized with counters in the current aggregation interval. The memory logger interval's time span is typically a small fraction of the aggregation interval.


In Alerts, a query that helps measure performance in the environment. Three types of metrics are available: System metrics relate to the internal resources, operations, and objects of the monitored infrastructure; application metrics reflect the way the applications perform; user-defined metrics can be customized to specifically relate to a site. When a metric's value exceeds one of the defined thresholds, its status changes to near-critical (yellow bullet) or critical (red bullet).

See also key metric.

metric set

In Alerts, a unit that groups metrics that measure related performance aspects. The following metric sets exist:

  • Status. Includes metrics that alert to functional problems related to the instance. Performance: includes metrics that alert to performance problems related to the instance.
  • Load. Includes metrics that alert to instance-related load problems that may later cause errors or crashes. Service: includes metrics that alert to instance-related SLA breaches. The metrics in this set are sampled by Insight.
  • Performance Trending. Includes metrics that alert to potential future performance problems. The metrics in this set are sampled by Report Manager.
  • Load Trending. Includes metrics that alert to potential future load problems. The metrics in this set are sampled by Report Manager.
  • Customized. Includes user-defined metrics.
  • Precise Status. Includes metrics that alert to the near-critical or critical status of the installed Precise environment.

A session identifier. In Oracle it contains the value of MODULE column in V$SESSION table. In DB2 it contains the command name of non-SQL statements or the package name for SQL statements.

near-critical status

In Alerts, a status indicating that the value of the sampled metric has exceeded the defined near-critical threshold. A near-critical status is indicated by a yellow bullet.

network time

In Web, a counter that keeps track of the time spent on network activity from the server side perspective.

This includes the time to read the request from the network and the network time to send the response back to the client.


See Framework node.


When creating a new installation from DVD, it would be called "Framework." In the UI screens (columns in tables, choosing a system for a new environment etc), we would call them "Nodes." For example: choose a node for the new environment.

When adding a new system within AdminPoint, it would be called a "Framework node".

packaged application

An application that is created and/or maintained by a third party and is not custom-built to one's specific needs. The following packaged applications have special treatment by Precise: SAP, Oracle Applications, PeopleSoft, and Siebel. They are harder to modify because the application code is either not available or hard to understand.

See also ERP Extension.

page sizeIn Web, a counter that keeps track of the amount of data loaded from the server to display the page.
page viewsIn Web, a counter that keeps track of the number of Web pages viewed at a specific Web site during a selected time period.
parent metric

In Alerts, a joining of several child metrics. Each time a parent metric samples, it gathers data from a set of child metrics and presents it as a single metric query. The individual child metric values are displayed on the Thresholds tab of the Properties dialog box in Alerts.

See also submetric.

performance counter

In SQL Server, a Windows performance counter as reported by the operating system. In Oracle, an instance level statistic as gathered from some Oracle V$ views. In Sybase, a sysmonitors counter collected by Sybase. In Web, an operating system or a Web server performance counter.


The Precise data warehouse of performance and availability data. It can be hosted on an Oracle or SQL Server database.

portal server

An application server for Web-based applications that commonly provide personalization, single sign-on, and content aggregation from different sources and that host the presentation layer of Information Systems. Aggregation is the action of integrating content from different sources within a Web page. A portal may have sophisticated personalization features to provide customized content to users. Portal pages may have a different set of portlets creating content for different users.


A Java-based Web component, managed by a portlet container, that processes requests and generates dynamic content. Portlets are used by portals as pluggable user interface components that provide a presentation layer to Information Systems.

Precise deployment

An independent Precise system. It contains and manages various agent types and provides centralized monitoring and administration. A Precise deployment may contain multiple framework nodes. One of them is defined as the main framework node and it manages all other nodes of the Precise deployment.

Precise FocalPoint

See Precise FocalPoint agent.



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