Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • Directly to the user
  • To a community that the user belongs to
  • To an organization that the user belongs to
  • To a role that is directly assigned to the user
  • To a role assigned to a community that the user belongs to
  • To a role assigned to an organization the user belongs to

See “Configuring Configuring roles in the dashboard” on page 21. See dashboard and Where to go for more information.


  1. Go to Control Panel>Portal>Communities.
  2. Click the Actions button on the row of the community from which you want to delete a user, user group, or organization.
  3. Click Assign Members.
  4. Select the tab with the entity you want to clear the selection of the members from.
  5. Clear the check box next to the users, user groups, or organizations that you want to remove from the organization.
  6. Click Update Associations.
  7. Select the Back icon.

Configuring roles in the dashboard

Roles are a collection of permissions. The Roles mechanism lets you control which portlets a user can view. Roles can be assigned to a user, community, or organization. If a role is assigned to a community or organization, all users that are members of that entity receive the collection of permissions assigned to that role.


NameA unique user-defined name that identifies the data source. the identifier is displayed in the Data source list when you edit a portlet.
User group

Indicates which user group has been granted permission to view information from this data source. This parameter is case-sensitive.


If the Group parameter is left empty, every user can view information from this data source.

See “About the DBAdapter” on page 28, “About About the DBAdapter, About the Retrieve from Database portlet” on page 31portlet, “Assigning permissions to adapters through user groups” on page 27.


  1. Create a user and associate the user with a user group. You also need to create the specific user group if it does not already exist.
  2. In the Adapter Settings portlet, in the Adapter Identifier field, choose the adapter that you want to edit.
  3. Do one of the following:
    • Edit an existing data source. Click Edit. In the User Group field, type the group that you want the data source to be associated with.
    • Add and define a new data source for the adapter. Click Add Data Source. Enter the parameters that define the selected data source. In the User Group field, type the group that you want the data source to be associated with.

About the DBAdapter

The DBAdapter is the default adapter that is shipped with the Precise Custom Dashboard. This adapter lets you retrieve data from the database of your choice.


To load the JDBC driver, you are required to restart of the Precise Web GUI service. See “Common JDBC drivers” on page 28 Common JDBC drivers.


Only a user with Administrator privileges can configure a database as a data source. This is done in the Adapter Settings portlet.

The Name and Group fields are fixed fields which must be defined for every type of adapter. See “About the Adapter Settings portlet” on page 26 and “About About the Retrieve from Database portlet” on page 31portlet.

The following table describes the additional parameters that must be defined for the database adapter to connect to a database.


See “About the Adapter Settings portlet” on page 26.See “About , About the Retrieve from Database portlet” on page 31. See “Common JDBC drivers” on page 28.portlet, and Common JDBC drivers.

Common JDBC drivers

JDBC drivers allow you to connect to databases that support Structured Query Language (SQL).



It can take a while before content is displayed in this portlet.

About the Retrieve from Database portlet

The Retrieve from Database portlet lets you query a database and display information from it. The Administrator must configure the database as a data source (in the Adapter Settings portlet) before you can send it a query.


See Configuring the portlet, Defining the portlet data preferences, and “About the DBAdapter” on page 28 About the DBAdapter.

About the Time Frame portlet
