Versions Compared


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After selecting an application or application group in the left pane, select the appropriate tab in the right pane to view information.

The tabs are:■    Trends

  • Trends (default)


  • Biz. Transactions (Business Transaction)


  • Users


  • Locations

To analyze a selected biz. transaction, user, or location, click on its link in the corresponding tab. See “Analyzing transaction performance” on page 14.



The information provided in the Biz.Transactions, Users and Locations tabs can be sorted by any of the displayed columns. To sort information, click on the desired column header. A black arrow will appear at the right of the column header indicating if the information is shown in ascending or descending order. In addition, the order of the columns on the table can be changed by dragging and dropping the desired column header.

Analyzing transaction performance

Transaction performance is analyzed by launching Insight SmartLink (if configured) or Precise for Web for a selected business transaction, user or location. When SmartLink is configured, the Transactions view is launched. When SmartLink for PeopleSoft is configured, the Web Expert view is launched.Note:


Drilling down from a PeopleSoft application will always launch Precise for Web.

To analyze transaction performance1    Click

  1. Click on an application group or application in the Application Structure Overview pane.


  1. The Trends tab in the right pane will display overtime graphs for the selected application group or application.


  1. In the Application Status pane, select a tab to view the selected application or application group broken down according to biz. transaction, user, or location.


  1. Select a biz. transaction, user, or location to launch SmartLink or Precise for Web in context.

About Trends

The Trends tab displays individual over time graphs for: SLA (%), Volume, and Value ($) for the application or application group selected in the Applications Structure Overview pane.


The Biz. Transaction tab contains a table displaying the following information for each business transaction in the application or application group selected in the Application Structure Overview pane:■    Biz

  • Biz. Transaction name


  • . The unique name of the biz. transaction. Active links in this column indicate the option for in-depth analysis. If SmartLink is configured the analysis will be done in the Transaction view, otherwise it will be done in the Web Expert view. The ToolTip displayed when hovering over the hyperlink indicates to where the link is launching (Precise for Web, Precise SmartLink).


  • Application. If an application group is selected in the Applications Structure Overview pane, this column appears, displaying the specific application that the information in that row reflects.


  • Health. The Health status icons ("Good", "At Risk", "Poor" or "No Data") represent the health status of an application or application group. The Health status is first calculated based on the combined percentage of SLA compliance and availability according to a user defined ratio. The Health status icon is then based on user defined thresholds. These ranges are set in the Health tab on the Configuration screen.


  • Avg. Response Time (Sec)


  • . The average response time for the biz. transaction, displayed in seconds. Next to the value in seconds, this column displays a color coded breakdown bar. This bar represents the relative average response time of each technology as a percentage of the total. The value per technology represents all AppTiers and instances for that technology.



  • Information displayed in this column can be displayed in two modes, depending on what information is important to the user. The fixed (default) mode displays the breakdown bar in full size for each biz. transaction. In this mode you can clearly see the relative response time breakdown per technology for each biz. transaction. The second mode displays a normalized view of the breakdown bar for each biz. transaction in relative size to the biz. transaction with the highest average response time. In this mode, you can see the actual response time breakdown per technology (in seconds) for each biz. transaction.


  • SLA (%)


  • . The SLA compliance rate, indicating the percentage of executions of key transactions for SLA that met the defined SLA thresholds.


  • Volume. The total number of executions of key transactions for volume for the biz. transaction.


  • Availability (%)


  • . The total percent of successful page invocations.

About the Users tab

The Users tab contains a table displaying the following information for each user registered in the application or application group selected in the Applications Structure Overview pane:■    Users -

  • Users. The unique name for the user. Active links in this column indicate the option for in-depth analysis. If SmartLink is configured the analysis will be done in the SmartLink UI, otherwise it will be done in the Precise for Web UI.


  • Application. If an application group is selected in the Applications Structure Overview pane, this column appears, displaying the specific application that the information in that row reflects.


  • Avg. Response Time (Sec)


  • . The average response time for the user, displayed in seconds. Next to the value in seconds, this column displays a color coded breakdown bar. This bar represents the relative average response time of each technology as a percentage of the total. The value per technology represents all AppTiers and instances for that technology. The length of the bar represents the overall average response time.


  • SLA (%)


  • . The SLA compliance rate, indicating the percentage of executions of key transactions for SLA that met the defined SLA thresholds


  • Volume. The total number of executions of key transactions for volume by the user.


  • Availability (%)


  • . The total percent of successful page invocations.


  • Health. The Health status icons ("Good", "At Risk", "Poor" or "No Data") represent the health status of an application or application group. The Health status is first calculated based on the combined percentage of SLA compliance and availability according to a user defined ratio. The Health status icon is then based on user defined thresholds. These ranges are set in the Health tab on the Configuration screen.

About the Locations tab

Having previously defined locations, you can logically divide the organization into geographic or organization groups. This helps you isolate local performance problems. The location definitions are based on the IP addresses of client machines.

The Locations tab contains a table displaying the following information for each location in the application or application group selected in the Applications Structure Overview pane:■    Locations -

  • Locations. The name of the geographic location or organization group. Active links in this column indicate the option for in-depth analysis. If SmartLink is configured the analysis will be done in the Transaction view, otherwise it will be done in the Web Expert view.


  • Application. If an application group is selected in the Applications Structure Overview pane, this column appears, displaying the specific application that the information in that row reflects.


  • Avg. Response Time (Sec)


  • . The average response time for the location, displayed in seconds. Next to the value in seconds, this column displays a color coded breakdown bar. This bar represents the relative average response time of each technology as a percentage of the total. The value per technology represents all AppTiers and instances for that technology. The length of the bar represents the overall average response time.


  • SLA (%)


  • . The SLA compliance rate, indicating the percentage of executions of key transactions for SLA that met the defined SLA thresholds


  • Volume. The total number of executions of key transactions for volume from this location.


  • Availability (%)


  • . The total percent of successful page invocations.


  • Health. The Health status icons ("Good", "At Risk", "Poor" or "No Data") represent the health status of an application or application group. The Health status is first calculated based on the combined percentage of SLA compliance and availability according to a user defined ratio. The Health status icon is then based on user defined thresholds. These ranges are set in the Health tab on the Configuration screen.

How the Configuration screen is structured

The Configuration screen enables you to define what information is displayed on the Business Dashboard screen. There are three tabs on the Configuration screen:■    Hierarchy

  • Hierarchy (default)

■    Health

■    Display


  • Health
  • Display

Only users with Precise manager permissions will see all three tabs. Users with Precise monitor permissions will only see the Display tab.

From the Hierarchy tab, you can view, add, edit, or delete an application group, single application, or biz. transaction. From the Health tab, you can configure the formula that defines the health levels of applications, application groups, and biz. transactions.

From the Display tab, you can enable/disable the Auto Refresh function and define the information collection settings. The following table describes the functions of the Configuration screen elements.

Table 2-3    Configuration 3 Configuration screen elements

Item    Name    Description



Image AddedBusiness DashboardClick to open the Business Dashboard screen.


Image AddedNode

The Node field shows you which Precise node is currently displayed.



The Node field is only displayed when more than one Precise node is installed, and only on Precise applications with the TPM version 8.8 patch installed.



The Node field will never be displayed in the


Health tab as the Health settings are global.


Image AddedAdd Application Group


In the Hierarchy tab, click this button to add a new application group.
Image Added


Add Biz.


TransactionIn the Hierarchy tab, click this button to add a new biz. transaction.

To filter the available applications, biz. transactions, users or locations, enter a name into the Filter field and click Filter.

About the Hierarchy tab

In the Hierarchy tab you can view and configure the application structure and define which transaction must be represented on the Business Dashboard screen.

In the left pane of the Hierarchy tab there is a tree view of your application structure hierarchy, showing:■    Application

  • Application Groups


  • Applications


  • Biz. Transactions.

Table 2-4    Types of icons displayed in the left pane of the Hierarchy tab
