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This section includes the following topics:

  • About exporting and importing AdminPoint settings
  • Export Settings command
  • Import Settings command
  • Preparing the settings import files

About exporting and importing AdminPoint settings

The CLI utility lets you import or export location, grouping, and SLA settings from AdminPoint. This can be useful if you want to copy specific settings from one Precise installation to another, or if you prefer to add or edit settings without using the AdminPoint user interface.

Export Settings command

The Export Settings command exports the settings defined in the following AdminPoint dialog boxes to an output file in XML format:

•    Location Settings

•    Grouping Settings

•    SLA Settings

This command uses the following format:

Windows    infra\bin\psin_cli.bat

-i3-user <user_name>

{-i3-encrypted-password <encrypted_password>

| -i3-clear-password <clear_password>}

-action export-settings

-dialog <settings_dialog_type>

-settingsfile <path_&_name_of_output_file>

UNIX    ./infra/bin/

-i3-user <user_name>

{-i3-encrypted-password <encrypted_password>

| -i3-clear-password <clear_password>}

-action export-settings

-dialog <settings_dialog_type>

-settingsfile <path_&_name_of_output_file>

Dialog argument

The following table describes the syntax of the dialog argument.

Table 7-1    Elements of the Dialog argument

Element    Description

dialog settings_dialog_name    The type of dialog to be exported. The possible values are:

■    locations

■    grouping

■    sla

settingsfile path_name_of_output_file    The name of the XML file to export the setting dialogs data to.

Import Settings command

The Import Settings command imports the settings defined in the following AdminPoint dialog boxes from an input file in XML format:

•    Location Settings

•    Grouping Settings

•    SLA Settings

Before the import process, all definitions are backed up and saved to the folder that contains the import file. See Preparing the settings import files on page 102.

The import settings command uses the following format:

Windows    infra\bin\psin_cli.bat

-i3-user <user_name>

{-i3-encrypted-password <encrypted_password>

| -i3-clear-password <clear_password>}

-action import-settings

-dialog <settings_dialog_type>

-settingsfile <path_&_name_of_output_file>

UNIX    ./infra/bin/

-i3-user <user_name>

{-i3-encrypted-password <encrypted_password>

| -i3-clear-password <clear_password>}

-action import-settings

-dialog <settings_dialog_type>

-settingsfile <path_&_name_of_output_file>

Dialog argument

The following table describes the syntax of the  dialog argument.

Table 7-2    Elements of the Import-related arguments

Element    Description

dialog settings_dialog_name    The type of dialog to be exported. The possible values are:

■    locations

■    locations-full

■    grouping

■    sla

settingsfile path_name_of_output_file    The name of an XML file to export the dialog settings data to.

Preparing the settings import files

The settings import file assembles the settings that are defined in the following AdminPoint dialog boxes:

•    Location Settings

•    Grouping Settings

•    SLA Settings

Each dialog box requires its own import file. You can create this file either manually or by running the export settings command. See Export Settings command on page 100.

About the locations/locations-full settings import file

Below are details regarding the various locations settings import file.


Use the locations option when you want to append locations to your previous locations definitions.


Use the locations-full setting if the location settings file represents the entire locations definitions that should be defined in the system.

NOTE    Using this setting will replace all previous locations definitions.

Import file structure

The locations/locations-full settings import file is structured as follows:


<location name="<name>" proxy_alias="<Framework node alias>" >

<ip from="<ip address>" to="<ip address>" />





The following is an example of a location settings import file:


<location name="USA Sales" proxy_alias="win-1">

<ip from="" to="" />

<ip from="" to="" />


<location name="France Support" proxy_alias="*">

<ip from="" to="" />


The following table describes the elements of the location settings import file.

Table 7-3    Elements of the location settings import file

Element    Description

Location name    The name of the location. May not exceed 20 characters.

IP from    The lowest IP within the range. The address should suit the IP mask

IP to    The highest IP within the range. The address should suit the IP mask

Location proxy_alias    The alias name of the warehouse system the Location is assigned to. '*' indicates all warehouse systems.

About the grouping settings import file

The grouping settings import file is structured as follows:


<group name="<name>" technology="<technology code>" entity="<entity code>" proxy_alias="<Framework node alias>">

<identifier name="<identifier string>" />





The following is an example of a grouping settings import file:


<group name="OA Users" technology="OA" entity="U" proxy_alias="win-1">

<identifier name="admin" />

<identifier name="visitor" />

<identifier name="operations" />



The following table describes the elements of the grouping settings import file.

Table 7-4    Elements of the grouping settings import file

Element    Description

Group name    The name of the group. May not exceed 20 characters.

Group technology    The technology code of the group. To find a valid code, see Table 7-5 on page 103.

Group entity    The entity code of the corresponding technology. To find a valid code, see Table 7-5 on page 103.

Identifier name    The identifier text associated with the group. Full string and % wildcard characters allowed.

Group proxy_alias    The alias name of the warehouse system the Group is assigned to. '*' indicates all warehouse systems.

The following table shows how the different grouping technologies can be mapped to entities.

Table 7-5    Mapping grouping technologies to entities

Technology name    Technology code    Entity name    Entity code

SAP    SP    Transactions    A

SAP    SP    Application Servers    P

SAP    SP    Servers    S

Web    WW    URLs    A

Web    WW    Transactions    P_T

Web    WW    SAP Titles    P_ST

Web    WW    Siebel Titles    P_ST

Web    WW    PeopleSoft Panels    P_PG

Web    WW    Servers    S

Web    WW    Instances    I

Web    WW    Pages    BT

Web    WW    URL File Extensions    UE

Web    WW    Domains    SI

Web    WW    Page Siebel Views    PV

About the SLA settings import file

The SLA settings import file is structured as follows:


<sla name="<sla name>" entity="<entity code>" technology="<technology code>"

sla-type="<sla type>" activity-type="<activity type>" application="<application name>" red="<breach threshold>"

yellow="< breach threshold >" proxy_alias="<Framework node alias>">

<identifier name="<identifier string>" />

<identifier name="<identifier string>" />



The following is an example of an SLA settings import file:


<sla name="Tuxedo default SLA" entity="A" technology="TU" sla-type="S" activity-type="" application="" red="5000" yellow="2000" proxy_alias="win-1">

<identifier name="%PAP" />

<identifier name="APP%" />



The following table describes the elements of the SLA settings import file.

Table 7-6    Elements of the SLA settings import file

Element    Description

SLA name    The name of the SLA. May not exceed 20 characters.

SLA technology    The technology code of the SLA.

To find a valid code, see Table 7-7 on page 104.

SLA entity    The entity code of the corresponding technology. To find a valid code, see Table 7-7 on page 104.

SLA Type    Either service time (S) or response time (R).

To find the corresponding type for each technology, see Table 7-7 on page 104.

SLA proxy_alias    The alias name of the warehouse system the SLA is assigned to. '*' indicates all warehouse systems.

The following table shows how the different SLA technologies can be mapped to entities.

Table 7-7    Mapping SLA technologies to entities

SLA type    Technology name    Technology code    Entity name    Entity Code

Service time    Microsoft .NET    DN    Servers    S

Service time    J2EE    JE    Servers    A

Service time    Oracle    OR    Program    P

Service time    Oracle Applications    OA    Forms    A

Service time    Other    OT    Tiers    A

Service time    SQL Server    SQ    Programs    P

Service time    Tuxedo    TU    Services    A

Service time    WebSphere MQ    MQ    Reader Applications    GA

Service time    Web (server)    WW    URLs    A

Response time    SAP    SP    Transactions    A

Response time    Web (client)    WW    Pages    A1



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