Versions Compared


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This section includes the following topics:











About the Dashboard tab


The Dashboard is the starting point for your Precise  analysis since it displays an overview of all the instances available in the selected application and information that is also available in some of the other tabs.


The Dashboard tab provides answers to the following types of questions:



  • Are all my Oracle instances up?



  • Which instance is consuming the most resources?



  • Which program is consuming the most resources for the specified instance and across all instances?



  • From what types of performance problems is an instance suffering?

The All row in the All Oracle Instances table located in the Main area (left pane) displays the average availability of all instances. When you select the All row, a summary of the activities of all the instances and a comparison of application identifiers is displayed in the various tab pages viewed in the Instance Details area (right pane).

In general, launching to a tab from the All row focuses in on the Tier entity, which summarizes the data collected for all instances. Tabs that do not have a Tier entity, open on the default instance. 




If you are working with Oracle Applications, SAP, PeopleSoft, or Siebel and ERP support is installed, the Dashboard tab displays information on Oracle activity in relation to the ERP application and users, and specific information on executed views and transactions.


When an Interpoint for ERP is installed, the Precise for Oracle Collector divides Oracle activities into several groups, called work types. 


The following table lists the work types available that are available per technology. 

Table 3-1    Work 1 Work types per technology


Technology    Work type


TechnologyWork Type
Oracle Applications

Can be any of the following:


  • OA Interactive. Activities generated from the Oracle Applications interactive work process.


  • OA Batch. Activities generated from Oracle Applications batch processes.


  • OA Self Service. Activities generated from Oracle Applications self-service operations.


  • OA CRM. Activities generated from Oracle CRM activities.


SAPCan be any of the following:

■    SAP Dialog—Activities generated from the SAP Dialog work process.

■    SAP Update—Activities generated from the SAP Update work process.

■    SAP Spool—Activities generated from the SAP Spool work process.

■    SAP Background—Activities generated from the SAP Background work process.



Can be any of the following:

■    PS Interactive—Activities generated from the PeopleSoft Interactive panel.

■    PS Batch—Activities generated from the PeopleSoft batch.


SiebelCan be any of the following:

■    Siebel Interactive- Activities generated from a client request.

■    Siebel Batch-Activities that must be started manually, but require no user intervention.

■    Siebel Background- Activities generated in the background and require no user intervention.


See “About Precise for Oracle tabs” on page 21. See , “About the Current tab” on page 51.


See “About the Oracle Applications tab” on page 178.





How the Dashboard tab is structured


The Dashboard tab is divided into two areas the Main area and the Instance Details area. The Main area lists all the instances that are monitored by Precise for Oracle. The Instance Details area provides comparative information regarding the selected instance. You can filter the information shown in the Instance Details area so that only the contribution of certain entities is included. See “Filtering data” on page 29.



About the Main area in the Dashboard tab


The following table shows the information displayed in the Instance table. 

Table 3-2    Instance table


Icon    Indicates whether or not the instance is available.



Table 3-2    Instance table


Column    Description

Instance    Name of the instance.


Instances    Indicates how many instances share the same database with the instance. 


Note: When you open the Dashboard tab, only the first few columns are displayed. To view additional columns (such as: Executions and Last Update columns), use the scroll bar at the bottom of the screen. 

See “Determining which table columns to display” on page 33.



About the Instance Details area in the Dashboard tab


The following table describes the information displayed in the Instance Details area. 

Table 3-3    Information displayed in the Instance Details area


■    The Availability tab displays the average percentage of time the instance was available or unavailable, as compared to the Availability SLA.




Note: If you select the All row, the information displayed reflects the average availability of all instances, and the Current tab is not available.



About the overview of your system's performance


The following table describes the entities displayed on the Overview tab. 

Table 3-4    General instance data


Availability    Displays the Availability SLA (as defined in AdminPoint) vs. the actual availability over time. See the Precise Administration Guide.


About top resource-consuming entities


See “Precise Interpoint - how resource consumption of packaged applications is examined” on page 40.



About RAC database activity

Oracle RAC allows two or more instances to simultaneously access a single database. This allows an application to connect to either computer and have access to the same data. Because all instances access the same database, it is essential that data changes on different computers are coordinated. The RAC Database tab displays activities related to the RAC database, such as top RAC events, top objects experiencing RAC wait, and a graph comparing the time spent by the selected instance In Oracle vs. the average time spent by all instances in the same RAC database. This lets you monitor the RAC activity in your system and check how well Oracle is synchronizing its buffer pool caches. 

Table 3-5    RAC Database tab display


Display    Description 


In Oracle: Instance vs. All

Instances in Same RAC

database (Avg.) 

Displays a graph comparing the time spent by the selected instance In Oracle vs. the average time spent by all instances In Oracle, in the same RAC database. This indicates whether or not the database is balanced.



Top RAC Events    Displays the top RAC events experienced by the selected instance. Lets you compare the average amount of time spent by the top RAC wait events of all the instances in the RAC database to the amount of RAC wait time spent by the selected instance.



Top Objects Experiencing RAC Wait



Displays the top objects experiencing RAC wait, sorted by how much they suffered from RAC wait. Lets you compare the average amount of time spent by the top objects of all the instances in the RAC database to the amount of RAC wait time spent by the objects of the selected instance. It also displays the object name and schema name of the object and indicates whether it is a table, index or cluster.

The launch icon lets you launch directly to the Objects tab with the selected object in context, to continue your analysis. 


About top resource-consuming statements, objects, and files


Executions    Number of executions of the statement. 

The following table describes the information displayed in the Object activities table. 

Table 3-7    Object activities


Click the respective icon to display the data in this column in a stacked graph, bar graph, or numerical format. 

The following table describes the information displayed in the File activities table.


Table 3-8    File activities


Click on the respective icons to display the data in this column in a stacked graph, bar graph, or numerical format. 

About the session activity within the last minute


Table 3-9    Session statistics


Counter    Description

Connected    Total number of sessions connected to the selected instance.



Table 3-9    Session statistics


Counter    Description

Active    Total number of sessions currently active.

Locked    Total number of locked sessions. 

The following table describes the information displayed in the Session activity table. 

Table 3-10    Session activity


In Oracle (Last Minute)    Total In Oracle time for the session occurring within the last minute, broken down into the different In

Oracle wait states.


In addition, two pie charts summarize the overall activity and the In Oracle activity that occurred within the last minute, broken down into Overall Activity states and In Oracle wait states, respectively.


See “In Oracle” on page 36.



About the availability of an instance

The Availability tab, accessed from the More tab, displays the average percentage of time the instance was available or unavailable, as compared to the Availability SLA. The second graph shows the number of times for unavailability. 

About the Findings area in the Dashboard tab


For more information about identifying performance problems in the Dashboard tab, see “How the Dashboard tab can help you identify performance problems” on page 48. 





How the Dashboard tab can help you identify performance problems


You can identify a performance problem by doing one or more of the following:
