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This section includes the following topics:



  • About the Activity tab



  • How the Activity tab is structured



  • About the entities you can examine in the Activity tab



  • How the Activity tab can help you identify performance problems



About the Activity tab 

The Activity tab displays detailed information on the historical activity of your SAP system.

Performance information displayed in this tab can be used to identify and analyze the cause of a performance problem and serves as the main source of input for future tuning decisions. Use the Activity tab to analyze various aspects of your SAP system’s activities. For example:



  • Check which organization had the highest average response time.



  • Check the average response time of a user over time and observe the elements that constitute his response time.



  • View the overtime SLA compliance of a transaction.



  • View an over time graph that displays the number of steps executed with respect to their average response time.



  • Determine which transactions in your system experienced the highest response time.



How the Activity tab is structured


The Activity tab allows you to analyze the different dimensions of the completed activities in your SAP system from various views. The tab is divided into two areas the Main area and the Association area. The columns displayed in the Association area change to reflect the selected entity.


When you open the Activity tab from the Dashboard tab, the selected entity is by default Organizations, meaning that information is displayed on the organization level. If you open the Activity tab from another tab, the settings you previously selected (such as, selected entity, filters, and time frame) are taken into account and information displayed is related to the same data you previously examined. This is called in-context navigation and enables you to focus in on other aspects of the selected entity and further your analysis.



About the Main area in the Activity tab

The Main area shows comprehensive information on the selected entity. You can choose from several views in the Main area to examine the entity from different angles. You can, for example, focus exclusively on your system’s Performance data (default), or SLA Compliance, over the selected time period. 

Navigating in the Activity tab


The selected entity is always reflected in the Tab heading, which serves as a point of orientation. Hovering over the Tab heading displays a ToolTip which shows the navigation path you used to display a particular view.



About the Association area in the Activity tab


From the Association area, you can also drill down to another entity by clicking a table row. A drilldown drill-down affects the entire tab. When you drill down to another entity, the Tab heading reflects the new selection, the Main area displays information on the newly selected entity, and the Association area displays data on the entities associated with the selected entity.

For example, when you want to drill down to an associated entity, such as a specific organization, to view additional information, choose Locales from the Association controls. Note that the Tab heading and the Main area remain unchanged. Click the row of the locale entity you want to view detailed information for. The Tab heading indicates the newly selected entity; the Main area displays information on the locale you drilled down to, and the Association area shows information on the applications associated with selected locale. See “About Precise for SAP tabs” on page 12. See , “How most tabs are structured” on page 13. See , and “Tasks common to all tabs” on page 17. 

About the entities you can examine in the Activity tab


The information displayed in the Activity tab is divided into the following categories: 

  • Business-Oriented entities    Includes the following entities:
  • Organizations, Locales, Applications, Application Servers, Users, Transactions. Information is displayed in context of the business transaction activities.



  • RFC (Remote function calls)


  • entities



Includes the following entities:

RFC Functions and RFC Programs. Whenever one of these entities is selected, the information displayed is in context to RFC transactions.



Step entities    Whenever a step entity is selected, the information is displayed in context of the steps and not of business transaction activities.



Business-oriented entities The Business-Oriented category includes the following entities: 

Organizations     Group of users belonging to the same organization, such as, divisions or departments. Locales    Group of users belonging to the same geographic area and usually sharing the same LAN.




Applications–SAP Module    Group of transactions performed for a specific business-oriented purpose, such as, quality management, financial accounting, personnel management and materials management.


Application servers    Server that provides a range of services for operating the SAP system. Users     SAP user.

Transactions    Comprised of a logically completed operation in the SAP system and the transaction code (Tcode), the alphanumeric sequence that identifies a transaction in the SAP system.


Each Business-oriented category has six views organized as tabs in the Association area. The following table describes each of these tabs.

Table 4-1    Association 1 Association area tabs


Tab    Description

General    Shows the basic information about the activity for the entity (transactions and response time) along with SLA information.

Response Time    Displays the breakdown of the total response time to the different operations it does in the activity.


Resources    Shows information about resources consumption for the activity.


All of the above tabs display information on the following entities: 

  • Organizations


  • Locales


■    Locales


■    Applications


■    Application servers


■    Users



  • Applications
  • Application servers
  • Users
  • Transactions

The following table describes the information displayed in the General tab.


Table 4-2    General 2 General tab


Column    Description

Response Time (Avg)    Displays the average time of the activity. The response time is the sum of the client time, the queue time, the application time and the database time.

Backend Response Time (Avg)    Displays the average time of the activity in the Back End. The Backend response time is the sum of the queue time, the application time and the database time.


Response Times (Summed)    Displays the total response times of all activities, performed for the specific entity displayed.

Backend Response Time (Summed)    Displays the total Back End response times of all activities, performed for the specific entity displayed.


SLA Compliance    Indicates the SLA compliance of the activity.



The following table describes the information displayed in the Response Time tab. 

Table 4-3    Response 3 Response Time tab


Column    Description


Response Times (Summed)    Displays the total response times of activities, performed for the specific entity displayed.

Backend Response Time (Summed)    Displays the total Back End response times of all activities, performed for the specific entity displayed.


Queue Times (Summed)    Indicates the total queue time of the activity. The queue time is the time the activity spent in the SAP application server waiting for a work process to process it.


DB Times (Summed)    Indicates the total database time of the activity. The database time is the time the activity spent in the SAP database. 

The following table describes the information displayed in the Client tab. 

Table 4-4    Client 4 Client tab


Column    Description


Roundtrips (Sum)    Number or interactions necessary in a transaction step to complete a round-trip from the SAP application server to the client machine.


Roundtrips (Avg)    Average number or interactions necessary in a transaction step to complete a round-trip from the SAP application server to the client machine. 

The following table describes the information displayed in the Application tab. 

Table 4-5    Application 5 Application tab


Column    Description


Processing time (Sum)    CPU time consumed by the work processes, in seconds. 


Table 4-5    Application tab


Column    Description

Load + Generate time (Avg)    Average time spent on loading from the database and generating objects, such as, ABAP source code, CUA and screen information.


Processing time (Avg)    Average CPU time consumed by the work processes, in seconds.


The following table describes the information displayed in the Database tab. 

Table 4-6    Database 6 Database tab


Column    Description

Transactions    Indicates the number of transactions run.

Sequential Reads time (Sum)    Time spent in the database for sequential reads.


Sequential Reads    Number of requests for sequential reads from the database.

Direct Reads Requests (Sum)    Number of requests for direct reads from the database.


Updates time (Avg)    Average time spent in the database for updates.


The following table describes the information displayed in the Resources tab. 

Table 4-7    Resources 7 Resources tab


Column    Description


KB Trans (Avg)    Average amount of data transferred between client and server.



RFC (Remote function calls) entities The RFC category includes the following entities:


RFC Functions    A SAP interface protocol used to call and execute predefined functions on a remote system or within the same system.


RFC Programs    Programs that contain RFC functions.



The following table describes the information displayed in the RFC entities table, when the RFC Functions or RFC Programs view is selected.


Table 4-8    RFC 8 RFC (Remote function calls) entities


DB Time    Displays an icon when a significant time was detected for this RFC. 

Note: This column only appears when the Interpoint extension for an Oracle agent was installed for that system.


SLA Compliance    Displays the SLA compliance of the activity.


Step entities The Steps view displays performance information on the steps that were run by your SAP system and the transactions to which each step belongs.



Note: The Steps view behaves differently from the other views. Selecting a row opens the Details Table dialog box that displays additional performance information not displayed initially in the table. The information displayed in the Main area does not change. 

The time controls located above the Steps table enable you to determine whether you want to view activity in time frames of 5 minutes, 15 minutes, or 1 hour. The time frame information is displayed to the left of this selector. The left/right arrows enable you to scroll to the next or previous time frame and view additional data. Both the graphic and tabular information on the screen are displayed starting from the exact time the activity started.

The following table describes the information displayed in the Steps table, when the Steps view is selected.


Table 4-9    Steps 9 Steps table


Column    Description 

    Click on the Details icon to open a dialog box that enables you to view additional details for the selected step.


Client    Displays the user’s client.



Table 4-9    Steps table


Column    Description

Program    Displays the name of the program that was run.


Steps    Number of steps running for the transaction, user, client, program, screen and GUI program, during the specified time slice.


DB Time    Displays the total database time of the activity. The database time is the time the activity spent in the SAP database.


See “Copying data to the clipboard” on page 21.See , “Determining which table columns to display” on page 21. See , “Viewing additional step details” on page 41.See , and “About the counters in Precise for SAP” on page 22.



Viewing additional step details


The following table describes the additional information that is displayed.


Table 4-10    Additional 10 Additional step details


Additional performance statistics    Description


GUI Program—Displays the GUI program that was run.



Table 4-10    Additional step details


Additional performance statistics    Description


Front End Time—The time spent for all round-trips, with the exception of the first one.


Round-trips—Number or interactions necessary in a transaction step to complete a round-trip from the SAP application server to the client.

Application Time    Load Time—Total time spent on loading from the database and generating objects, such as, ABAP source code, CUA and screen information. 

Enqueue Time—Time spent waiting for a resource protected by a SAP lock, in seconds.


Roll Wait Time—The time a program spends waiting at the application level for the GUI to respond. Process Time—CPU time consumed by the work processes, in seconds.


DB Operations    Sequential Reads—Number of requests for sequential reads from the database. Direct Reads—Number of requests for direct reads from the database. Updates—Number of requests for updates from the database.

DB Requests Average Time    Sequential Reads—Time spent in the database for sequential reads, in seconds. Direct Reads—Time spent in the database for direct reads, in seconds. Updates—Time spent in the database for updates, in seconds.

Application Server Buffers Ratio    Sequential Reads—Number of sequential reads to the database. Direct Reads—Number of sequential reads to the database.

Memory Resources    Extended Memory—Amount of SAP’s extended (shared) memory attributed to the application. PrivMode Count—Number of times a work process ran in private mode.


Displaying business-oriented entities in the Main Area

The information displayed in the Main area displays the entity’s important counters and performance information in the following views: 

Overview    Displays the entity’s most important counters, in addition to the SLA compliance pie chart and a pie chart representing the various components of response time. The response time components include: Client time, Queue time, Application time and Database time.


Performance    Displays the average response time for the entity over the selected time period, broken down into the following components: Client time, Queue time, Application time and Database time.




Load    Displays the number of transactions and steps executed by the selected entity and its summed response time broken down into its components. 

SLA compliance    Displays SLA compliance over the selected time period.


Scalability    Displays the steps and the average response time over the selected time period.


See “About the counters in Precise for SAP” on page 22.See , “About the entities you can examine in the Activity tab” on page 36. See , and “Business-oriented entities” on page 36.


RFC Entities in the Main Area

The information displayed in the Main area displays the entity’s important counters and performance information in the following views: 

Overview    Displays the entity’s most important counters, in addition to the SLA compliance graph and a graph representing the various components of the call time. The call time components include: Wait time and Exe time.


Performance    Displays the average call time for the entity, broken down into the following components: Wait time, Exe time, and DB time (showing high, medium, or low). 

SLA compliance    Displays SLA compliance graph over the selected time period. 

Scalability    Displays the number of calls executed over the selected time period and the average call time, over time for the selected entity. The average call times are broken down into average Exe times and average Wait times.


How the Activity tab can help you identify performance problems


You can identify a performance problem by doing one or more of the following:



  • Examining resource consumption of the entire system



  • Identifying resource consumers



  • Examining resource consumption over time


■    Examining scalability



  • Examining scalability

Examining resource consumption of the entire system


Examining the entire SAP system can provide a quick overview of the dominant resources consumed. Choose Overview from the View controls in the Main area to view which are the dominant resources consumed by your system.


Identifying resource consumers

Precise for SAP enables you to drill down to application components (such as Organizations, Locale, Users, Transactions, etc.) to determine which components are consuming the most resources. This is accomplished by



clicking on an component in the Association area. This process is iterative and you may continue to drill down until you discover the component that you want to tune.

There are several reasons to drill down and focus on different application components:



  • You will want to identify heavy resource consumers. During the tuning process, you drill down to determine which are the most resource consuming components. Tuning a transaction that is consuming most of the resources, will free them for other entities. The tuning process is an iterative process. You will continue to list all components, examine their resource consumption and focus in on several of them, until you have completed the tuning process.


  • When you try to analyze user experience you need to isolate one user’s activity from the other. to achieve this you can focus in on a single user.



Note: When trying to determine which application component to drill down to, take into account not only the total Response Time of the application, but also its number of Transactions and the average Response Time. If you don’t take these elements into account you may concentrate your efforts on the wrong transaction. For example, you may try to tune a transaction that runs once a year, consuming 20 hours, instead of tuning a transaction that consumes 2 seconds but runs every time a user logs on to the system.



Examining resource consumption over time


You study a component’s performance over time for the following reasons:



  • When analyzing a performance problem you want to determine if it is a random problem.



  • You are looking for a pattern. For example, does the long client time always happen on Tuesday at around 10 AM?



  • You want to determine how your system is behaving throughout an entire day. For example, you see that during the night your system experiences less transaction activity than during the day.


Examining scalability

Applications are called upon to support additional users and data, over the years. One of today’s tasks is ensure that your application and servers are scalable for tomorrow’s tasks.

Precise for SAP enables you to determine if your SAP system is scalable. This is done by examining the impact of the number of transactions, steps and RFC calls on the average response time. In a well-scalable SAP system, growth in the number of transactions, steps and RFC calls will not impact the average response time. This can be observed in the Scalability View in the Steps and Response Time (Avg) graph. 


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