Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


The Main area shows comprehensive information on the selected entity. You can choose from several views to examine the entity from different angles. You can, for example, focus exclusively on SQL Server Log data, or Instance Parameters, or Instance Parameters changes.

About the Association area in the Explore Objects tab

The Association area provides corresponding information on the child entities. You can view information on one type of child entity at a time, such as instances only or databases only, by selecting a control from the View Controls list. The selection you make is reflected in the Association area only; the Main area remains unchanged. For some entities, tabs above the Association area enable you to view additional information: Clicking a tab changes the table columns for the same type of child entities.

From the Association area, you can also drill down to another entity by clicking a table row. A drilldown drill-down affects the whole tab: When you drill down to another entity, the Tab heading reflects the new selection, the Main area displays information on the newly selected entity, and the Association area shows data on its associated entities.

For example, when you want to view information on a specific logical file, choose Logical Files from the Association controls. The Association area changes to display all the files groups associated with the selected Logical File. Note that the Tab heading and the Main area remain unchanged. In the Association area, click the row of the logical file you want to view detailed information for. The Tab heading indicates the newly selected entity; the Main area displays an overview of the logical file you want to investigate, and the Association area shows general details on the file groups that are associated with the Logical File you selected.

see See “About Precise for SQL Server tabs” on page 22.

About the Recommend tab

Precise for SQL Server uses the Microsoft® Index Tuning Wizard to achieve recommended indexes or statistics for the selected table. This helps the optimizer choose a better access plan and enhances the performance of the statements or batches that access the selected table. The recommendations are based on a workload. The workload contains all the statements stored in the PMDB that were executed during the selected time period that have an average duration time exceeding the value defined in the registry (where 0 is the default). The recommend indexes process only performs the recommend process on indexes or statistics additions.


The following views are available: 

■    Overview 

■    SQL Server Log 

■    Instance Parameters 

■    Instance/Database Changes 

■    Databases Created/Dropped



About getting an overview of instance configuration and performance information

The Overview displays configuration and performance information for the entire instance. The Overview is divided into the following areas: 

Server Details    Displays server configuration details such as version and number of CPUs. 

Instance Details    Displays SQL Server instance configuration details such as version, service pack and server details. 

In MS-SQL    Displays resource consumption, over the selected time period, of the selected instance, as collected by the Precise for SQL Server Collector.




Space Allocation    Displays the total free space and total used space (in MB) over the selected time period, of all the files in the selected instance, as collected by the Collect Space Utilization process.



About viewing SQL server log messages

The SQL Server Log view displays the SQL Server log messages from the recent error log file, for the selected time period. 

About viewing instance configuration parameters


Precise for SQL Server reports changes that occurred within the selected time period. If you observe that a parameter was changed, select Instance Parameter Changes from the View controls, to view additional information. 

About viewing changes to instance parameters and database options

The Instance/Database view displays the changes to instance parameters and database options vs. resource consumption, over the selected time period, to enable you to identify configuration performance changes caused by these actions, as follows: 

Instance/Database Changes    Sample Date—the date when the changes were captured by the Collect Schema Changes process.


■    Overview

■    Database Options 

■    Database Option Changes 

■    Object Changes



About getting an overview of configuration, performance and storage information for a selected database

The Overview displays configuration, performance and storage information for the selected database, as follows: 

Properties    Displays general database details, such as, status, collation, and compatibility level.




In MS-SQL                              Displays resource consumption of the selected database, over the selected time period, as collected by the Precise for SQL Server Collector. 

Space Allocation                     Displays total free space and total used space (in MB), over the selected time period, of all the files in the selected database, as collected by the Collect Space Utilization process. 

Schema Changes                   Displays an overtime graph that indicates whether changes were made to the database objects and the database configuration options. 

Data vs. Log                            Displays total free space and total used space (in MB), over the selected time period, of all the files in the selected database, as collected by the Collect Space Utilization process, and displayed according to file types as datafiles or log files.



About viewing database options

The Database Options view displays the database options, such as Auto Create Statistics and Auto Shrink File, etc. If the Collect Schema Changes process detects a change in any of the options, an icon is displayed in the first column. Select the Database Option Changes view to observe additional information regarding the detected change. The following information is displayed: 

Database Options    Displays the current value of the database options.

In MS-SQL    Displays resource consumption information of the selected database, over the selected time period. Schema Changes     Displays option changes of the selected database, over the selected time period, as detected by the Schema Change Process.



About viewing database option changes


The following database options changes are displayed: 

■    Recovery Model Changed 

■    Ansi Null Changed 

■    Close Cursors On Commit Changed 

■    Auto Create Statistics Changed 

■    Compatibility Level Changed 

■    Auto Update Statistics Changed 

■    Auto Shrink File Changed 

■    Status Changed 

■    Truncate Log Changed

The following information is displayed: 

Database Option Changes    Displays the changes made to the database options of the selected database, over the selected time period. 

In MS-SQL    Displays resource consumption information of the selected database, over the selected time period. 

Schema Changes    Displays option changes of the selected database, over the selected time period, as detected by the Schema Change Process.



About viewing object changes

The Object Changes view displays the schema changes vs. resource consumption over the selected time period to enable you to identify performance changes caused by these actions, as follows: 

Object Changes    Sample Date—the estimated last change date of the table (and /or its sub-objects). The change is reported by the Precise for SQL Server Schema Change Process, which runs, by default, once a day. This means that the Sample Date actually represents the date when the Schema Change Process was executed.


Object—displays the object name. 

Object Owner—displays the owner of the object. Change Type—can be one of the following:


■    Partition function values 

In MS-SQL    Displays resource consumption of the selected database, over the selected time period, as collected by the Precise for SQL Server Collector. 

Schema Changes    Displays an overtime graph that indicates whether changes were made to the database objects, broken down into the following groups:


■    Object Created/Dropped—indicates whether any of the objects sampled (table, view, stored procedure, etc.) was dropped or created.



About the Database entity in the Association area

You can view the entities associated with the selected Database entity in the Association area. It is possible to associate to the Database entity from the Instance entity. 

About the Active Objects entity


The Active Objects entity indicates the following: 

■       the name of the user, object, and database it is associated with 

■       a summary of the time it spent in SQL Server, during the time frame you selected 

■       its size (in pages)

see See “About the Table and Table Contain Same Column entities” on page 113. see “About the Index and Unused Index entities” on page 117.



About About the Active Objects Association area

The following additional information is available for SQL Server 2005 objects: 

I/O Operations    Indicates the amount of I/O operations performed on the table or index, over the selected time period. I/O Waits     Displays the I/O wait for the table or index, over the selected time period.


Logical Operations    Displays how many range scan and Singleton lookups were performed on the table or index, over the selected time period. 

Size (pages)    Displays the size of the table or index (in pages).



About the Table and Table Contain Same Column entities


The following views are available: 

■    Overview 

■    Show Contig 

■    Change Log Summary 

■    Change Log Detailed 

■    Usage Report 

■    Common Access Patterns (SQL Server 2005 only) 

■    Operational Statistics (SQL Server 2005 only)



About getting an overview of table entities

The Overview displays general table properties, along with the resource consumption, space utilization, schema changes and number of rows in the selected table, over the selected time period. 

Properties    Displays general table details, such as, number of columns, file group, and whether or not the table uses a clustered index. 

In MS-SQL    Displays the Using CPU and I/O Wait counters of the selected table, over the selected time period, based on its contribution to overall performance, when accessed by the execution plan. 

Space Allocation    Displays the amount of free space and used space (in MB) in the selected table, over the selected time period, and specifies whether the space is populated by an index or data.

The values may be incorrect due to out-of-date space usage information. To update the values, use the DBCC UPDATEUSAGE command to recalculate the space usage fields. For more information, see SQL Server Books Online.




Schema Changes    Displays an overtime graph that indicates whether changes were made to the selected table and a breakdown of its indexes or columns into the following groups:


■    Index Created/Dropped—indicates any addition or deletion of indexes. 

Rows    Displays the number of rows in the selected table, over the selected time period, as collected by the Collect Space Utilization process.



About viewing data storage and fragmentation information in the Show Contig view

The Show Contig view displays data storage and fragmentation information for the selected table. The following information is displayed: 

Minimum Record Size                 Indicates the minimum record size in the data pages. Maximum Record Size                Indicates the maximum record size in the data pages. Average Record Size                  Indicates the average record size in the data pages.


Accessing forwarded records adversely affects performance because additional I/O is performed. Check the number of forwarded records in your table or index in relation to the total number of records. If the ratio is high, consider reorganizing the table or index to achieve a better performance. To reorganize an index, use DBCC DBREINDEX. If the index is a clustered index, a Reindex action will reorganize the data pages. 

Pages                                          Displays the number of data pages. 

Extents                                        Displays the number of extents used to store the data pages. 

Extent Switches                          The number of times SQL Server moved from one extent to another while scanning the data pages (not including the first extent access). 

Scan Density    Indicates the ratio between the optimum number of extent switches and the actual number of extent switches. This value determines the general level of fragmentation in a table. The higher the value, the better. The scan density is not valid, if the table spans multiple files. 

Best Count    The optimum number of extent switches. This number can be achieved, if the extents and pages are perfectly linked, and there is no fragmentation. 

Actual Count                               Number of times the SQL Server moved from one extent to another while scanning the data pages (including the first extent access). 

Average Free Bytes per Page     Average free bytes per page in the data pages.




Average Page Density (%)    The average page density is a percentage indicating how full the data pages are. Space that cannot be utilized due to row size constraints is counted as used. The higher the percentage, the better.

When space is available within the index pages, that is, when the indexes are not making the most efficient use of space, scanning the table involves more read operations than if no free space were available on the pages. However, keeping free space on the pages is sometimes desirable to accommodate future expansion in the storage of the table's data and to reduce the potential for page splits. You can request to keep free space available by specifying a low fill factor value, when you create an index. For example, a fill factor of "10" means that the pages will be 10% full while creating the index. Having room on a page means that there is space to insert more rows without having to split a page. Splitting is a relatively expensive operation and can lead to a break of contiguity between pages, because the new page is not usually contiguous to the page being split. 

Logical Fragmentation (%)    The logical fragmentation indicates how well ordered the data pages are inside an extent and between extents.

"Well ordered" means that the number of the current page scanned is higher than the previous one. The logical fragmentation is computed by dividing the number of out-of-order pages by the number of the data pages. The lower the value, the less fragmentation there is. This is relevant only when there is a clustered index on the table, because ordered pages are important. 

Extent Fragmentation (%)    The extent fragmentation indicates how well the extents, which contain the data pages, are physically contiguous on the disk.


The lower the value, the less fragmentation there is. 

This number is not relevant to heaps, because physical order has no importance in the data pages.



Note: By default, not all dbcc fields are displayed in the Show Contig view.



About viewing changes made to the table and index levels in the Change Log Summary The Change Log Summary view displays changes made to the table and index levels vs. resource consumption, over a selected time period, to enable you to locate schema changes that caused performance problems. The following

information is displayed: 

Change Log Summary                Sample Date—indicates the estimated last change date of the table (and/or its sub-objects). This value reflects the date that the change was first identified by the Precise for SQL Server Schema Changes Process, not the date the object was changed.


■    Index—indicates any change that was made to one of the following index's properties: File Group, Fill Factor, Is Auto Statistics, Is Clustered Index, Is Pad Index, Is Page Lock Disallowed and Is Row Lock Disallowed.




In MS-SQL    Displays resource consumption of the selected table, over a selected time period, based on its contribution to overall performance, when accessed by the execution plan. 

Schema Changes    Displays an overtime graph that indicates whether changes were made to the selected table and a breakdown of its indexes or columns into the following groups:


■    Index Created/Dropped—indicates any addition or deletion of indexes.



About viewing schema changes made on a selected table in the Change Log Detailed view


The following table information is monitored by the schema change process: 

■    Name 

■    File Group 

■    Exec is ANSI null on 

■    Table has Cluster Index 

■    Insert Trigger Count 

■    Owner 

■    No. of Columns 

■    Table has Index 

■    Delete Trigger Count 

■    Update Trigger Count 

■    Partition Schema 

■    Partition Function



About viewing About viewing usage information and access methods in the Usage Report

The Usage Report view displays usage information and access methods based on statements stored in the PMDB. The following information is displayed:



Report was run with the following parameters 

Displays usage information of the selected index, as follows:


■    End Date—Indicates the maximum execution date for a statement, within the selected time period.




Statement Explain    Displays the following items:


■    Statements Explained Unsuccessfully—indicates the total number of statements in the PMDB that were explained unsuccessfully, within the selected time period. 

Table Profile    Displays a breakdown, by statement type, of the number of statements that referred to the specified table (SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE); for example, 100 statements performed SELECT on the specified table. The In MS-SQL counters (Using CPU and I/O Wait) are also displayed.



About viewing common access patterns for tables or index (SQL Server 2005 only)

The Common Access Patterns view displays information that indicates to what extent a table or index was used. The following information is displayed: 

User Operations    Displays the number of user seeks, scans, lookups or updates. System Operations    Displays the number of system seeks, scans, lookups or updates.

User vs. System Operations    Graph comparing user operations to system operations, over the selected time period.



Last User or System Seek, Lookups, Scans or Updates 

Displays when the last user or system seek, lookup, scan or update operation occurred.




About viewing operational statistics

The Operational Statistics view displays information that indicates whether or not an index or table is being used. The following graphs are displayed: 

■    Range scan vs. Singleton lookups 

■    Physical I/O operations 

■    Locking and Latching contentions 

■    Locking and Latching contention waits



About the Table and Table Contain Same Column entities Association area


The following additional information is available for SQL Server 2005 objects: 

Partitions    Indicates the number of partitions defined for the selected table. Table Partitioned    Indicates whether or not the table is partitioned.

Partition Schema    Indicates under which file groups to map the partition. 

Partition Function    Displays the name of the function that defines how the table should be partitioned.



About the Index and Unused Index entities

The Index entity displays general details regarding resource consumption, space utilization and schema changes for the selected index.



The Unused Index entity displays general details regarding space utilization and schema changes for the selected index. An index that is not in use is identified through the Execution plan of the statements stored in the PMDB (SQL Server 200) or through the relative dynamic views (DMV) supplied by SQL Server 2005.

The following views are available: 

■    Overview 

■    Show Contig 

■    Statistics 

■    Schema Changes 

■    Usage Report 

■    Common Access Patterns (SQL Server 2005 only) 

■    Operational Statistics (SQL Server 2005 only)



About getting an overview of space utilization and schema changes for a selected index

The Overview displays space utilization and schema changes for a selected index, as follows: 

Properties    Displays general details on the index such as number of keys, fill factor, and whether the index is clustered or unique. 

In MS-SQL    Displays Using CPU and I/O Wait of the selected index over a selected time period, based on its contribution to overall performance when accessed by the execution plan. 

Space Allocation    Displays the amount of free space and used space (in MB) in the selected index, over the selected time period.

Note: The values may be incorrect due to out-of-date space usage information. To update the values, use the DBCC UPDATEUSAGE command to recalculate the space usage fields. For more information, see SQL Server Books Online. 

Schema Changes    Displays an overtime graph that indicates whether there where index changes, broken down into the following groups:


■    Change in Structure—indicates any change made to the index structure, such as if a new key was added to the index. 

Rows    Displays the number of rows in the selected index, over the selected time period, as collected by the Collect Space Utilization process.



About viewing data storage and fragmentation information of a selected index in the Show Contig view

The Show Contig view displays data storage and fragmentation information for the selected index. The following information is displayed: 

Minimum Record Size         Displays the minimum record size of the pages in the leaf level of the index. Maximum Record Size        Displays the maximum record size of the pages in the leaf level of the index. Average Record Size          Displays the average record size of the pages in the leaf level of the index.





Number of Forwarded


When there is not enough free space to write an updated record in its page, SQL Server allocates the updated record to another page and instructs the old record to point to the new location.


Every access to a forwarded record requires an additional step than access to a regular record, which affects performance. Check the number of forwarded records in your table or index in relation to the total number of records. If the ratio is high, consider reorganizing the table or index to achieve better performance. Use DBCC DBREINDEX to reorganize an index. If the index is a clustered index, reindexing will reorganize the data pages.



Pages    Displays the number of pages in the leaf level of the index. 

Number of Extents    Number of extents used to store the pages in the leaf level of the index. 

Extent Switches    Displays the number of times SQL server moved from one extent to another while scanning the leaf level pages (not including the first extent access). 

Scan Density    Indicates the ratio between the optimum number of extent switches and the actual number of extent switches. This value determines the general level of fragmentation in an index. The higher the value, the less fragmentation there is in the index. The scan density is not valid if the table spans multiple files. 

Best Count    Displays the optimum number of extent switches. This number can be achieved, if the extents and pages are perfectly linked, and there is no fragmentation. 

Actual Count    Displays the number of times SQL Server moved from one extent to another while scanning the index pages (including the first extent access).



Average Free Bytes per Page



Displays the average free bytes per page in the leaf level pages.



Average Page Density (%)  The average page density is a percentage indicating how full the index pages are. 

Space that cannot be utilized due to row size constraints is counted as used. The higher the percentage, the better.

When space is available within the index pages, that is, when the indexes are not making the most efficient use of space, this means that scanning the table involves more read operations than if no free space were available on the pages. However, maintaining free space on the pages is sometimes desirable to accommodate future expansion in the storage of the table's data and to reduce the potential for page splits. You can request to keep free space available by specifying a low fill factor value, when you create an index. For example, a fill factor of "10" means that the pages will be 10% full while creating the index. Having room on a page means that there is space to insert more rows without having to split a page. Splitting is a relatively expensive operation and can lead to a break of contiguity between pages, because usually the new page is not contiguous to the page being split. 

Logical Fragmentation    Indicates how well ordered the leaf pages are inside an extent and between extents. Well ordered means that the number of the current page scanned is higher than the previous one. Logical fragmentation is computed by dividing the number of out-of-order pages by the number of pages in the table. The lower the value, the less fragmentation there is in the index. This is relevant only when there is a clustered index on the table because then there is significance to ordered pages. 

Extent Fragmentation (%)   The extent fragmentation indicates how well the extents, which contain the leaf pages, are physically contiguous on the disk.


The lower the number, the less fragmentation there is. 

This number is not relevant to heaps, because physical order has no importance in the data pages.




Note: By default, not all dbcc fields are displayed in the Show Contig view.



About viewing distribution statistics for a selected index

The Statistics view displays distribution statistics for the selected index. 


Displays general information on the distribution statistics, as follows: 

Statistics Updated    Indicates the last time the statistics were updated. 

Row Sampled    Indicates the number of rows sampled for the statistics calculation. Average Key Length     Indicates the average length of all the keys in the index.


■    Avg. No. of rows per distinct value ("No. Of rows in range" / "No. of distinct values in the range") 

Rows Sampled    The percentage of rows sampled for the statistics calculation.



About Density

Indicates how selective an index is, as follows: 

Density    This indicator provides a measure of how selective the index is. The more selective an index is, the more useful it is, since this means that more rows can be eliminated from consideration. For example, a unique index is the most selective index since each index entry can point to only one row.

Density = 1/No. of unique values. Density values can be between "0" and "1". The lower the Density value, the more selective the index. 

Average Length    Indicates the average length of the specified set of keys. 

Columns    The left-based subset of key columns in the index (including the first column alone). If there is a clustered index on the table, its keys are considered part of the key in every non-clustered index row, because non-clustered index rows point to the clustered index rows. For example, if there is a non-clustered index with the columns, "CustomerID" and "OrderDate". The table also contains a clustered index, "OrderID".


■    CustomerID, OrderDate, OrderID



About Distribution

Displays additional distribution statistics for the selected index, as follows: 

High Value    Each row in the Distribution table represents information about a range of key values (the first key in the index). This range is called a "Step". "High value" is the upper value in the range. 

Rows in Range    Indicates the number of rows in the sample that have the specified key range values, not including the high value in the range.




Rows Equal to High Value    Indicates the number of rows from the sample that have the same value as the specified High value 

Distinct Values in Range    Indicates the number of distinct values inside the range not including the High value.



Rows per Distinct Values in Range (Avg) 

The average number of rows, per distinct value, in the specified range, not including the High value in the range. This value is computed by dividing the number of rows in the range by the number of distinct values in the range (the number of distinct values in the range always being greater than zero).



Density    Step Density means the uniqueness of the data values. This information provides a measure of how selective the index is. The more selective an index is, the more useful it is, because this means more rows can be eliminated from consideration. A unique index, for example, is the most selective index, where each index entry can point to only one row.


Step Density values can be between "0" and "1". The lower the Step Density value, the more unique the data values.



About viewing schema changes for a selected index and index key


The following index information is monitored by the schema change process: 

■    File Group 

■    Fill Factor 

■    Is Pad Index 

■    Index Depth 

■    Is Page Lock Disallowed 

■    No of Keys 

■    Is Clustered Index 

■    Is Unique 

■    Is Auto Statistics 

■    Is Row Lock Disallowed 

■    Position 

■    Order by 

■    Partition Schema 

■    Partition Function



About viewing a usage report

The Usage Report view displays usage information and access methods based on statements stored in the PMDB. The following information is displayed:



Report was run with the following parameters 

Displays usage information of the selected index, as follows:


■    End Date—indicates the maximum execution date for a statement, within the selected time period.




Statement Explain    Displays statement explain, as follows:


PMDB that were explained unsuccessfully, within the selected time period. 

Table Profile    Displays a breakdown, by statement type, of the number of statements that referred to the specified table (SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE); for example, 100 statements performed SELECT on the specified table. The In MS-SQL counters (Using CPU and I/O Wait) are also displayed.



About About viewing common access patterns for indexes (SQL Server 2005 only)

The Common Access Patterns view displays information that indicates to what extent an index was used. The following information is displayed: 

User Operations    Displays the number of user seeks, scans, lookups or updates. System Operations    Displays the number of system seeks, scans, lookups or updates.

User vs. System Operations    Graph comparing user operations to system operations, over the selected time period.



Last User or System Seek, Lookups, Scans or Updates 

Displays when the last user or system seek, lookup, scan or update operation occurred.




About viewing operational statistics

The Operational Statistics view displays information that indicates whether or not the index on a table is being used. The following graphs are displayed: 

■    Range scan vs. Singleton lookups 

■    Physical I/O operations 

■    Locking and Latching contentions 

■    Locking and Latching contention waits



About the Index and Unused Index entities Association area


The following additional information is available for SQL Server 2005 objects: 

Partitions    Indicates the number of partitions defined for the selected index. Index Partitioned    Indicates whether or not the index is partitioned.

Partition Schema    Indicates under which file groups to map the partition. 

Partition Function    Displays the name of the function that defines how the index should be partitioned. Index Aligned    Indicates whether or not the index is aligned with its table.

Number of Non-key Columns    Displays the number of non-key columns used within an index.




Index Non-Key Columns    Displays the non-key column names.



About the Partition entity (SQL Server 2005 only)


The following view is available: 

■    Overview



About getting an overview of an index or table that is partitioned

The Overview displays general details on the selected index or table, as follows: 

Properties    Th■    e  The following information is displayed for each partition: Object


Space Allocation    Displays the amount of space utilized by the partitions. 

Rows    Displays the number of rows in a partition, over the selected time period.



About the Partitions entity Association area

You can view general details on the entities that are associated with the selected Partition entity in the Association area. It is possible to associate to the Partition entity from an Index or Table entity. 

About the Column entity

The Column entity displays general details and schema changes for the selected column. The following views are available:

■    Overview 

■    Schema Changes



About getting an overview of a selected column

The Overview displays general details on the selected column such as type, length, and default value.



About viewing schema changes made on a selected column

The Schema Changes view shows a table that summarizes the schema changes made on the selected column, such as, if the column length has changed.



The following column information is monitored by the schema change process: 

■    Name 

■    Length 

■    Precision 

■    Type 

■    Scale 

■    Is Nullable



About the Column entity Association area


SQL Server 2005 allows you to extend the functionality of non-clustered indexes by adding non-key columns to the leaf level of the non-clustered index. This allows you to create non-clustered indexes that cover more queries, thereby considerably improving query performance. The Non-Key Column field (displayed for SQL Server 2005 non-clustered indexes only), indicates whether or not the selected column is a non-key column. 

About the View and View Contain Same Column entities


The following views are available: 

■    Overview 

■    Change Log Summary 

■    Change Log Detailed



About getting an overview of the View and View Contain Same Column entities

The Overview displays general details on the view such as creation date, number of columns and displays the view text.



About viewing the Change Log Summary of the selected view and its indexes

The Change Log Summary displays schema changes made in the selected view and its indexes, as follows: 

Change Log Summary Table    The following information is displayed: 

Sample Date—the estimated last change date of the view (or/and its sub-objects). This value reflects the date that the change was first identified by the Precise for SQL Server Schema Changes Process, not the date that the object was changed.


Index: indicates any change that was made to one of the following index's properties: File Group, Fill Factor, Is Auto Statistics, Is Clustered Index, Is Pad Index, Is Page Lock Disallowed and Is Row Lock Disallowed. 

Schema Changes    Displays an overtime graph that indicates whether changes were made to the selected view and its indexes or columns, broken down into the following groups:


■    Index Created/Dropped—indicates any addition or deletion of indexes.



About viewing Change Log Details

The Change Log Detailed view displays the schema changes made on the selected view and/or its sub-objects.



About the View and View Contain Same Column entities Association area

You can display general details on the entities that can be associated with the selected View entity in the Association area. It is possible to associate to the View entity from the Database, Table, Column and Index entities. 

About the User entity

The User entity displays general details of the selected user, such as, Roles and Database Access.



About About the User entity Association area

You can view general details on the entities that can be associated to the selected User entity in the Association area. It is possible to associate to the User entity from the Database entity. 

About the Logical File entity

The Logical File entity displays general details, I/O activity and storage information on the selected database file.



The following views are available: 

■    Overview 

■    Statistics



About getting an overview of the Logical File entity

The Overview displays general details on the Logical File, as follows: 

Properties    Displays general details on the Logical File such as full filename (including path), file group, and file growth. 

I/O Wait    Displays the I/O wait for the selected Logical File, over the selected time period, as collected by the Collect DB File Statistics process. 

I/O Read Wait    Displays the I/O read wait for the selected Logical File, over the selected time period, as collected by the Collect DB File Statistics process. 

I/O Write Wait    Displays the I/O write wait for the selected Logical File, over the selected time period, as collected by the Collect DB File Statistics process. 

Bytes Requested    Displays the I/O activity (bytes read and written) over the selected time period, for the selected Logical File, as collected by the Collect DB File Statistics process. 

Requests    Displays the I/O activity (number of read/writes) over the selected time period, for the selected Logical File, as collected by the Collect DB File Statistics process. 

Space Allocation    Displays free space and used space (in MB) over the selected time period, for the selected logical file, as collected by the Collect Space Utilization process.



About viewing I/O statistics on a Logical File

The Statistics view displays I/O statistics on the Logical File over the selected time period, as follows: 

I/O Wait    Displays the I/O wait for the selected Logical File, over the selected time period, as collected by the Collect DB File Statistics process. 

Bytes Requested    Displays the I/O activity (bytes read and written) over the selected time period, for the selected Logical File, as collected by the Collect DB File Statistics process. 

Requests    Displays the I/O activity (number of read/writes) over the selected time period, for the selected Logical File, as collected by the Collect DB File Statistics process.



About the Logical File entity Association area

You can view general details on the entities associated to the Logical File entity in the Overview tab in the Association area. The Statistics tab shows information on I/O wait, bytes requested, number of requests, and size of logical files. It is possible to associate to the Logical File entity from the following entities: Instance, Database, File Group, Physical Disk, Logical Volume, HP Storage Device, HDS Storage Device, Symmetrix Storage Device and Clariion Storage Device. 

About the File Group entity

The File Group entity displays general details and space utilization, over the selected time period, for the selected file group.



About the Overview

The Overview displays general File Group details such as whether the file group is read-only and information regarding the file group's space utilization, over the selected time period, as follows: 

Properties    Displays general File Group details such as whether the file group is read only, or whether this is the default file group. 

Storage    Displays the amount of free space and used space of the selected file group, over the selected time period, based on the data collected by the Collect Space Utilization process.



About the File Group entity Association area

You can view general details on the entities that are associated to the selected File Group in the Association area. It is possible to associate to the File Group from the following entities: Database, Table, Index, Logical File, Physical Disk, Logical Volume, HP Storage Device and HDS Storage Device. 

About the Statistics entity

The statistic entity displays distribution statistics on the selected collection (set of columns). The following views are available:

■    Overview 

■    Statistics



About getting an overview of the selected statistic

The Overview displays general details of the selected Statistic such as keys and an indication when the statistics were last calculated. 

About viewing distribution statistics

The Statistics view displays distribution statistics for the selected statistic. see “About viewing distribution statistics for a selected index” on page 120. 

About the Statistics entity Association area

You can view general details on the selected Statistics entity in the Association area. It is possible to associate to the Statistics entity from the Table and Column entities.



About the Stored Procedure entity

The stored procedure entity displays general details and resource consumption of the selected stored procedure. The following views are available:

■    Overview 

■    Text



About getting an overview of a stored procedure


The following information is displayed: 

Properties    Displays general details of the stored procedure such as whether the stored procedure is an extended procedure, and whether the stored procedure was created during installation.




In MS-SQL    Displays the resource consumption of the selected stored procedure, based on the data collected by the Precise for SQL Server Collector for the selected time period. 

Attributes    Displays selected attributes that exist for each stored procedure, such as if the stored procedure has the flag Anis Null On set to On or Off.

Statement Execution    Displays the number of times the selected stored procedure's statements were executed, based on the data collected by the Precise for SQL Server Collector for the selected time period.



About viewing the text of a stored procedure

The Text view displays the stored procedure's text.



About the Stored Procedure entity Association area

You can view general details on the entities associated with the selected Stored Procedure entity in the Association area. It is possible to associate to the Stored Procedure entity from the Database, Table, View, User, Stored Procedure and Function entities. 

About the Function entity

The function entity displays general details and resource consumption of the selected function. The following views are available:

■    Overview 

■    Text



About getting an overview of the Function entity

The Overview displays general details of Function entity, as follows: 

Properties    Displays general properties of the function, such as type of function (inline, scalar, etc.), and whether or not the function was created during installation. 

In MS-SQL    Displays the resource consumption of the selected function, based on the data collected by the Precise for SQL Server Collector for the selected time period. 

Attributes    Displays selected attributes that exist for each stored procedure, such as if the stored procedure has the flag Anis Null On set to On or Off.

Statement Executions    Displays the number of executions of the selected function's statements, based on the data collected by the Precise for SQL Server Collector for the selected time period.



About viewing the text of a function

The Text view displays the text of the function.



About About the Function entity Association area

You can view general details on the entities associated with the selected Function entity in the Association area. It is possible to associate to the Function entity from the Database, Table, View, User, Stored Procedure and Function entities.



About the Trigger entity

The trigger entity displays general details and resource consumption of the selected trigger. The following views are available:

■    Overview 

■    Text



About getting an overview of general trigger properties

The following information is displayed in the Overview: 

Trigger    Displays general trigger properties such as trigger name, and the name of the table on which the trigger is defined, and whether this is the first trigger fired when data is deleted from a table. 

In MS-SQL    Displays resource consumption of the selected trigger, over a selected time period, based on the data on trigger statements collected by the Precise for SQL Server Collector. 

Attributes    Displays selected attributes that exist for each stored procedure, such as if the stored procedure has the flag Anis Null On set to On or Off.

Statement Executions    Displays the number of times the selected trigger's statements were executed, based on the data collected by the Precise for SQL Server Collector for the selected time period.



About viewing the text of a trigger

The Text view displays the text of the trigger.



About the Trigger entity Association area

You can view general details on the entities associated with the selected Trigger entity in the Association area. It is possible to associate to the Trigger entity from the Database, Table, View and User entities. 

About the Statement entity

The Statement entity displays access plan details and resource consumption for the selected statement. The following views are available:

■    Overview 

■    Performance 

■    SQL Text



About getting an overview of a statement

The Overview displays general details about the statement, along with details regarding its last access plan, as follows: 

Statement    Displays general statement details such as statement ID, database and parsing user. 

Access Plan    Provides details regarding to the last access plan of the statement, such as whether a table scan, index seek and index scan was performed.



About viewing the performance of a selected statement

The Performance view displays resource consumption information on the selected statement, as follows: 

In MS-SQL    Displays resource consumption information for the selected statement, over the selected time period.




Statement Executions    Displays the number of statement executions carried out over the selected time period.



About viewing the SQL text of a selected SQL statement

The SQL Text view displays the text of the selected SQL statement.



About the Statement entity Association area


The following tabs are available provide additional information in the Association area: 

Performance    Provides general details and resource consumption of the statement. 

Plan    Displays details on the last access plan of the statement such as whether a Table Scan was used, and whether an Index Seek was.



About the Batch entity

The Batch entity displays access plan details and resource consumption for the selected batch. The following views are available:

■    Overview 

■    Performance 

■    SQL Text



About getting a general overview of batch details

The Overview displays general batch details such as last show plan and most recent plan, in addition to details regarding the selected batch's last access plan, as follows: 

Batch    Displays general details of the batch such as database and parsing user. 

Access Plan    Displays details on the last access plan of the batch such as, whether a table scan or index scan was performed.



About viewing the performance of a batch

The Performance view displays resource consumption and number of statement executions for a statement, as follows: 

In MS-SQL    Displays resource consumption information for the selected statement, over the selected time period. 

Statement Executions    Displays the number of statement executions carried out over the selected time period.



About viewing the SQL text of a batch

The SQL Text view displays the batch's text.



About the Batch entity Association area


The following tabs are available in the Association area: 

Performance    Displays general details and resource consumption for the selected batch.




Plan    Displays details on the last access plan of the selected batch such as whether a table scan or index seek was used.



About the Physical Disk entity

The Physical Disk entity displays general details and I/O wait data for the selected physical disk.



About getting an overview of general physical disk details

The Overview displays general physical disk details along with I/O wait data for the selected physical disk, as follows: 

Properties    Displays general physical disk details such as type, and number of logical volumes. 

I/O Wait    Displays the I/O wait on the selected physical disk as collected by Precise for SQL Server Collector over the specified time period.



About the Physical Disk entity Association area

You can view general details on the entities associated with the selected Physical Disk entity in the Association area. It is possible to associate to the Physical Disk entity from the following entities: Database, Table, Index, Logical File, File Group, Logical Volume, Disk Partition, HP Storage Device and HDS Storage Device. 

About the Logical Volume entity

The Logical Volume entity displays general details and storage utilization for the selected logical volume.



About getting an overview of logical volume details

The Overview displays general logical volume details, in addition to the free space and used space of the selected logical volume, as collected by the Collect Space Utilization process over the specified time period, as follows:


Properties    Displays general details of the logical volume such as type, and number of Logical files stored in the logical volume. 

Storage    Displays the free space and used space of the selected logical volume as collected by the Collect Space Utilization process over the specified time period.



About the Logical Volume entity Association area

You can view general details on the entities associated to the selected Logical Volume entity in the Association area. It is possible to associate to the Logical Volume entity from the following entities: database, table, index, logical file, file group, physical disk, disk partition, HP storage device and HDS storage device. 

About the Disk Partition entity

The Disk Partition entity displays general details for the selected disk partition, such as disk partition number in physical disk and disk partition number in logical volume, disk partition offset and length. 

About the Disk Partition entity Association area

You can view general details on the entities associated to the selected Disk Partition entity in the Association area. It is possible to associate to the Disk Partition entity from the Physical Disk, Logical Volume, HP Storage Device and HDS Storage Device entities. 

About the Storage Unit entity

The Storage Unit entity displays a list of all storage entities connected to instances in the Tier. The Storage Unit entity can only be associated to from the Instance level.



For more information about the Storage Device entity, see “About Storage Unit entities” on page 137.



About the Storage Unit entity Association area

You can view general details on the entities associated to the selected Storage Units in the Association area. This information is based on the mapping carried out by the Precise for SQL Server Storage agents that are installed.



How the Objects tab can help you identify performance problems


The following section describes a few examples on how you can use the Objects tab to identify performance problems. 

■    Analyzing how configuration changes affect resource consumption 

■    Analyzing how schema changes affect the resource consumption of various entities 

■    Examining an object's space usage over time 

■    Examining fragmentation of table data and indexes 

■    Examining access methods to tables and indexes 

■    Examining the distribution statistics of indexes 

■    Determining whether to recommend an index for a table



Analyzing how configuration changes affect resource consumption


To analyze how configuration changes affect resource consumption



  1. In the Time Frame list, choose the period of time you want to analyze.



  1. In the Instance list, choose the item you want to analyze.



  1. On the View controls in the Main area, click Instance/Database Changes. Compare the changes made to the instance configuration parameters and the database options, with the resource consumption of the entire instance, over the selected time period. This allows you to pinpoint the changes that affect the resource consumption of the entire database.



  1. On the Association controls in the Association area, click Databases.



  1. Compare the changes made to the instance configuration parameters and the database options, with the resource consumption of the entire instance, over the selected time period. This allows you to pinpoint the changes that affect the resource consumption of the entire database.



  1. On the View controls in the Main area, click Database Created/Dropped. Analyze how changes to database options affect In MS-SQL resource consumption.




Analyzing how schema changes affect the resource consumption of various entities

Changing the database schema may affect the performance of your system. These changes are done to improve the performance of your application. You need to monitor them to ensure that you have achieved your goals. Precise for



SQL Server allows you track the schema changes and compare them with the resource consumption of the entire database or a table. This allows you to detect changes that affect the resource consumption of the database. The Object Changes view of the Database entity allows you to check the database objects that where changed, dropped or created in reference to the resource consumption of the entire database over time. A summary of the schema changes is displayed. Drilling down to the specific object provides detailed information on the schema changes.


see See “About the Database entity” on page 60.

To analyze how schema changes affect the resource consumption of various entities



  1. In the Time Frame list, choose the period of time you want to analyze.



  1. In the Instance list, choose the item you want to analyze.



  1. On the Association controls in the Association area, click Databases. Drill down to the database you want to analyze.



  1. On the View controls in the Main area, click Object Changes. Check the database objects that where changed, dropped or created in reference to the resource consumption of the entire database over time and determine if they affect In MS-SQL resource consumption.



  1. Drill down to a specific table entity. On the View controls in the Main area, click Change Log Detailed and view detailed information on the changes made to the table's schema.


Examining an object's space usage over time


To examine an object's space usage over time



  1. In the Time Frame list, choose the period of time you want to analyze.



  1. In the Instance list, choose the item you want to analyze.



  1. On the Association controls in the Association area, click Databases. Drill down to the database you want to analyze.



  1. Drill down to a specific table entity. On the View controls in the Main area, click Overview.



  1. In the Main area, analyze the Space over Time graph to determine how tablespace has been utilized over time.



Note: The values might be incorrect due to out-of-date space usage information. To update the values, use the DBCC UPDATEUSAGE command to recalculate the space usage fields. For more information, see SQL Server Books Online for DBCC UPDATE USAGE.



Examining fragmentation of table data and indexes


To examine fragmentation of table data and indexes



  1. In the Time Frame list, choose the period of time you want to analyze.



  1. In the Instance list, choose the item you want to analyze.



  1. On the Association controls in the Association area, click Databases. Drill down to the database you want to analyze.



  1. On the Association controls in the Association area, click Tables or Indexes. Drill down to a specific table or index entity (depending upon your selection).




  1. On the View controls in the Main area, click Show Contig and analyze the fragmentation information displayed for the selected table or index. Determine whether the table or index is heavily fragmented and needs to be reorganized.


see See “About viewing data storage and fragmentation information in the Show Contig view” on page 114 .


see and “About viewing data storage and fragmentation information of a selected index in the Show Contig view” on page 118.


Examining access methods to tables and indexes


To examine access methods to tables and indexes



  1. In the Time Frame list, choose the period of time you want to analyze.



  1. In the Instance list, choose the item you want to analyze.



  1. On the Association controls in the Association area, click Databases. Drill down to the database you want to analyze.



  1. On the Association controls in the Association area, click Tables or Indexes. Drill down to a specific table or index entity (depending upon your selection).



  1. On the View controls in the Main area, click Usage Report to observe information on the access methods used on the table or index.

see See “About viewing usage information and access methods in the Usage Report” on page 116 . see and “About viewing a usage report” on page 121.


Examining the distribution statistics of indexes

Distribution statistics of an index can help you determine whether or not the index is useful to the query optimizer. The information displayed in the Statistics view of the Index entity indicates the selectivity of an index; the more selective an index is, the more useful it is, since this means more rows can be eliminated from consideration.


see See “About viewing distribution statistics for a selected index” on page 120.

To examine the distribution statistics of indexes1    In

  1. In the Time Frame list, choose the period of time you want to analyze.



  1. In the Instance list, choose the item you want to analyze.



  1. On the Association controls in the Association area, click Databases. Drill down to the database you want to analyze.



  1. On the Association controls in the Association area, click Indexes. Drill down to a specific index.



  1. On the View controls in the Main area, click Statistics and observe the distribution statistics for the selected index in the Distribution table.



Determining whether to recommend an index for a table


To determine whether to recommend an index for a table



  1. In the Time Frame list, choose the period of time you want to analyze.



  1. In the Instance list, choose the item you want to analyze.



  1. On the Association controls in the Association area, click Databases. Drill down to the database you want to analyze.



  1. On the Association controls in the Association area, click Tables. Drill down to the table you want to analyze.



  1. On the Recommend tab, analyze the statements that are associated with the selected table and observe their resource consumption.

The Recommend Indexes output shows a list of recommended indexes and statistics. For each recommended item, detailed information is displayed in the Details area, such as a list of key columns and the DDL of the Create Index or Statistics text. 


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