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On the Application User tab of the Transactions & Users Settings dialog box, you can configure the method to be used for collecting application users’ data.

On the URL Parameters tab of the Transactions & Users Settings dialog box, you can configure the way the URL Parameters are collected and displayed.

Each settings tab displays an instances and clusters table that enables you to select a specific instance, cluster, multiple instances, or multiple clusters. By default, the instances and clusters table displays a list of all monitored Precise for Web instances and clusters that reside on the displayed Tier’s node on the Tree View (where available). The user can control the way data is displayed in the table.

Click the triangle on the name column heading to sort instance and cluster data in ascending or descending order. Click on the filter icon displayed on selected table headings to filter data in that table column.

Table 2-3    Typical 3 Typical column headers on the tabs
Heading    Description
Name    Name

NameName of the instance and server or cluster.


TypeInstance or cluster.
Application (Tier)


A list of the applications and Tiers that contain the instance or cluster.


DetailsA short description of the instance or cluster current settings, according to the selected tab.


Name of the server on which the instance or cluster is installed.

Setting parameters at the cluster level affects all instances in that cluster. It is impossible to set parameters for an instance within a cluster individually.

The Cluster Instances button will be enabled when you select a cluster in the Transactions & Users Settings dialog box. Pressing this button will show the Cluster Instances dialog box. In this dialog box the instances of the cluster are displayed in a list.

Editing one or more instance settings

You can edit one or more instance settings. To edit one or more instance settings.1.    Click

  1. Click to select one or more instances for editing (for selecting more than one, press and hold down the CTRL key while clicking the instances you want to select).


  1. Click Edit.


  1. Select the most suitable method to collect the application users’ data. The two options are: Import settings or configure the user’s collection method manually. The configuration format varies according to the selected method.


  1. Click OK.

Editing one or more cluster settings

You can edit one or more cluster settings. For clusters, parameters are changed at the cluster level instead of the instance level. This means that a cluster parameter change affects all instances in that cluster. You cannot change the parameters of individual instances within a cluster.

To display a list of all instances in a cluster1.    In

  1. In the Transactions & Users Settings dialog, select a Cluster row.


  1. Click the Cluster Instances button. The Cluster Instances dialog is displayed listing all instances within the selected cluster.

To edit one or more cluster settings1.    Click

  1. Click to select one or more clusters for editing (for selecting more than one, press and hold down the CTRL key while clicking the clusters you want to select).


  1. Click Edit.


  1. Select the most suitable method to collect the application users’ data. The two options are: Import settings or configure the user’s collection method manually. The configuration format varies according to the selected method.


  1. Click OK.

Copy an existing user collection method configuration

The following procedure describes how to copy an existing user collection method configuration to the currently edited instance(s) and cluster(s).

To copy an existing user collection method configuration1.    In

  1. In the Edit Instance or Cluster dialog box, click Import ...


  1. Use the application and/or Tier fields.


  1. Click OK and the instance’s or cluster’s user collection method configuration will be copied to the Edit Instance or Cluster dialog box.

Manually configure the user collection method configuration

Manually configure the user’s collection method by selecting a method in the ‘Select method:’ field.



The available methods in the ‘Select method’ field vary according to the selected instance(s) or cluster(s).

Table 2-4    Available 4 Available methods for manual configuration



Pre-Requisite Instance ConfigurationDescription

Try methods one after the other (until the application user is found) in the following order:


  1. Site Minder


  1. Packaged apps


  1. J2EE API or IIS API


  1. Remote User Variable


  1. Login Forms


-Defined ServerNoneAllows extracting the user from the request header, cookie, or URL parameter.
Remote User


VariableNoneReturns the REMOTE_USER Web server variable value.


SiteMinder should be installed and configured to provide user information using the request header, cookie, or URL parameter (SM_USER).


Collect the user from the SM_USER key (request header, cookie, or URL parameter).


ClientDynamic instrumentation agent installed.


Allows extracting the user from the cookie, URL parameter, or DOM Element.


FormsClient-side collection (dynamic instrumentation) is installed.


Collect the user from HTML login forms.


PeopleSoft application and Client-side collection (dynamic instrumentation) is installed.


Collect the user from PeopleSoft HTML pages.
Oracle ApplicationsOracle


Applications and Client-side collection (dynamic instrumentation) is installed.


Collect the user from the Oracle Applications login form.


J2EE application and client side collection (dynamic instrumentation) is installed.


Collect the user from the SAP Portal login form.


Web serverUses the information that IIS API provides.


Web servers (WebSphere, WebLogic, Tomcat, Oracle Applications server, SAP J2EE, SunOne)


Uses the information that J2EE API provides.

About Login Forms configuration

When selecting the Login Forms option, the login forms table appears, which allows you to add/edit the list of URLs or forms, where the user name should be collected from. Clicking the Add or Edit button opens the dialog with the following fields (show table)
Table 2-5    Add / Edit fields
Radio Button    Field    Description
Login    Field Name    The name of the username text box in the Web page. Consult the Web page administrator/developer, if applicable, to get this name. Alternatively you can find it by right clicking the mouse near the field and selecting "View source" from the popup menu. The structure of the HTML page should be like the following:
<form name="loginForm"… action= …>

User Name: <input type="text" name="myUsernameField">


The value you need to put in the "Field Name" field in this example is myUsernameField. Note that the input type is "text".
Another way to get the field name: copy to the browser's address bar the following command, that should fill all the text boxes in the page with their name and the name of the form.
javascript:var frms = document.forms ;for (var formInd=0 ; formInd
<frms.length ; formInd++) {var form = frms[formInd];var elems = form.elements;for (var ind=0; ind< elems.length; ind++ ){var field = elems(ind);if (field.type == "text")field.value="Field=" + " form=" +;}};void(0);
    URI    To save the time of looking for the field in all pages, specify the URI of the login page, e.g.
TIP: When the login page opens in a dialog that has no address bar, switch to full screen mode to see its URI (F11 in most browsers).
    Form Name    If the URI is dynamically changing, or you can reach the login page using many URIs, you can mention instead (or in addition) the form name in which the user name field exists. You can find the form name in the same way mentioned above; in this example the value for the form name would be loginForm.
Logout    URI    Specify the URI of the logout page that after visiting makes sure that the user is no longer signed in , e.g. /signOut.jsp. All pages in a session since visiting the login page are marked as visited by the found user. Pages visited after this URI are no longer related to the user.
About manually configuring URL parameters
On the URL Parameters tab of the Transactions & Users Settings dialog box, you can define rules that map URLs that possess dynamic parameters to a format that can identify these Web pages and prevent them from having dynamic URLs.
In this procedure, you do the following:
•    Select one or more instances or clusters in the table for which you want to configure the URL parameters.
•    Define how to display the parameters in the parameter part of the URL.
•    Define rules for specific parameters.
See Editing URL mapping rules for an instance or cluster in the system on page 19.

Editing URL mapping rules for an instance or cluster in the system
You can define how to handle parameters in the parameter part of a URL by using the URL Parameters dialog box. This dialog box also lets you specify exceptions to the defined rule.
NOTE    A URL Mapping Rule is only applied to data that was collected after the rule was configured. Data that was collected before the rule was configured is not affected.
1.    On the Precise bar, select Settings>Transactions & Users Settings.
2.    Click the URL Parameters tab.
3.    Select the instance or cluster whose URL mapping rules you want to modify and click Edit.
4.    Define the system’s default behavior when it encounters parameters in the parameters part of the URL.
Select one of the following:
Parameter name only    The collected URLs display the parameter name only and remove the parameter's value.
None    The parameter’s name and value are displayed for the collected URLs.
5.    Click Add to add a rule exception or Edit to edit an existing rule exception.
6.    In the Add Rule dialog box, define the exception rule as follows:
When encountering parameter:    Enter the name of the parameter you want to enforce the exception rule on.
Show:    Select Parameter name and value, Parameter name only, or None to determine which information Precise for Web should show when it encounters the specified parameter.
7.    Click OK to close the dialog box.
About configuring Display Settings
Selecting the option on the Display Settings dialog of the Settings menu allows you to maintain the selected tab or view when switching entities, to define the maximum number of items to display for each association, and the type of Web client activity. For example when the first option is selected and you are in the Activity tab Server-Side tab, selecting a different association will not change the Server-Side tab to Client-Side.
About configuring Tree View Settings
You can define the parameters controlling the Tree View display using the Tree View Settings dialog box. By using this dialog box you can define the Sort criteria of the Tree View and the maximum number of search results when using the Tree View search.
About configuring Time Frame Settings
You can determine the resolution of the data that is displayed in the overtime graphs using the Time Frame Settings dialog box. By using this dialog box you can define the default time frame to display.
