Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  1. Find the CUSTOM.pll and CUSTOM.plx files, usually located in your Oracle Applications folder.
  2. Back up the CUSTOM.pll and CUSTOM.plx files.
  3. Verify that no Oracle Applications user is currently logged on to the database or any other database using the CUSTOM.pll and CUSTOM.plx files.
  4. Run the %ORACLE_HOME%\bin\if60gen.exe tool (sometimes called ifbld60.exe).


    For Oracle Applications version R12 replace f60gen command with frmcmp.exe.

  5. In the welcome wizard, select Open an existing form, followed by OK.
  6. Choose CUSTOM.pll and click Open.
  7. Under PL/SQL Libraries > Custom > Program Units right-click on Package body and select the PL/SQL Editor.
  8. Find the EVENT procedure, locate the first BEGIN after the commented sample code, and insert the following code, starting with BEGIN.
    Verify that the script was not inserted into commented sample code. You can easily mistake sample code for real code.
         if (event_name='WHEN-NEW-FORM-INSTANCE') then declare
         cursor_name integer; rows_processed integer; del char(1) :=
         if (del != '/') then del := '\';
         end if;
         cursor_name := dbms_sql.open_cursor;
         'begin VERITAS_APPS_LOG( ''F'' , :username ,
         :application , :form , NULL) ; end ;' ,1); dbms_sql.bind_variable(cursor_name,':username' , FND_PROFILE.VALUE('USERNAME')); dbms_sql.bind_variable(cursor_name,':application' ,
         substr(get_application_property(CURRENT_FORM), instr(get_application_property(CURRENT_FORM),del
         -1)+1, length(substr( get_application_property(CURRENT_FORM), instr(get_application_property(CURRENT_FORM), del,-1)+1))-4)); dbms_sql.bind_variable(cursor_name,':form' , Name_In('system.current_form'));
         rows_processed := dbms_sql.execute(cursor_name);
         when others then begin dbms_sql.close_cursor(cursor_name); exception
         when others then null;
         end; end; end if;
         when others then null;
  9. Click File > Save.
  10. Run %ORACLE_HOME%\bin\ifcmp60.exe.
  11. Fill in the following fields:
    1. File                        CUSTOM    CUSTOM.PLL (that we changed before)
    2. Userid                   APPS
    3. Password              APPS password
    4. Database              database name
    5. Module Type         LIBRARY
    6. Module Access     FILE
  12. Click OK.


To have an Interpoint for Oracle Applications identify interactive forms in Oracle Applications 11.5 or higher, you must manually update the system profile of Oracle Applications with site-specific initialization code. As a result, Oracle Applications forwards the required information - the user, form, and application name for interactive work and the concurrent program and application name for batch work - to an Interpoint for Oracle Applications.

Before updating Oracle Applications’ Applications' system profile, you must verify that an Interpoint for Oracle Applications was installed successfully. Otherwise, updating the profile may halt Oracle Applications.

To avoid interfering with anyone’s anyone's work before changing the system profile, you can alternatively change the profile for only one user to first test the outcome.

To verify that an Interpoint for Oracle Applications was installed successfully, run the following script:

  • Windows
  • UNIX
    ./products/oracle/SID/schema/verify install oracle

To update Oracle Application’s Application's system profile

  1. Log in to Oracle Applications with a user that has system administrator privileges.
  2. Open the System Administrator application.
  3. Open the Navigator - System Administrator dialog box.
  4. On the Functions tab, select Profile > System; then click Open.
  5. In the Find System Profile Values form, select the Site check box and Type the following value in the Profile text box: Init%SQL%Custom
  6. Click Find.
  7. In the System Profile Values form, type the following in the Site text box: begin veritas_custom_profile; end;
  8. Close the System Profile Values form; then open any form.


  1. Log in to Oracle Applications with a user that has system administrator privileges.
  2. Open the System Administrator application.
  3. Select Profile > System; then click Open.
  4. In the Find System Profile Values form, select the Site and User check boxes.
  5. To the right of the User check box, enter the name of the user whose profile you want to change.
  6. Type the following value in the Profile text box: Init%SQL%Custom
  7. Click Find.
  8. In the System Profile Values form, type the following in the User text box: begin veritas_custom_profile; end;
  9. Close the System Profile Values form and log in to Oracle Applications with the user selected in Step 8.
  10. Open any form.

If the form opens cleanly, you can update the Oracle Applications’ Applications' system profile.

For more information, see Manually updating Oracle Applications system profile (Oracle applications 11.5 or higher).


The Interpoint for Oracle Applications collects some of its data from the Oracle Applications using the initialization of every form that is declared in the System Profile. The System Profile contains 4 profile levels, one for each level. Listed from the weakest to the strongest are: Site, Application, Responsibility, User. The Interpoints’ Interpoints' code is on the weakest link here, meaning, Site level. When you customize one or more profiles at a stronger level, the code that resides at Site level is hidden.


In this query we expect to have Interpoints’ Interpoints' code (“begin "begin veritas_custom_profile; end;") in all entries, otherwise there is no correlation.


To find problematic profiles

  1. Use the following query:
    select a.profile_option_value, DECODE(a.level_id, 10001, 'Site',
    10002, 'Application', 10003, 'Responsibility', 10004, 'User', a.level_id) as "System Profile Level", a.level_value, to_char (a.last_update_date, 'YYYY-MON-DD') LAST_UPDATE_DATE
    from FND_PROFILE_OPTION_VALUES a, FND_PROFILE_OPTIONS b, fnd_profile_options_tl c

    1. profile_option_id = b.profile_option_id and
    2. profile_option_name = c.profile_option_name and
    3. user_profile_option_name = 'Initialization SQL Statement - Custom' order by a.LEVEL_ID;
  2. Add the Interpoints’ Interpoints' code within the profile (By changing the relevant profile in Oracle Applications). I.e. verify that the profile_option_value looks like: “begin "begin veritas_custom_profile; <customer code goes here (or empty)> end;"

This query shows all relevant profiles affecting the code.


  1. Log in to your Oracle database with the APPLSYS account.
  2. Run the following command to view erroneous text: Select * from FND_PROFILE_OPTION_VALUES where PROFILE_OPTION_VALUE like '%veritas%';
    You may search for any expression by replacing '%veritas%' in the where clause with the string you are looking for. For example, to search for the profiles that were entered on July 13, 1975, execute the following command:
    Select * from FND_PROFILE_OPTION_VALUES where last_update_date=
    to_date ('13-JUL-75', 'DD-MON-YY');
  3. Run the following command to correct the errors:
    'begin veritas_custom_profile; end;'

    where PROFILE_OPTION_VALUE like '%veritas%';
    You may update any expression by replacing '%veritas%' in the where clause with the string you are looking for. For example, to update all profiles that were entered on July 13, 1975, execute the following command:
    update FND_PROFILE_OPTION_VALUES set PROFILE_OPTION_VALUE='begin veritas_custom_profile;end;' where last_update_date=to_date ('13-JUL-75', DD-MON-YY');
  4. Commit the changes.
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