Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


The View Control enables you to select the view of the Reports table. The following two views are available:

  • Data


  • view. Displays the reports list with statistical information about the report, such as the last run date of the report and number of pages in the report. See About the Data view on page 15.
  • Status


  • view. Displays the reports list with status information about the report, such as last run date and error description. See About the Status view on page 16.

About the Report set selector


Table 2-2 Information displayed in the Reports table

Column    Description


ReportSpecifies the report name.


RunSpecifies the last time and date of generating the report.


RunSpecifies the next scheduled time and date for generating the report.


PagesSpecifies the number of pages in the report.

The following table describes the information that is specific to a specific report set.

Table 2-3 Information displayed according to specific report

Column    Description



Reports in this set present the top n consumers within the monitored instances. Focusing on the top n entities lets you concentrate on the real consumers and pinpoint tuning opportunities. The following information is displayed in the Profile column:


  • New Entities. Specifies the number of new entities in the Profile report. Entities are considered as new entities if they do not have a baseline or they are new in the top n entities list.


  • Major Upgrades. Specifies the number of entities that were upgraded by more than four places in the report.


This set of reports is intended to help you keep your application tuned. Any substantial deviation from normal behavior is reported. The following information is displayed in the Exception column:

  • Exceptions


  • . Specifies the number of exceptions in the report.


  • New Entities. Specifies the number of new entities in the report. Entities are considered as new entities if they do not have a baseline.


  • Deviation (Avg). Specifies the average deviation from the baseline in the report.


  • Deviation (Max). Specifies the maximal deviation from the baseline in the report.


This set of reports informs you about failures, unavailability times, and similar events. The following information is displayed in the Availability column:


  • Availability (Avg). Specifies the average availability percentage of the entities in the report.


  • Availability (Min). Specifies the minimal availability percentage of the entities in the report.



Reports in this set are intended to help you keep your application balanced. The following information is displayed in the Load Balancing column:


  • Machines. Specifies the total number of machines in the report.


  • Overloaded. Specifies the number of machines that were overloaded.



These reports analyze the performance of the monitored instances to predict future trends and assist in planning. The following information is displayed in the Capacity Planning column:


  • Increase. Specifies the additional consumption (%) that is predicted in the report.


  • Forecasted Weeks. Specifies the number of weeks included in the forecast.


CustomizedThis set contains new user-defined reports and copies of reports from other sets. The customized reports include data that is not provided in the pre-defined reports.

About the Status view


Table 2-4 Information displayed in the Reports table in the Status view

Column    Description


ReportSpecifies the report name.


RunSpecifies when Report Manager started generating the last report.


Specifies how long it took Report Manager to generate the last report.


Provides a description of the error that occurred while the report was last being generated.

Clicking Details or double-clicking on the selected report displays the status details of the selected report.


The Command buttons enable you to enable various functions for each report, such as opening the properties page or viewing its scheduling parameters. The following table describes the functions that can be carried out for each report.

Table 2-5 Command buttons

Column    Description


ViewDisplays the content of the selected report. See Viewing a report on page 21.


Opens the Properties dialog box of the selected report. See Setting report properties on page 22.


SchedulingOpens the Scheduling dialog box, which enables you to select the schedule for running he selected report. See Setting the schedule of a report generation on page 22.


AsOpens the Save As dialog box, which enables to create a copy the selected report. See Creating a copy of a selected report on page 23.


DeleteDeletes a selected report that is not original of Report Manager. For example, a new customized report or a Saved As report.


NewCreates a new customized report (this option is only available for the Customized reports set or the Cross-Tiers tab). See Creating customized reports on page 23.


This button enables to edit an existing customized report (available only for customized reports). See Editing an existing customized report on page 26.

Tasks common to most tabs


The Export to the Precise Custom Portal Portlet feature enables you to export the view of the chosen table or graph and generate a portlet with that view in the Precise Custom Portal, so that it will provide you with another way of monitoring your application.


To be able to use this feature, you need to have the following rights in Precise:•    View

  • View permissions to all Tiers in the application

If you do not have sufficient rights, you will get an error message when trying to execute this feature.

Exporting the information

You can either export a table view or a graph view.NOTE    The


The name field has the following restrictions: maximum 100 characters.

To export a table view1.    Click

  1. Click the Column Chooser icon.


  1. Select Export to the Precise Custom Portal Portlet.


  1. Insert a name in the name field that clearly describes the table view.


  1. Click OK.

To export a graph view1.    Right

  1. Right-click the graph.


  1. Select Export to the Precise Custom Portal Portlet.


  1. Insert a name in the name field that clearly describes the graph view.


  1. Click OK.

Adding, viewing, and deleting Favorites

The Favorites feature enables you to save a specific location in Precise and to retrieve the same location later without having to navigate to it.

About the Favorites feature

The new Favorites feature includes the following option:•    Relative

  • Relative Time Frame. Saving relative time frame instead of static date. For example, saving the last


  • seven days will always display the last


  • seven days, depending on the day entered.


  • One click to specific location. Once you open Precise by launching a saved Favorite item, you will not have to enter a login credential nor click the login button.


  • IE Favorites support. Adding a new Favorite item in Precise will also add it to the IE Favorites menu.


  • Auto Complete. The Favorites dialog includes a new combo box which supports Auto Complete.


  • Auto Naming. The Favorites dialog generates item names based on the current location.

UI description

A Favorites menu has been added to the Precise bar in each product including StartPoint. An Add/Delete Favorites option under the Favorites menu allows you to save the current location or delete an existing one.

To add a new Favorite location1.    On

  1. On the Add/Delete Favorites dialog box, enter the name of the new Favorites entry.


  1. Click Add. The dialog box is closed and the new Favorite is added to the list.

 To view a Favorites location1.    On

  1. On the Precise bar, click Favorites.


  1. Select the Favorites location you want to view.

To delete an existing Favorite location1.    On

  1. On the Add/Delete Favorites dialog box, select the Favorite location to be deleted.


  1. Click Delete. The dialog box closes and the selected Favorite is deleted from the list.



  1. The favorite address is displayed in the Address field and cannot be edited.

Printing and saving

The new Print feature enables user-friendly printing and/or saving of most of the screens displayed in Precise products. Emphasis has been made on Activity, Dashboard, and Database layouts since they cover the majority of the screens the user may want to print or save.

About the Print feature

The new Print feature includes the following options:•    Capability

  • Capability to export a page from Precise to an .htm format (Save option). The saved file will include all the information contained the original file but all mouse options will be grayed-out except for the Print option.


  • Capability to save the print page to the local disk.


  • User-friendly and resizable print functionality.


The Save option is only possible within the same network of the installation. When used outside the network it may include broken links to images (instead of the image a frame with an X may be displayed).

Recommended print settings

For best fit and presentation we highly recommend you make the following changes to your print settings:•    Configure

  • Configure print options to landscape page layout.


  • With the Internet Explorer open, go to


  • Tools > Internet Options > Advanced tab, and in the Printing section verify that the Print background colors and images check box is marked.

To print wide tables with many columns, resize table columns to fit the landscape layout. Columns that overflow the landscape width will not be printed.

Additional information•    Note

  • Note that when saving a file with a graph, the graph image is saved as a separate .bmp file in the same folder. If you want to move the print file to a different folder you must also move the bmp file to that folder.


  • New files are saved with a default name and path. To prevent inadvertently deleting a previously saved file, enter a different name and/or path for new files.

To print, save, or preview a currently displayed screen1.    Click

  1. Click Print on the Precise bar.


  1. In the Print Option dialog, select the area(s) of the screen you want to print or save.


  1. Click OK.


  1. On the resizable preview screen, the dashed line on the right indicates the right margin. Change table column widths to ensure the information you want to print or save is within this margin.


  1. Click the Print or Save icon at the top right-hand side of the screen, follow the displayed dialog box instructions and click Print or OK.

Sending an email message

You can send an email message to one or more recipients from the Precise toolbar. The default subject for the message will be “Link "Link to a Precise application”application."

The email will include a link to the Precise product in the current context (time frame and selected entries). To send an email message1.    Click

  1. Click the email icon on the Precise toolbar. The default email program opens.


  1. Fill in the required fields and click Send.

About role management in Report Manager


Report Manager displays information about the application selected on the StartPoint screen. If you use the Precise product suite to manage the performance of more than one application, verify that you select the required application within StartPoint before starting Report Manager.



You must have local administrator privileges on the server where the StartPoint is running.

To launch Report Manager from StartPoint, click the Application TPM drop-down menu at the top of StartPoint and select Report Manager. The Report Manager screen opens displaying the Cross-Tiers tab.


