Versions Compared


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The following table describes which tasks can be performed in each tab.

Table 2- 1 Precise for SQL Server tabs

DashboardAllows you to quickly identify which SQL Server instance has a performance problem, providing the first glimpse into where the problem lies.
CurrentAllows you to solve the performance problems that are happening now.
ActivityAllows you to examine application performance over time and helps locate performance bottlenecks.
ObjectsAllows you to identify which SQL Server objects are used inefficiently by the application, and their effect on the application components.
StatisticsAllows you to identify performance bottlenecks in the way SQL Server instance resources are used.
SQLAllows you to tune problematic SQL statements or stored procedures.
MaintenanceDisplays information on SQL Agent activities and other SQL Server activities related to DBA. maintenance tasks.

Displays performance findings that may indicate potential problems in the instance. The list of problems includes the following:

  • List of statements that require tuning
  • List of objects displaying heavy activity or possessing an inefficient structure
  • Instance events

How most tabs are structured


In the Association area, click the row of the application you want to view detailed information for. The Tab heading indicates the newly selected entity; the Main area displays information on the application you drilled down to, and the Association area shows information on statements executed by this application.

Figure 2- 1 How a typical tab is structured


The Precise bar enables you to keep track of where you have been and provides various controls. The following table describes the function of each of the toolbar buttons.

Table 2-2 Precise bar functions

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During a work session, keeps track of where you have navigated to. The Back and History buttons enable you to navigate between previously visited views.

The Back control displays your previous view.

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ForwardEnables you to navigate to the next view. This button is only enabled if you clicked Back or if you chose a history option.
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AdminPointOpens Precise AdminPoint.
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HomeNavigates to the highest level entity, usually the instance or Tier (all instances). The time frame settings remain the same.
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StopStops a request for information from the server.
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RefreshUpdates the data currently displayed.
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FavoritesEnables you to add or remove favorites in your Favorites list.
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SendOpens a new email message in your email program with the link to the current application in context.
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SettingsOpens the General Settings and Time Frame Settings dialog boxes.
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HelpOpens the online help in context.

About the Main area

The Main area displays general information on the selected entity. The structure of this area depends on the selected entity and tab.


The table below describes the information that is displayed in the Findings area.

Table 2- 3 Information displayed in the Findings area


The severity of the finding is calculated using a formula. The position of the finding in the list is determined by an internal scoring system that is based on the knowledge of Precise product experts. The severity is indicated by the following colors:

  • Red. High severity
  • Orange. Medium severity
  • Yellow. Low severity
  • Blue. No severity - the finding is strictly informative

By default, findings are displayed according to severity.

FindingA short name of the Finding.

Entity/Method name (unless specified for the whole instance). The entity/method name is a short name but the long name is displayed in the ToolTip.

Some of the findings are identified in specific Methods while others are relevant for the entire instance. In the latter case, a finding is specified as an instance-related finding.


Rows are aggregated by finding and the URI/method/SQL name and not by ID.

Finding overview

Displays specific details regarding the finding in context.


This is displayed in the expanded view only.

Learn more (advice)

Provides recommendations for solving the selected finding. For each finding, it lists all relevant pieces of advice and all applicable solutions. You should carefully review all data for the finding and then choose the advice that best suits your needs.


This is displayed in the expanded view only.

Proceed with the following (bullets)

Provides expert knowledge about the selected finding. The information displayed will direct you if you have difficulties deciding which advice to take or which solution to implement.


This is displayed in the expanded view only.

Investigating a finding

Perform the following steps to investigate a finding.


  1. Type the address of the StartPoint user interface into the Address bar of your browser and click Enter. The Precise login page opens. The login page provides secure access to Precise and to your specific product.
  2. Specify your authorized role name and password. By default, both role name and password are admin. For more information about role names, see the Precise Administration Guide.
  3. Click Login. The StartPoint page opens. This is the Precise home page.
  4. On the Product Selection bar, from the drop-down list, select the product you want to open.


Precise. Performance intelligence from click to storage. Learn more > >
