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Stores information about the table column's analyze statistics over time.

Column NameColumn Description
ORCO_DATABASE_IDID of the database.
ORCO_CHANGE_TIMEDate of the change.
ORCO_OWNEROwner of the table.
ORCO_TABLE_NAMEName of the table.
ORCO_COLUMN_NAMEName of the column.
ORCO_NUM_DISTINCTNumber of distinct values in the column.
ORCO_DENSITYDensity of the column.
ORCO_NUM_NULLSNumber of null values in the column.
ORCO_NUM_BUCKETSNumber of buckets used to analyze the column.
ORCO_LAST_ANALYZEDDate this table was most recently analyzed.


Stores information about Oracle block contention statistics over time.


The _TH table summarizes the data per hour.

The _D table summarizes the data per day. 

The _W table summarizes the data per week.

The _M table summarizes the data per month.

(N <table_name>) means normalized, the actual name can be retrieved from the <table_name>.

Column NameColumn Description
ORWA_PWII_INSTANCE_IDID of the database.
ORWA_TIMESTAMPDate of the sampling.
ORWA_CLASS_IDClass of the block (N PW_ORCL_CLASS_N).
ORWA_COUNT_SUMNumber of waits by this OPERATION for this CLASS of the block.
ORWA_TIME_SUMTotal value of the wait times for all waits by this OPERATION for this CLASS of the block.
ORWA_MINUTES_COUNT_SUMTotal amount of minutes summed in the row.
ORWA_PWHG_IDThe hour group ID that matches the sampled time.
ORWA_RECEIVED_TIMESTAMPThe timestamp that the row was loaded into the PW.


Stores information about the dispatcher processes.


The _H table summarizes the data per hour.

The _D table summarizes the data per day. 

The _W table summarizes the data per week.

The _M table summarizes the data per month.

(N <table_name>) means normalized, the actual name can be retrieved from the <table_name>.

Column NameColumn Description
ORDI_PWII_INSTANCE_IDID of the database.
ORDI_TIMESTAMPTimestamp of the sampling.
ORDI_NETWORK_IDNetwork address of this dispatcher (N PW_ORNT_NETWORK_N).
ORDI_MESSAGES_SUMTotal number of messages processed by this dispatcher.
ORDI_BYTES_SUMTotal size of messages processed by this dispatcher.
ORDI_BREAKS_SUMTotal number of breaks occurring in the connection.
ORDI_IDLE_SUMTotal idle time for this dispatcher, in hundredths of a second).
ORDI_BUSY_SUMTotal busy time for this dispatcher, in hundredths of a second.
ORDI_MINUTES_COUNT_SUMTotal amount of minutes summed in the row.
ORDI_PWHG_IDThe hour group ID that matches the sampled time.
ORDI_RECEIVED_TIMESTAMPThe timestamp that the row was loaded into the PW.


Stores information about the file's read and write statistics.


The _H table summarizes the data per hour.

The _D table summarizes the data per day. 

The _W table summarizes the data per week.

The _M table summarizes the data per month.

(N <table_name>) means normalized, the actual name can be retrieved from the <table_name>.

Column NameColumn Description
ORFV_PWII_INSTANCE_IDID of the database.
ORFV_TIMESTAMPTimestamp of the sampling.
ORFV_TS_IDTablespace name of the file (N PW_ORTB_TABLESPACE_N).
ORFV_PYR_SUMTotal number of physical reads done.
ORFV_PYW_SUMTotal number of times DBWR is required to write.
ORFV_PRT_SUMTime spent on reads, in hundredths of a second.
ORFV_PWT_SUMTime spent on writes, in hundredths of a second.
ORFV_PBR_SUMTotal number of physical blocks read.
ORFV_PBW_SUMTotal number of blocks written to disk, which may be the same as PHYWRTS if all writes are single blocks.
ORFV_MINUTES_COUNT_SUMTotal amount of minutes summed in the row.
ORFV_PWHG_IDThe hour group ID that matches the sampled time.
ORFV_RECEIVED_TIMESTAMPThe timestamp that the row was loaded into the PW.
