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SQL Safe provides you with CLI commands to help you manually backup a policy.

Options for Backup



To backup policies create usage with minimal required options use the following options:



  • SQLsafeCmd Create-Policy Backup <policy_name> -IncludeInstance <name> -IncludeDatabases <db_name> [<db_name> ...] [options] [-BackupType <type> [backup options] [-BackupType <type> [backup options] ...]]



-BackupType <type>

Specifies backup type for policy.

 <type> - Full, Differential, Diff, Log

Option can be used one or more times. Optional.

Note: the default type is "Full" with default settings.
-ActionType <action>

Specifies the policy action.

<action> - SqlAgent, SqlSafeBackupAgent, MonitorOnly.

Note: the default is the SqlAgent action.

-RestrictRun [on|off]    

[on|off] - Enable/Disable the policy.

-Description <description>     <description> - specifies the policy description.



IncludeInstance <instance_name>

<instance_name> - specifies the source instance name to include in policy.

Option can be used one or more times. There must be NO OPTIONS between -IncludeInstance and -IncludeDatabases options.

Note: this parameter is Note: it is required.



IncludeDatabases <db_name> [<db_name> ...]


<db_name> - specifies the database to restore[<db_name> ...] - one or more names of database(s) to include in policy.

Special keywords: {All}, {AllSystem}, {AllUser}.

Note: it is required for each -IncludeInstance option.


Server <server

Exclude <db_name> [<db_name>


<db_name> [<db<server_name> - specifies the source server.

Note: it is optional.

-RetryWrites <interval> <retry_time> <total_time>

On a network file error, retry every <interval> seconds for up to <retry_time> seconds. Total retry time allowed is <total_time> minutes.

-SourceBackupPolicy <policy_name|GUID>

<policy_name|GUID> - specifies the backup policy for source database.

-BackupEncryptionPassword <pwd>

<pwd> - specifies the password for encrypted source backup file.

...] - one or more names of database(s) to not backup.

Email Options

You can set email notifications for backup policy operations by using the following options:


-MailTo <email> [<email> ...] <on_event> [<on_event> ...] [<frequency>]

<email> - specifies where to send the notification.

<on_event> - specifies the event on which to send the notification.

Valid events are: OnError, OnSkip, OnCancel, OnWarning, OnSuccess.

The default is no event.

<frequency> - specifies the notification frequency.

Valid values: Once, Always, Never.

The default is never.

Note: you can optionally specify email settings.

Backup Options

To backup policies use the following option:


-BackupType <type>

Specifies backup type for policy.

 <type> - {Full, Differential, Diff, Log}.

Option can be used one or more times.

Note: the default type is "Full" with default settings.

This parameter is optional.

Available Options

There are available options for -BackupType option:

-CompressionLevel <level>

The compression level used for the backup.

<level> - {ispeed, isize, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4}.

Note: if the compression level is not specified, ispeed is the default.

-EncryptionType <type>

The type of encryption used to encrypt the backup.

<type> - {AES128, AES256}.

-BackupEncryptionPassword <pwd>

<pwd> - specifies the password for encrypted backup file.

-Verify <yes|no>

Verifies the backup set after backup is complete.

-IncludeLogins <yes|no>

For backup, includes the database logins in the backup file.

For restore, creates the logins from the backup file on the destination server.

Note: this parameter is optional.

-GenerateMap <yes|no>

Generates maps.

Note: for InstantRestore and SQL virtual database.

-Threads <number>

<number> - specifies the number of threads that should be used to distribute the backup process across multiple processors.

-Checksum <yes|no>

Instructs SQL Server to generate backup checksums during a backup, or verify backup checksums during a verify or restore.

Note: for SQL 2005 and later only.

This parameter

Account Options

The following account options help you perform restore policy operations:

-UseAgentAccount <yes|no>

Specifies the Agent account for accessing to files.

Note: it is optional.

By default, the policy uses Agent account.

-WindowsUsername <domain\user>

<domain\user> - specifies the user name, used when writing/reading to files during restore.

-WindowsPassword <pwd><pwd> - specifies the password.

Target Options

The following target options help you perform restore policy operations:

 -TargetInstance <instance_name>

<instance_name> - specifies the target instance.

Note: it is required.

-TargetDatabase <db_name>

<db_name> - specifies the new database.

Note: it is required.

-TargetServer <server_name>

<server_name> - specifies the target server.

Note: it is optional.

-LogLocation <path>

<path> - specifies where to store the database log files.

Note: the default value is the current target database log files location.

-DataLocation <path>

<path> - specifies where to store database data files.

Note: the default value is the current target database data files location.

-RecoveryMode <mode>

Specifies the database state after restore action.

<mode> NoRecovery, Standby, Recovery.

-DisconnectUsers <yes|no>

Disconnects all users from the target database before the restore operation begins.

Note: it is optional.

-ContinueAfterError <yes|no>

Instructs SQL Server to continue the operation despite encountering errors such as invalid checksums.

Note: for SQL 2005 and later only.

This parameter it is optional.

-CopyOnly <yes|no>

Specifies that the backup does not affect the normal sequence of backups.

Note: for For SQL 2005 and later only.


This parameter is optional.

-IncludeLogins ReadWriteFileGroups <yes|no>

For Instructs SQL Server to perform a partial backup, includes the database logins in the backup file.

For restore, creates the logins from the backup file on the destination server.

Note: it is optional.

-KeepReplication <yes|no>

Preserves replication settings when restoring a published database to a server other than that on which it was created.

Note: it is optional.

which includes the primary filegroup and any read-write secondary filegroups.

Note: for SQL 2005 and later only.

This parameter is optional.

-TruncateTransactionLog <yes|no>

Removes inactive entries for transaction log in "Log" backup option. Optional.

Note: by default, this option is enabled.

-Location <type>

Specifies backup storage type.

 <type> - {Single File, TSM, Striped Files, Data Domain, S3 Cloud}.

Note: The default value is "Single File".

This parameter is optional.

-Overwrite <yes|no>

Overwrites existing archive if one exists.

Note: The default value is "no".

This parameter is optional.

-RetryWrites <interval> <retry_time> <total_time>

On a network file error, retry every <interval> seconds for up to <retry_time> seconds. Total retry time allowed is <total_time> minutes.

-FailOnMirrorError <yes|no>

To abort backup if a mirror location reports a failure.

Note: by default, this option is disabled.

This parameter is optional.

-MirrorFile <filename>

Specifies additional backup archive files to be used for mirroring backups.

<filename> - specifies the backup archive files.

Note: use once for each additional mirror. Up to two mirrors may be specified.

-DeleteMirror <n><time_period>

After a backup successfully completes, delete mirrors that are older than the specified amount of time.

<n> - amount of time.

<time_period> - {minutes, hours, days, weeks, months}.

There must be NO SPACE between <n> and <time_period>.

E.g., -deletemirror 2hours.

Note: if you use the space between <n> and <time_period>, the mirror filename will be automatically generated with the following pattern:


where the <timestamp> is in UTC time and in the form of YYYYMMDDHHMM.

-BackupFile <filename>

Specifies additional backup archive files to be used for striping backups.

<filename> - specifies the backup archive files.

 Note: use once for each additional stripe.

-Delete <n><time_period>

After a backup successfully completes, delete archives that are older than the specified amount of time.

<n> - amount of time.

 <time_period> - {minutes, hours, days, weeks, months}.

There must be NO SPACE between <n> and <time_period>.

E.g., -delete 2hours.

Note: if you use the space between <n> and <time_period>, the backup archive filename will be automatically generated with the following pattern:

<instancename>_<databasename>_<backuptype>_ <timestamp>.safe

where the <timestamp> is in UTC time and in the form of YYYYMMDDHHMM.

-UseAgentAccount <yes|no>

Specifies Agent account for accesing to files.

Note: by default, the policy uses Agent account.

This parameter is optional.

-WindowsUsername <domain\user>

<domain\user> - specifies user name, used when writing to remote files during backup.

-WindowsPassword <pwd>

<pwd> - specifies password.

-BucketName <bucket_name>

<bucket_name> - specifies the cloud bucket name.

-SecretKey <key>

<key> - specifies the cloud secret name.

-AccessKey <key>

<key> - specifies the cloud access key.

-FileSize <file_size>

<file_size> - specifies the cloud file size.

-Region <region>

<region> - specifies the cloud region.


Schedule Options

You can schedule a restore backup policy by using the following options:


-Schedule <occurs_type>

Specifies the schedule type (occurs type).

<occurs_type> - OnDemand, Daily, Weekly, Monthly.

-Every <n>

<n> - specifies Specifies how often the policy runs. It depends on the schedule type.

For Daily: every <n> day(s).

For Weekly: every <n> week(s).

For Monthly: every <n> month(s).

Note: the default value is "1".

-Day <day>

<day> - specifies a day of the week or a day of a month.

Note: it is valid only with Weekly, Monthly schedule types.

Valid values for Weekly: MON - SUN and * (every day). SUN is default.

Valid values for Monthly: MON - SUN, Weekday, WeekendDay, Day or number 1 - 31. Is required when -MonthDay option is used.

-MonthDay <month_day>

Specifies how often the policy runs.

<month_day> - FIRST, SECOND, THIRD, FOURTH, LAST use with -Day option. LASTDAY - the policy runs on the last day of the month.

-StartTime <time>

<time> - specifies the time of day that the policy runs.

Note: it is required with a "once" frequency.

The default value is the current local time when policy creates.

-EndTime <time>

<time> - specifies the time of day that the policy ends.

Note: it is is not valid in a "once" frequency.

The default value is the "23:59:59".

-Frequency <n><time_period>

Specifies daily frequency (how often the policy runs within a day).

 <n> - amount of time.

<time_period> - {hour, minute}.

E.g., -Frequency 2hours.

Special keyword: Once. E.g., -Frequency Once.

-StartDate <date>

<date> - specifies the date that the policy starts.

Note: it is optional.The the default value is the current date.

 It is optional.

-EndDate <date>

<date> - specifies the last date that the policy is scheduled to run.

Note: it is optional.By by default, the schedules have no ending date.

 It is optional.

Note: you can optionally specify restore backup job occur schedule.

Email Options

You can set email notifications for restore policy operations by using the following options:

OptionsDescription -MailTo <email> [<email> ...] <on_event> [<on_event> ...] [<frequency>]

<email> - specifies where to send notification.

<on_event> - specifies the event on which send notification.

Valid events are: OnError, OnSkip, OnCancel, OnWarning, OnSuccess.

The default is no event.

<frequency> - specifies the notification frequency.

Valid values: Once, Always, Never.

The default is never.

Note: you can optionally specify email settings.


For detailed descriptions and available options, see the CLI Help (SQLsafecmd help create-policy).

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