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The generation of a DDL can be invoked through the command line.

Code Block


-repo <repo name>


-c <category>


-m <model>




[-g <group>]
[-e <entity>]
-d <ddl template>
[-l <letter case>] (default is actual letter case)
[-t <target>[,<target>]] (DDL for





 all entities with a target location defined will be generated if no targets are specified)
[-nt] (if specified DDL will be generated for entities with no target location defined)
[-s <separate files>] (if specified separate files for each entity will be generated. If not specified then all DDL will be contained in one file)
-o <ddl output path> (if the option to generate separate files for each entity is specified, then this option will be the folder path otherwise it will be a full file path)
[-f] (Force overwrite)


Code Block
jre\bin\Java -Xmx512m -XX:MaxMetaspaceSize=512m -splash: -jar WhereScape-3D-HEAD-bundle.jar ddlexport -repo "Local repository" -c "RED Export" -m "Master" -v "1.0" -d "ws3d_snowflake_ddl_default" -o "C:\temp\DDL.sql"