Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
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  • Formatting was changed.



  • Directly to the user
  • To a community that the user belongs to
  • To an organization that the user belongs to
  • To a role that is directly assigned to the user
  • To a role assigned to a community that the user belongs to
  • To a role assigned to an organization the user belongs to

See “Configuring Configuring roles in the dashboard” on page 21. See dashboard and Where to go for more information.


  1. Go to Control Panel>Portal>Communities.
  2. Click Add.
  3. Fill in the relevant information for the community, such as Name and Description.
  4. Select the community type:
    • Open. Available for all users.
    • Restricted. Available for a restricted group of users.
    • Private. Only available for you.
  5. Mark the checkbox to make the community active.
  6. Optionally, add one or more tags.
  7. Click Save.


  1. Go to Control Panel>Portal>Communities.
  2. Click the Actions button on the row of the community from which you want to delete a user, user group, or organization.
  3. Click Assign Members.
  4. Select the tab with the entity you want to clear the selection of the members from.
  5. Clear the check box next to the users, user groups, or organizations that you want to remove from the organization.
  6. Click Update Associations.
  7. Select the Back icon.

Configuring roles in the dashboard

Roles are a collection of permissions. The Roles mechanism lets you control which portlets a user can view. Roles can be assigned to a user, community, or organization. If a role is assigned to a community or organization, all users that are members of that entity receive the collection of permissions assigned to that role.


  1. Go to Control Panel>Portal>Roles.
  2. Click the Actions button next to the entity from which you want to delete a role.
  3. Click Assign Members.
  4. On the tab for the selected entity, click Available.
  5. Clear the checkbox for the role that you want to delete.
  6. Click Update Associations.
  7. Click Back.

Changing user passwords

The administrator can change a user's password by editing the user's profile. Users can change their own individual password on the My Account page.


  1. Log in as Admin user to Custom Portal version 9.6.
  2. Go to Control Panel>Settings>Authentication>LDAP.
  3. Under Authentication, mark Enabled.
  4. Under Default Values, mark Microsoft Active Directory Server.
  5. Under Connection, provide the parameters described in the following table:

    Base Provider URL<url_of_the_base_provider>
    Base DN<base_dn>
  6. Under Users, provide the parameters as described in the following table:

    Authentication Search Filter(&(objectCategory=person)(sAMAccountName=@screen-name@))
    Import Search Filter((objectclass=person)
    User name<user_name>
    Email address<email_address>
    First name<given_name>
    Last name<last_name>
    Job title<title>
  7. Under Groups, do not mark/configure anything.
  8. Under Import/Export, mark or clear the parameters as described in the following table:

    Import enabledMark
    Import on startup enabledMark
    Import intervalAny selection as long as it is not grayed-out.
    Export enabledDo not check this box.
  9. Under Password policy, mark the “Use LDAP Password Policy” check box.


The following portlets are available:

  • Adapter Settings. Lets you retrieve data from a specific source.
  • Portlet Upgrader. Lets you upgrade all portlets that are using the same Precise installation (source) to another Precise installation (destination).
  • Refresh Rate Setting. Lets you configure how often the information displayed in the dashboard is refreshed.

About the Adapter Settings portlet

An adapter retrieves data from a specific data source. An adapter is defined by a unique identifier, called the Adapter Identifier, and the parameters that define where it should retrieve information from.


The Precise adapter enables the user to communicate with different Precise installations from different versions (OOTB supporting v8, v8.x, v9, and v9.6).

The Starting from v8.5, the AES encryption method was introduced in Precise. It is used as the default communication encryption method. For the adapter to communicate with the data source in the configuration process, the user will be is prompted to copy the encryption key files from the Precise installation to the Precise Custom Portal installation.


Table 3-1. Fixed Adapter Data Source fields

NameA unique user-defined name that identifies the data source. the identifier is displayed in the Data source list when you edit a portlet.
User group

Indicates which user group has been granted permission to view information from this data source. This parameter is case-sensitive.


If the Group parameter is left empty, every user can view information from this data source.

See “About the DBAdapter” on page 28, “About About the DBAdapter, About the Retrieve from Database portlet” on page 31, “Assigning portlet, and Assigning permissions to adapters through user groups” on page 27groups.

To add an adapter

  1. In the Adapter Settings portlet, on the Adapter Identifier field, click Add.
  2. In the Adapter Address field, type the address of the adapter Web service.
  3. Click OK.


  1. In the Adapter Settings portlet, from the Adapter Identifier list, select the Adapter whose data source you want to remove.
  2. In the Adapter Data Sources table, locate the data resource that you want to remove.
  3. Click Remove.

Assigning permissions to adapters through user groups

Using the built-in security mechanism shipped with the Precise Custom Dashboard, you can control which data sources a user can retrieve information from. When you assign permissions to adapters the user can only see information from the data sources that he has been assigned to through his user group.


  1. Create a user and associate the user with a user group. You also need to create the specific user group if it does not already exist.
  2. In the Adapter Settings portlet, in the Adapter Identifier field, choose the adapter that you want to edit.
  3. Do one of the following:
    • Edit an existing data source. Click Edit. In the User Group field, type the group that you want the data source to be associated with.
    • Add and define a new data source for the adapter. Click Add Data Source. Enter the parameters that define the selected data source. In the User Group field, type the group that you want the data source to be associated with.

About the DBAdapter

The DBAdapter is the default adapter that is shipped with the Precise Custom Dashboard. This adapter lets you retrieve data from the database of your choice.


To load the JDBC driver, you are required to restart of the Precise Web GUI service. See “Common JDBC drivers” on page 28 Common JDBC drivers.


Only a user with Administrator privileges can configure a database as a data source. This is done in the Adapter Settings portlet.

The Name and Group fields are fixed fields which must be defined for every type of adapter. See “About About the Adapter Settings portlet” on page 26 and “About portlet and About the Retrieve from Database portlet” on page 31portlet.

The following table describes the additional parameters that must be defined for the database adapter to connect to a database.

Table 3-2 DBAdapter fields

Driver name

Driver Name    Name of the database driver. This driver lets you access the database that you want to retrieve information from. For example, to connect to a SQL Server driver, type the following:

The driver must be installed on the same server that the DB adapter is installed on. In many cases this will be the same server that the Precise Custom Dashboard is installed on.

Connection string

Location of the database that you want to connect to and the driver used to connect to it. For example:


UserUser name that allows you to access information from the database.
PasswordPassword that allows the user to access information from the database.

See “About See About the Adapter Settings portlet” on page 26.See “About portlet, About the Retrieve from Database portlet” on page 31. See “Common JDBC drivers” on page 28.portlet, and Common JDBC drivers.

Common JDBC drivers

JDBC drivers allow you to connect to databases that support Structured Query Language (SQL).


Table 3-3 Microsoft SQL Server JDBC driver

JDBC driverValue
Connection strong formatjdbc:sqlserver://<host>:<port1433>;DatabaseName=<database>

The following table shows the information you must enter in the DBAdapter portlet settings to connect to a MySQL database.

Table 3-4 MySQL JDBC driver

JDBC driverValue
Driver namecom.mysql.jdbc.Driver
Connection string formatjdbc:mysql://<host>:<port>/<databaseName>

The following table shows the information you must enter in the DBAdapter portlet settings to connect to a Sybase database.

Table 3-5 Sybase JDBC driver

JDBC driverValue
Driver namecom.sybase.jdbc2.jdbc.SybDriver
Connection string formatjdbc:sybase:Tds:<host>:<port>/<databaseName>

The following table shows the information you must enter in the DBAdapter portlet settings to connect to a Oracle database.

Table 3-6 Oracle JDBC driver

JDBC driverValue
Driver nameoracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver
Connection string formatjdbc:oracle:thin:@<host>:<port>:<sid>

About the Portlet Upgrader portlet

This portlet is located in the portlets tree under admin.


Table 3-7 Portlet Upgrader portlet

Source adapterList of defined adapters
Source data sourceList of defined data sources for the selected source adapter
Destination adapterList of defined adapters
Destination data sourceList of defined data sources for the selected destination adapter

See Configuring the portlet.

About the Refresh Rate Settings portlet

The administrator can configure how often the information displayed in the dashboard is refreshed in the Refresh Rate Settings portlet. These settings apply to all pages on the dashboard.


  1. On the Refresh Rate Settings portlet toolbar, click the Edit Preferences icon.
  2. In the Page refresh rate (minutes) field, type how often you want the information displayed on the page to be refreshed.
  3. Click Ok OK.

About the Tools portlets

The Tools Portlets provide additional utilities that expand the functionality of the Precise Custom Dashboard. The following portlets are available:IFrame    Lets

  • IFrame. Lets you display information from a specific URL address.
  • Log


  • In. Lets you access the My Account dialog box and modify your account settings.
  • Import from


  • Precise. Lets you create a new portlet page.
  • Quick


  • Note. Lets you add your own note or comments to a portlet page.


  • RSS. Lets you display frequently updated Really Simple Syndication (RSS) content in a portlet. Retrieve from Database    Lets you query a database and display information from it.
  • Time


  • Frame. Lets you decide the period of time that you want to analyze.

About the IFrame portlet

The IFrame portlet lets you display information from a specific URL address. You must have administrator privileges to set up this portlet. See Configuring the portlet.See “Changing user passwords” on page 23. See “About the Main menu” on page 10, Changing user passwords, and About the Main menu .

About the Log In portlet

The Log In portlet lets you access the My Account dialog box and modify your account settings. See Configuring the portlet.See “Changing user passwords” on page 23. See “About the Main menu” on page 10, Changing user passwords, About the Main menu.

About the Import from Precise portlet

The Import from Precise portlet gives you the functionality to create portlets based on the view that has been exported from within Precise v9.6 using the Export to the Custom Portal Portlet feature.Note:


Prerequisites for the use of this portlet is that you need to have the rights to add portlets.

To create a portlet with Import from Precise1    Log

  1. Log in to the Precise Custom Portal.


  1. Go to Add Portlet.


  1. In the portlets tree under Tools, click Add after Import from Precise.


  1. Select the data source.


  1. Select the name that was used to create the Export to the Custom Portal Portlet view.



  1. The date and time stamp will help you choose the most recent view. The last 50 saves are available.


  1. Click Generate the Portlet.


  1. Click Preferences if you want to change the default configuration. See Configuring the portlet.

About the Quick Note portlet

The Quick Note portlet lets you add your own note or comments to a portlet page.

About the RSS portlet

The RSS portlet lets you display frequently updated Really Simple Syndication (RSS) content in a portlet. You subscribe to a feed by entering the feed's URL (one per line) and the number of entries per feed.



It can take a while before content is displayed in this portlet.

About the Retrieve from Database portlet

The Retrieve from Database portlet lets you query a database and display information from it. The Administrator must configure the database as a data source (in the Adapter Settings portlet) before you can send it a query.

In the Filter Data By field, enter the name of the data source that you want to retrieve data from and enter an SQL
statement that is used to query the database and retrieve the information. An SQL statement must begin with one of the following commands:■    Select

  • Select


  • With

You can also define the time frame for your retrieved information by entering an SQL statement. The time frame has four parameters:■    

  • !~timeFrameFromString~! - This parameter is the start time in yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss a format


  • !~timeFrameToString~! - This parameter is the end time in yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss a format


  • Example To define a time frame that ends at 2010/01/16 02:20:45 am, enter the following query:
    select* from A where time >


  • '!~timeFrameToString~!


  • '


  • !~timeFrameFromLong~! - This parameter is the start time


  • !~timeFrameToLong~! - This parameter is the end time


  • Example To define a time frame that ends at 123246486, enter the following query:
    select * from A where time >


  • '!~timeFrameToLong~!


  • '


In certain JDBC drivers, such as in Oracle JDBC, a query containing a count(*) function, must be typed as follows:

select count(*) as c1 from table_1



Adding a semi-colon (;) at the end of a query causes a query parse error in some JDBC drivers.

When you choose a display view for the information retrieved from the database, verify that you choose a view that is appropriate to the query you selected.

The following table describes how the information retrieved from a database is displayed.

Table 3-8    Available 8 Available display views
Format    Description
Table    Displays

TableDisplays the data in table format.



Only numeric data is displayed. Non-numeric data is ignored.

The first column of data is displayed along the X-axis. Remaining numeric columns are displayed as values in the chart.

Multiple line



Only numeric data is displayed. Non-numeric data is ignored.

The first column of data is displayed along the X-axis. Remaining numeric columns are displayed as values in the chart.

Combined multiple line



Only numeric data is displayed. Non-numeric data is ignored.

The first column of data is displayed along the X-axis. Remaining numeric columns are displayed as values in the chart.

This chart has multiple Y-axes, each axis corresponding to a specific line.

Horizontal bar



Only numeric data is displayed. Non-numeric data is ignored.

The first column of data is always displayed. Remaining numeric columns are displayed as values in the chart.




Only numeric data is displayed. Non-numeric data is ignored.

The first column of data is displayed along the X-axis. Remaining numeric columns are displayed as values in the chart.

Multiple pie



Only numeric data is displayed. Non-numeric data is ignored.

The first column of data is displayed as the name of the chart. Remaining numeric columns are displayed as values in the chart.

Each row is displayed in a different pie.




Only numeric data is displayed. Non-numeric data is ignored.

The first column of data is displayed as the name of the chart. Remaining numeric columns are displayed as values in the chart.

Only the values in the first row are displayed in the pie chart.


Ring chart

Only numeric data is displayed. Non-numeric data is ignored.

The first column of data is always displayed. Remaining numeric columns are displayed as values in the chart.

Only the values in the first row are displayed in the ring chart.

See Configuring the portlet, Defining the portlet data preferences, and “About the DBAdapter” on page 28 About the DBAdapter.

About the Time Frame portlet

The Time Frame portlet lets you decide the period of time that you want to analyze. The time frame you select, affects the time frame used by all portlets displayed on the same page.



If you set up a different page to view additional portlets, it is recommended that you add the Time Frame portlet to the new page, and verify that you set it to the period of time that you want to display information on. If you don't add a Time Frame portlet to the page, the portlets on the page that are associated with the Time Frame portlet will automatically display information according to the data collected within the last 24 hours. This is also the default setting for all new time frames.



If you delete a Time Frame portlet from a page, the portlets on the page will continue to display information according to the last settings you configured in the Time Frame portlet.

You can either choose to define the time interval that you want to analyze, or to focus your analysis on the last <n>
minutes, hours, days, weeks or months, relative to your own local time. The following table describes the time frame settings you can select.

Table 3-9    Time 9 Time Frame options
Field    Description
From    Determines

FromDetermines when the sampling period begins (date and time).


ToDetermines when the sampling period ends (date and time).


Lets you focus on the last <n> minutes, hours, days, weeks or months from the current time.

Configuring the portlet

You can determine the design of the portlet and the user permissions. To configure the portlet configuration1    In

  1. In the desired portlet, click the Options icon (Image Added).


  1. From the drop-down menu, select the Look and Feel icon.


  1. In the dialog box that appears, move between the tabs to determine the portlet layout.


  1. To save changes, click Save.
    To revert to the default settings, click Reset.

To define the portlet’s user permissions1    In

  1. In the desired portlet, click the Options icon (Image Added).


  1. From the drop-down menu, select the Configuration icon.


  1. In the dialog box that appears, use the Permissions tab to edit the user permissions.


  1. To save changes, click Submit.

Defining the portlet data preferences

You can determine which information to display in a portlet and in what format you want it to be displayed (such as a table, chart or gauge).

You can determine what information is displayed in a portlet and the portlet's width and height.

To define the portlet’s preferences1    In

  1. In the Title area of the portlet, click on the existing title and rename it to a title that helps you remember what is displayed in the portlet.


  1. Click the Preferences icon (


  1. Image Added) to edit the portlet preferences.


  1. Under Show fields, choose the information that you want to display in the portlet.


  1. Under Filter data by, determine which information to display. Depending upon the Precise installation/data source selected you may be prompted to enter additional information.
    If the Filter field supports the use of wildcard characters, use the percentage (%) character.


  1. Under Properties, determine how you want the information displayed, as follows:

    View data


  1. asDetermines whether data is displayed as a table or chart. If the data is of the same unit and type, it is displayed in the same chart.


  1. height

    If you choose to display the data in a chart, determines the height of the chart, in pixels.



  1. legendIf you choose to display the data in a chart, determines where to position the legend (options


  1. include top, bottom, left, or right of the chart).


  1. heightDetermines the height of the portlet, in pixels.


  1. width

    Determines the width of the portlet, in pixels.

    The width of the portlet is also influenced by the layout of the page the portlet is displayed on.



  1. textAllows you to enter text that is displayed at the top of the portlet. You can use this text to explain what the purpose of the portlet is, or give an overview of what is displayed in the portlet.


  1. Click OK.

Removing a portlet package from the Precise Custom Dashboard


For the latest information on the Precise Custom Dashboard, see the Precise Customer Support Portal.


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