Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


The following is an example of an Add-on AppTier installation package descriptor file.

     <apptier-name> Generic Mail Server </apptier-name>
          <package-file package-to-set="true">

The following is the basic hierarchy of an XML-based descriptor file:


The name of the installation package zip file should be as follows:

Table A- 1 Installation package definitions


This the root element and identifies the installation package for the Add-on AppTier.

Value: always I3SDK


Defines the application name, maximum 10 characters.

Value: String


Identifies the current version for this installation package.

Value: Numeric

ETD file


  • The root element is <SDK>
  • General characteristics of the application and their attributes
  • Entities and their attributes
  • Counters and their attributes

<etd version="1.0">
     <version major="0" minor="1"/>
     <!-- application level definitions -->
     <application id="MS" tid="1" internal_name="MAILSERVER" range="20000">
          <integration network="no" availability="no" instance-is-server="no" agent-type="file" /> <!-- "file" or "arm" collection mode -->
          <pw threshold="0"/>
          <sla-entity eid="A" />
          <collection dir="products/sdk/MS" remote="no" min-activity-report="3" max-activity-report="15" availability-report="15" />
               <counter tid="100" />
          <zoom-displays />
          <performance />
          <!-- mail msg, activity -->
          <entity eid="A" tid="501" plural-tid="502" grouping-tid="503" plural-grouping-tid="504" length="256">
               <display mandatory="yes" order="1" />
               <data class="activity" type="varchar" dbcolumn="MAIL_MSG" mandatory="yes" last-summary="all" collection-id="msg" />
               <load allow-drop="no" />
               <integration alerts="no" foresight="yes" />
               <service-time />
          <!-- sender, user classification -->
          <entity eid="U" tid="511" plural-tid="512" grouping-tid="513" plural-grouping-tid="514" length="256"
               <display mandatory="no" order="6" />
               <data class="user_name" type="varchar" dbcolumn="SENDER" mandatory="yes" last-summary="all" collection-id="sender" />
               <load allow-drop="no" />
               <integration alerts="no" foresight="yes" />
               <service-time />
          <!-- sender ip, "client ip" classification -->
          <entity eid="C" tid="521" plural-tid="522" grouping-tid="523" plural-grouping-tid="524" length="256">
               <display mandatory="no" order="7" />
               <data class="client_ip" type="varchar" dbcolumn="SENDER_IP" mandatory="yes" last-summary="all" collection-id="C_IP" />
               <load allow-drop="no" />
               <integration alerts="no" foresight="yes" />
               <service-time />
          <!-- msg type, "user defined" classification, no grouping -->
          <entity eid="T" tid="531" plural-tid="532" length="256">
               <display mandatory="no" order="9" />
               <data class="user-defined" type="varchar" dbcolumn="MSG_TYPE" mandatory="yes" last-summary="all" collection-id="type" />
               <load allow-drop="no" />
               <integration alerts="no" foresight="yes" />
               <service-time />
          <!-- instance - name of mail server -->
          <entity eid="I" tid="541" plural-tid="542" grouping-tid="543" plural-grouping-tid="544" length="256">
               <display mandatory="yes" order="2" />
               <data class="instance" type="varchar" mandatory="yes" last-summary="all" />
               <load allow-drop="no" />
               <integration alerts="no" foresight="yes" />
               <service-time />
          <!-- server machine -->
          <entity eid="S" tid="551" plural-tid="552" grouping-tid="553" plural-grouping-tid="554" length="256">
               <display mandatory="yes" order="3" />
               <data class="server" type="varchar" mandatory="yes" last-summary="all" />
               <load allow-drop="no" />
               <integration alerts="no" foresight="yes" />
               <service=time />
          <!-- delivery time - service time -->
          <counter tid="100">
               <display color="34" colorRGB="123" sortable="yes" sum-format="duration-HH:MI:SS" avg-format="avgDuration-HH:MI:SS.TTT" />
               <data class="service" type="float" dbcolumn="DELIVERY_TIME" mandatory="yes" func="SUM" collection-id="delivery" />
          <!-- msg size - statistical counter -->
          <counter tid="110"
               <display color="30" colorRGB="125" sortable="yes" sum-format="byteFloat" avg-format="byteFloat" />
               <data class="statistic" type="float" dbcolumn="MSG_SIZE" mandatory="yes" func="SUM" collection-id="size" />
          <!-- recipients - execution counter -->
          <counter tid="120">
               <display color="33" colorRGB="126" sortable="yes" sum-format="number" avg-format="" />
               <data class="execution" type="float" dbcolumn="REQUESTS" mandatory="yes" func="SUM" collection-id="recipients" />
          <!-- timestamp field -->
          <field tid="999">
               <data class="timestamp" type="timestamp" dbcolumn="TIMESTAMP" mandatory="yes"
               <collection-id="D" />
     <agent-installer-params />

About ETD file definitions


The following table specifies version types under the EDT file SDK root element.

Table A-Types of versions under the ETD file SDK root element

Version TypesDescription
majorFor documentation of the Add-on AppTier installation package version.
minorFor documentation of the Add-on AppTier installation package version.

About ETD file application-level entities

Application-level definitions are a set of properties that describe the scope and display of data from the Add-on AppTier application.

The following table specifies the various identifiers for the add-on technology. The <application> element is a mandatory child element of the root element.

Table A- 3 Application element positioned under the Precise root directory

Application Attribute NameDescription

The title ID for the technology name.

Value: Numeric. Always exists in the file or files.

Mandatory: Yes


Internally identifies a Precise product.

Value: max length of 18. Always uppercase letters or digits only (no blanks or underscore used). Usually the value is derived from the title of the application.

Mandatory: Yes


Identifies the add-on technology.

Value: always 2 characters; provided as part of the Precise registration procedure.

Mandatory: Yes


Used in conjunction with tid attributes to make the values unique across technologies.

Value: Numeric; provided as part of the Precise registration procedure.

Mandatory: Yes

The following table specifies the collection mode and possible integration with Precise components. The <integration> element is a mandatory child element of <application>.

Table A- 4 Integration element positioned under the application element

Integration Attribute NameDescription

Specifies whether integration network monitoring is currently available. Must always be either Yes or No.

Value: Yes, if integration network monitoring is currently supported.

Value: No, if integration network monitoring is currently not supported. "No" is the default value.

Mandatory: No


Specifies whether monitoring for availability is currently available. Must always be either Yes or No.

Value: Yes, if monitoring for availability is currently supported.

Value: No, if monitoring for availability is currently not supported. "No" is the default value.

Mandatory: No (for future use)


Specifies whether the same entity is used as both instance and server. Must always be either Yes or No.

Value: Yes, if instance is installed on a server.

Value: No, if instance is not installed on a server. "No" is the default value. Mandatory: No (for future use)


Identifies the File or ARM collection.

Value: either "file" or "arm".

Mandatory: Yes

The following table specifies possible parameters for the PMDB load process. The <pw> element is an optional child element of <application>.

Table A- 5 PMDB element positioned under the application element

PW Attribute NameDescription

The load threshold. Rows with a service time smaller than specified are collapsed into one row.

Value: Numeric, if specified.

Mandatory: No (for future use)

The following table specifies the entity that is used for SLA calculations. The <sla-entity> element is an optional child element of <application>.

Table A- 6 sla-entity element positioned under the application element

sla-entity Attribute NameDescription
eidIf an entity with a Precise classification activity was defined, put its entity as value. Otherwise, use an empty string.

The following table specifies the collection properties. The <collection> element is a mandatory child element of <application>.

Table A- 7 Collection element positioned under the application element

Collection Attribute NameAttributes

The relative path under the Precise Listener where Collector files are harvested. A valid path name always includes a forward slash "/" as a file separator. For example: products/sdk/MS.

Mandatory: Yes


Specifies whether remote collection is available.


The server where the Collector runs is different than the server where the monitored application runs.

Value: Yes, No. "No" is the default value.

Mandatory: No


Specifies the minimum frequency for reporting activity data (largest time slice).

Value: Numeric, if specified.

Mandatory: No (for future use)


Specifies the maximum frequency for reporting activity data (smallest time slice).

Value: Numeric, if specified.

Mandatory: No (for future use)


Specifies the frequency for reporting availability data (size of time slice).

Value: Numeric, if specified.

Mandatory: No (for future use)

The following table specifies the counters that make up the application's service time. The <service-time> element is a mandatory child element of <application>.

Table A-Service-time element positioned under the application element


Specifies the display order for the service time breakdown in Insight and Report Manager. Must have at least one child element <counter>; multiple children are allowed.

Each counter child must have a "tid" attribute with a value equal to the counter's "tid". (The child for the <counters> element is equal to the child of the root.)

This element has no attributes.

The following table specifies a zoom display. The <zoom-displays> element is an optional element of <application>.

Table A- 9 Zoom-displays element positioned under the application element

Zoom-displays Element NameDescription
zoom-displaysThis element has no attributes (for future use).

The following table specifies performance. The <performance> element is an optional element of <application>.

Table A- 10 Performance element positioned under the application element

Performance Element NameDescription
performanceThis element has no attributes (for future use).

About ETD file entities

This section contains functional and technical specifications for Add-on AppTier entities.

The following table specifies the entities for the Add-on AppTier. The <entities> element is a mandatory child element of the root.

Table A- 11 Entities element positioned under the root element

Entities Element NameDescription

Must have at least one child element <entity>. Multiple children are allowed.

The Instance and Server entities are mandatory. There must be one entity with a class activity.

This element has no attributes.

Only one entity per class attribute: client_ip, activity, program, application, user_name, instance or server, can be defined. Multiple entities with user-defined class are allowed.

The following table defines one entity. The <entity> element is a mandatory child element of <entities>. Multiple instances are allowed.

Table A- 12 Entity element positioned under the entities element

Entity Attribute NameDescription

Uniquely identities an entity.

Value: One character, uppercase letter only.

Mandatory: Yes


The Title ID for an entity, as it appears in the drop-down menu list.

Value: Numeric, always exists in the file or files.

Mandatory: Yes


The Title ID for an entity in plural form, as it appears in the graph title.

Value: Numeric, always exists in the file or files.

Mandatory: Yes


If specified, this entity has a grouping function. It specifies the Title ID for a grouped entity, as it appears in the drop-down menu list.

Value: Numeric, always exists in the file or files.

Mandatory: No


If specified, this entity has a grouping function. It specifies the Title ID for a grouped entity in plural form, as it appears in the graph title.

Value: Numeric, always exists in the file or files.

Mandatory: No


The maximum length value in numbers.

Value: Numeric

Mandatory: Yes

These entities have the following length limitations:


The following table defines the display properties of the entity. The <display> element is a mandatory child element of <entity>.

Table A- 13 Display element positioned under the entity element

Display Attribute NameDescription

Defines whether the entity graph can be hidden in Insight display settings.

Value: Yes, No

Mandatory: Yes


Defines the position of the entity's graph in the Insight "all" display.

Value: Numeric

Mandatory: Yes

The following table defines the database related properties. The <data> element is a mandatory child element of <entity>.

Table A- 14 Data element positioned under the entity element

Data Attribute NameDescription

Defines the classification used to map the entity to the Insight Cross-AppTier display.

Valid values: "activity", "program", "application", "user_name", "instance", "server", "client_IP", or "user_defined".

Mandatory: Yes


Defines the data type of a database column.

Value: "varchar"

Mandatory: Yes


The name of the database column.

Value: Yes, No

Mandatory: Yes


Instance and Server entities have fixed database column names that are automatically set by Precise during plug-in installation. The attribute cannot be specified for these entities in the ETD file.


Defines whether the database column is nullable.

Values: Yes or No

Mandatory: yes


Specifies whether an entity exists in all PW summary levels.

Valid values: "all", "T", "H", "G", "D", or "W".

Mandatory: No (for future use)


The name of a field in a Collector file.

Value: a valid XML tag.

Mandatory: Yes

NOTE:     Instance and Server entities have no collection-id. The values for these entities in the

Collector file are specified in the rowset level; not in the row level.

The following table specifies loading parameters. The <load> element is an optional child element of <entity>.

Table A- 15 Load element positioned under the entity element

Load ElementDescription

Specifies whether this entity can be dropped during loading. (This option appears in PW load process parameters.)

Value: Yes, No

Mandatory: No (for future use)

The following table defines whether an entity can be filtered. The <filter> element is an optional child element of <entity>. If specified, it must have one child element <value> with a text value.

Table A- 16 Filter element positioned under the entity element

Filter ElementDescription
filterThis element has no attributes (for future use).

The following table specifies whether this entity is applicable for other Precise products besides Insight. The <integration> element is an optional child element of <entity>.

Table A- 17 Integration element positioned under the entity element

Integration Attribute NameDescription

Specifies whether this entity is applicable for Alerts.

Values: Yes, No

Mandatory: No (for future use)

report manager

Specifies whether this entity is applicable for Report Manager.

Values: Yes, No

Mandatory: Yes

The following table specifies whether this entity has a special service time breakdown. The <service-time> element is an optional element of <entity>.

Table A- 18 Service-time element positioned under the entity element

Service-time ElementDescription
service-timeThis element has no attributes (for future use).

About etd file counters

This section contains functional and technical specifications for Add-on AppTier counters.

The following table specifies the counters for the Add-on AppTier. The <counters> element is a mandatory child element of the root.

Table A- 19 Counters element positioned under the root

Counters ElementDescription

Specifies the counters for the Add-on AppTier. The <counters> element must have at least one child element <counter>.

There must be at least one counter with a class service. It must be the first one in the counters section (in the etd file).

This element has no attributes.

Execution counter must be defined in the etd.xml file (only one can be defined). Although the counter is defined, the agent does not need to report this counter in the data file.

The following table defines the attribute for one counter only. The <counter> element is a mandatory child element of <counters>.

Table A- 20 Counter tid element positioned under the counters element

Counter Attribute NameDescription

The Title ID for a counter.

Value: Numeric, always exists in file or files. For different counters, the values of tid must be specified in intervals of 10.

Mandatory: Yes

The following table defines the display properties of the counter. The <display> element is a mandatory child element of <counter>.

Table A- 21 Display element positioned under the counters element

Display Attribute NameDescription

Specifies the color code for Insight bar graphs.

Value: Figure

on page 37


The value is the sequential number before the bracket.

Mandatory: Yes


Specifies the color code for Report Manager reports.

Value: Figure

on page 37


The value is the hexadecimal value on the right of the color that then needs to be converted to its equivalent decimal value. For example color with the code 0 and hexdecimal value 071685 becomes 464516 decimal.

Mandatory: Yes


Specifies whether a counter appears in an Insight sort drop down list.

Value: Yes, No

Mandatory: Yes


Displays the format summed value.

Value: see counter display formats table for Display sub-elements.

Mandatory: Yes


Displays the format average value.

Value: see counter display formats table for Display sub-elements.

Mandatory: Yes

The following figure displays the color codes that can be used for the color and color RGB attributes of the display element.


Ignore the diagonal lines in some of the color boxes.

Figure A- 1 Color code table

The following table specifies counter display formats for Display sub-elements positioned under the counter sub-element.

Table A- 22 Counter display formats for the Display sub-elements positioned under the counter sub-element.

FormatGUI DefinitionDescription

sum-format: HH:MI:SS

avg-format: HH:MI:SS.TTT

Time counter (format for Service-time classification)
int CountnumberInteger counter, big numbers, display as K/M/G.
float CountnumberFloat

Execution classified counter must have sum-format="number" and avg-format="".

Statistical classified counters have number, numberFloat, or byteFloat.

BytesbyteFloatBytes; may be displayed as bytes, KB, MB, GB.

The following table defines database-related properties. The <data> element is a mandatory child element of <entity> and <counter>.

Table A- 23 Data element positioned under the counter element

Data Attribute NameDescription

Defines the classification used to build a service time breakdown and statistical graphs.

Value: "service", "execution", or "statistic".

Mandatory: Yes


Defines the data type for a database column.

Value: float

Mandatory: Yes


The name of a database column.

Value: valid database column.

Mandatory: Yes


Execution classified counter has a fixed dbcolumn name: "REQUESTS".


Defines whether the database column is nullable.

Value: Yes, No

Mandatory: Yes


An aggregation function for the PW summary process.

Value: sum

Mandatory: No


The field name in a Collector file.

Value: a valid XML tag.

Mandatory: Yes

The following table specifies additional fields that are neither entities or counters. The <misc-fields> element is a mandatory child element of the root.

Table A- 24 Misc-fields element positioned under the root element

Misc-fields ElementDescription

Must have at least one child element <field>. Multiple children are allowed.

Currently, one field child is mandatory: timestamp field.

This element has no attributes.

The following table defines the field for a counter. The <field> element is a mandatory child element of <misc-fields>.

Table A- 25 Field element positioned under misc-fields element

Field Attribute NameDescription

A dummy Value.

Value: "999"

Mandatory: Yes

The following table defines the database related properties. The <data> element is a mandatory child element of <field>.

Table A- 26 Data element positioned under field element

Data Attribute NameDescription

Defines the classification.

Value: "timestamp"

Mandatory: Yes


The name of a database column is fixed.


Mandatory: Yes


Defines whether the database column is nullable.

Value: Yes

Mandatory: Yes


Defines the data type of a database column.

Value: timestamp

Mandatory: Yes


The field name in a Collector file.

Value: a valid XML tag.

Mandatory: Yes

The following table specifies the name of the timestamp field in the Collector file. The timestamp field is a mandatory field child element of <misc-fields>.

Table A- 27 Timestamp field positioned under the misc-fields element

Timestamp FieldDescription
timestampThe collection-id attribute.

The following table specifies needed parameters for installation. The <agent-installer-params> element is an optional child element of the root.

Table A- 28 Agent-installer-params element positioned under the root element

Agent-installer-params ElementDescription
agent-installer-paramsThis element has no attributes (for future use).

The following are counter guidelines:


The titles file or files specify captions and headings that are displayed in Precise products. These are the application names as well as entity and counter names. A different titles file exists for each required language. At the least, one English-language titles file named titles-en.xml has to be created.NOTE    Precise


Precise displays captions in English and Japanese only for Precise supported technologies.

The following is an example of a titles file in English.

     <tid="1"> Generic Mail Server </t>
          <tid="501"> Mail Msg </t>
          <tid="511"> Sender </t>
          <tid="521"> Sender IP </t>
          <tid="531"> Msg Type </t>
          <tid="541"> Instance </t>
          <tid="551"> Server </t>
          <tid="502"> Mail Msgs </t>
          <tid="512"> Senders </t>
          <tid="522"> Sender IPs </t>
          <tid="532"> Msg Types </t>
          <tid="542"> Instances </t>
          <tid="552"> Servers </t>
          <tid="503"> Mail Msgs (Grouped) </t>
          <tid="513"> Senders (Grouped) </t>
          <tid="523"> Senders Location </t>
          <tid="543"> Instances (Grouped) </t>
          <tid="553"> Servers (Grouped) </t>
          <tid="503"> Mail Msgs (Grouped) </t>
          <tid="513"> Senders (Grouped) </t>
          <tid="523"> Senders Location </t>
          <tid="543"> Instances (Grouped) </t>
          <tid="553"> Servers (Grouped) </t>
          <tid="100" class="service" > Delivery </t>
          <tid="110" class="statistic" > Msg Size </t>
          <tid="120" class="execution"" > Recipients </t>

The titles file naming convention (for languages other than English) is as follows: titles_language-code.xml

The following is the basic hierarchy of an XML-based titles file:


The following table specifies the properties for the Add-on AppTier name element. The <t> element is a mandatory child element of the root element.

Table A- 29 Add-on AppTier name element properties



Atribute NameDescription


value is the same as the value for the attribute tid element <application> in the ETD file.

The text value for the <t> element, under the root element, is the Add-on AppTier name.


The following table specifies <t> sub-element properties for various elements.

Table A- 30 Sub-element properties for <t> under various elements



Attribute NameDescription

Under the <entity> element, the value is the same as the <entity> element's attribute plural-tid value for the relevant entity from the ETD file.

Under the <entity-single> element, the value is the same as the relevant <entity> element's attribute tid from the ETD file.

Under the <entity-grouping> element, the value is the same as the relevant <entity> element's attribute plural-grouping-tid from the ETD file.

Under the <entity-grouping-single> element, the value is the same as the relevant <entity>


element's attribute grouping-tid from the ETD file.

The text value for the <t> element is the entity name as it should be displayed by Precise products. The following table specifies the properties for <t> sub-elements under the <fields> element.

Table A- 31 Sub-element properties for <t> under the <fields> element



Attribute NameDescription
idThe value is the same as the <counter> element's attribute tid value for the relevant counter from the ETD file.


The value is the same as the <data> sub-element's attribute class for the relevant counter element <counter> from the ETD file.

The text value for the <t> element is the counter name as it should be displayed by Precise products.


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