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The Interpoint for Siebel extension of Precise for SQL Server and Precise for Oracle can only receive notifications of user events if specific objects are included in the Siebel Repository File (SRF). Before you can use Interpoint for Siebel, you need to modify the SRF file. This document describes how to add the required objects to the file.

Setting up Siebel batch process sampling


  1. In Siebel Tools, from the File menu, select New Object. The New Object Wizard opens.
  2. On the General tab, select BusComp.
  3. Click OK.
  4. In the New Business Component dialog box, do the following:
    1. In the Enter a name for the new Business Component text box, type VTS_SPID.
    2. From the Select the Project this Business Component will be part of list, select Precise Interpoint.
    3. From the Select the Table this Business Component will operate on list, select CX_VTSSPID.
  5. Click Next.
  6. In the Single Value Fields dialog box, from the Select a column in the Base table list, select ROW_ID. A default Field name automatically appears in the Enter a name for the Field text box.
  7. Click Add to move the selected row to the table; then click Finish to create the business component.


  1. In Siebel Tools, in the Objects Explorer, on the Types tab, select Business Object.
  2. In the Business Objects panel, from the Edit menu, select New Record. A new record is added to the table in the Business Objects panel.
  3. In the Name column, type: VTS_SPID.
  4. In the Project column, assign the new record to the VERITAS Interpoint project.
  5. On the Types tab in the Object Explorer, select Business Object > Business Object Component.
  6. From the Edit menu, select New Record. A new record is added to the table in the Business Object Components panel.
  7. In the BusComp column, type: VTS_SPID.
  8. From the Tools menu, select Compile Project.


The following list is an example of the results:

Table 1-1 List of Siebel servers


Each returned row represents a Siebel server. The row information can be split into two columns:


The following list is an example of the results:

Table 1-Machine name list


If there is no entry in V$SESSION with the physical machine name, use the results from the HOST_NAME column. After inserting the previous results into the siebel_machines.txt file, the contents is as follows:


Creating the CX_PSS_SBL table (Oracle)


This procedure applies to includes some steps for versions up to version 8.0, and other steps for version 8.0 and higher. For steps where there are differences between versions, the difference has been clearly specified.

  1. From the File menu, choose New Object. The New Object Wizard opens.
  2. On the General tab, select Table.
  3. Click OK. The General dialog box opens.
    Figure 1- 1 General Dialog Box
  4. In the Enter a name for the new Table field, type CX_PSS_SBL.
  5. From the Choose a Project in which you wish to create the Table drop-down list, select Precise Interpoint.
  6. Under Select the type of the Table, select A stand-alone Table.
  7. Click Next.
  8. Click Finish to close the dialog box.
  9. For versions prior to version 8.0, in the Tables workspace, click Apply. For version 8.0 and higher, in the Tables workspace, click Apply/DDL. In the displayed dialog box, click Apply.
  10. The Apply Schema dialog box is displayed.
    Figure 1- 2 Apply Schema dialog box
  11. If needed, type a valid privileged user ID and privileged user password into the relevant text boxes.
  12. Click Apply. The dialog box closes and the table is created.
  13. In the Tables panel, click Activate to activate the new table.
  14. In Siebel Tools, on the Types tab in the Object Explorer, select Table. The Tables panel opens.
  15. Select table CX_PSS_SBL.
  16. On the Types tab in the Object Explorer, Expand Tables and select Column. The Columns panel opens.
  17. From the Edit menu, choose New Record. A new record is added to the table in the Columns panel.
  18. Add two new columns to the table as follows:
    Table 1- 3 Table with new columns

    NameUser NamePhysical TypeLength
    CLIENT_INFOClient InfoVarchar64
  19. For versions prior to version 8.0, in the Tables workspace, click Apply. For version 8.0 and higher, in the Tables workspace, click Apply/DDL. In the displayed dialog box, click Apply. The Apply Schema dialog box is displayed (see Figure 1- 2).
  20. If needed, type a valid privileged user ID and privileged user password into the relevant text boxes.
  21. Click Apply. The dialog box closes and the records are created.
  22. In the Tables panel, click Activate to activate the table with the new columns.
    Figure 1- 3 Siebel Repository - Column List Dialog Box


  1. In Siebel Tools, from the File menu, choose New Object. The New Object Wizard opens.
  2. On the General tab, select BusComp.
  3. Click OK. The New Business Component dialog box opens.
    Figure 1- 4 New Business Component Dialog Box
  4. In the Enter a name for the new Business Component field, type PRECISE_SBL.
  5. From the Select the Project this Business Component will be part of drop-down list, select Precise Interpoint.
  6. From the Select the Table this Business Component will operate on drop-down list, select CX_PSS_SBL.
  7. Click Next. The Single Value Fields dialog box opens.
    Figure 1- 5 Single Value Fields Dialog Box
  8. From the Select a column in the Base table drop-down list, select ACTION. A default field name automatically appears in the Enter a name for the Field text box.
  9. Click Add to move the selected row to the table.
  10. From the Select a column in the Base table drop-down list, select CLIENT_INFO. A default field name automatically appears in the Enter a name for the Field text box.
  11. Click Add to move the selected row to the table.
  12. Click Finish to create the Business Component.


  1. In Siebel Tools, on the Types tab in the Object Explorer, select Business Object. The Business Objects panel opens.
  2. From the Edit menu, choose New Record. A new record is added to the table in the Business Objects panel.
  3. In the Name column, type PRECISE_SBL.
  4. In the Project column, assign the new record to the Precise Interpoint project.
  5. On the Types tab in the Object Explorer, select Business Object > Business Object Component.
    Figure 1- 6 Siebel Repository - Business Object Component List Dialog Box
  6. From the Edit menu, choose New Record. A new record is added to the table in the Business Object Components Panel.
  7. In the Bus Comp column, type PRECISE_SBL.
  8. From the Tools menu, choose Compile Project.


  1. In Siebel Tools, from the View menu, select Options. On the Scripting tab, note the value of the Scripting Language list. If no language is selected, select the eScript option.
    Figure 1- 7 Development Tools Options Dialog Box
    For versions prior to version 8.0:

    For version 8.0 and higher:
  2. In the Object Explorer, on the Types tab, expand Application.
  3. Right-click on the application to be modified and select Lock Object.
  4. Right-click on the application to be modified and select Edit Server Scripts.
  5. In the Server Script Editor, select the Application_PreNavigate function. The function's default script appears in the text panel.
    Figure 1- 8 Siebel Repository - Application [Siebel Sales Enterprise] - Script Dialog Box


    If this function already contains a custom script, do not continue. Contact Precise Technical Support for alternative instructions.

  6. If the used Scripting Language is eScript, use the following script:


    Modify the appName variable to match the name of the Siebel application.

    Function Application_PreNavigate (DestViewName, DestBusObjName)
              var    oActionBO;
              var    pssBC;
              var    appName = "Siebel Sales Enterprise";
              var    action; //(32)
              var    client_info; //(64)

         oActionBO =
                   pssBC = oActionBO.GetBusComp("PRECISE_SBL");

                   action = DestViewName.substring(0,32);
              client_info="S," +
              TheApplication().LoginName().substring(0,14) + "," +
                   DestBusObjName.substring(0,31) + "," +

              pssBC.SetFieldValue("Action", action);
                   pssBC.SetFieldValue("Client Info", client_info);
                   pssBC = null;
                   oActionBO = null;
         catch (obj)
              pssBC = null;
              oActionBO = null;
              var sText = obj.errText;
              var nCode = obj.errCode;
              return (ContinueOperation);

  7. If the used Scripting Language is Visual Basic, use the following script:


    Modify the appName variable to match the name of the Siebel application.

    Function Application_PreNavigate (DestViewName As String, DestBusObjName As String) As Integer
         Dim    oActionBO As BusObject
         Dim    pssBC As BusComp
         Dim    action As String
         Dim    client_info As String
         Const appName = "Siebel Field Service"

         On Error Resume Next
         Set oActionBO = TheApplication.GetBusObject("PRECISE_SBL")
         Set pssBC = oActionBO.GetBusComp("PRECISE_SBL")

         action = Left(DestViewName,32)
         client_info="S," + Left(LoginName,14) + "," + Left(DestBusObjName,31) + "," + Left(appName,17)

         pssBC.NewRecord 1
         pssBC.SetFieldValue "Action", action
         pssBC.SetFieldValue "Client Info", client_info
         Set oActionBO = Nothing
         Set pssBC = Nothing

         Application_PreNavigate = ContinueOperation
    End Function

  8. Compile the project.


  1. Before attempting to debug, select Options from the View menu.
  2. Click the Debug file tab.
  3. Note the file specified in the CFG file field and open it in a text editor.
  4. Make sure the RepositoryFile and ApplicationName options are set correctly.
  5. Make sure the EnableScripting option is set to TRUE.


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