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  • This line was added.
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  • Status - this column lets you view the status of each respective operation. Status can be In Progress (percentage and bar indicating the progress of the operation), Queued, Successful, Successful with warnings, Error, Canceled, Skipped, or Deleted. 
  • Details - the details about the status of the respective operation.
  • Instance - the name of the SQL Server instance where the operation was executed.
  • Database - the name of the Database where SQL Safe executed the operation. 
  • Operation - the type of operation (Backup, Restore, Verify, InstantRestore, Hydrate).
  • Backup Type - if it is a backup operation, then the type of configured backup.
  • Policy - if the operation belongs to a policy, then the name of the policy.
  • Compressed, MB - the size to which the data was compressed in MB.
  • Uncompressed, MB the uncompressed data in MB.
  • Ratio, % - the ratio between compressed and uncompressed data in percentage.
  • Database size, MB - the size in MB of the database where the operation was performed. 
  • Compression - the type of compression used for the backup operation.
  • Encryption - the type of encryption selected for the backup operation.
  • Duration - the total duration of the operation. 
  • Start time - the exact time when the operation started.
  • End time  - the exact time when the operation finished.
  • Threads - number of threads used by the operation. 
  • Actions  -  the gear icon under this column allows you to access options such as Set as Set progress to,  Backup Backup again, or Backup or Backup with different options.   

Offline databases are shown as 'Skipped' in the Status column of the operation history panel.


Keep in mind:

  • You can sort the information available on this tab by clicking the column header by which you want to order your instances.
  • You can set the number of items you want to view per page by going to the lower section of the list grid, type a number in the box, and the page will be updated according to your requirements.


SQL Safe allows you to filter the information on the Operations History tab so that you can see tab to quickly access your required information. 



When using filters take into account:

  • You can save your filtering options by selecting your filters, typing a name in the By Custom Filter field, and clicking Add Filter. To retrieve your saved filters, click the drop-down option in the By Custom Filter section and select your filter name.
  • If you want to select filters first and apply the changes later, deselect the Apply filter as it changes changes the option.
  • To remove filters, use the specific Remove Filter option in each filter. For example, if you want to remove your Status filters, click Remove Status Filter under the same filter section.
  • Under APPLIED FILTERS on the top section or your Operation History tab, you can see the filters you have selected. Click the X icon next to the ones you want to remove.
  • Use the option Clear on the top section of the Filtering section to remove all filters. 


What other options are available on the Operations History tab?

The Operations History tab tab allows you to perform the following actions located on in the upper section of this view:

  • Add instance - use this option to register new instances. Go to Adding adding SQL Server instances to find more information about registering SQL Server instances in your environment. 
  • Export - use this option to export the information displayed on your Operations History tab. Select your preferred format for exporting your information: PDF, XLS, or XML. 

SQL Safe is ONLY compatible with IDERA Dashboard version 4.6 and with limited support.

SQL Safe Backup hands-free backup and instant recovery across your SQL Servers.
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