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BoundAttachmentsGet all the BoundAttachments of this Attribute.
BoundSecurityPropertiesGet all the BoundSecurityProperties of this Attribute.
DataMovementColumnLinksReturns a collection of DataMovementLinks that link this column to source/target columns.
DataMovementRuleLinksGet all the Bound Data Movement Rules of this Attribute.
DeleteNamingStandardsTemplateUnbind this Attribute from the naming standards template by deleting the naming standards template ID from the attribute.
DeleteReferenceValueUnbind this Attribute from the reference value by deleting the reference value ID from the attribute.
EnableOverrideTurn on or off a specified attribute override flag. PARAMETERS: OverrideFlag as Integer, Enable as Boolean.
GetNamingStandardsTemplateReturns the naming standards template bound to the attribute or null, if none is bound to the attribute.
GetParentReturns the parent Entity of this attribute.
GetReferenceValueReturns the reference value bound to the attribute or null, if none is bound to the attribute.
IsOverrideEnabledCheck if a specified attribute override flag is enabled. PARAMETERS: OverrideFlag as Integer. RETURN DATATYPE: Boolean.
RepoCheckOutStatusGet the Check Out status of this Attribute object. DATATYPE: StringObjects.
RepoVersionHistoryGet the Version History of this Attribute from the Repository server. Return the data in the StringObjects collection. DATATYPE: StringObjects.
SetXMLTypeUse to change the XML's type. Pass the collection name and true for DOCUMENT, false for CONTENT. PARAMETERS: IsDocument as Boolean, CollectionName as String.
SetXMLUnTypedSQL Server 2005 and later only. Use to make the XML datatype of a column untyped (clears CollectionName and DOCUMENT flag). Column has to must have datatype XML. For SQL Server 2005 and later.
UniversalMappingsReturns a collection of universal mappings applied to this object.
UserCommentsReturns a collection of user comments associated with this Attribute.
UserDefinedMappingsReturns a collection of user defined mappings applied to this object.
WhereUsedModelUsageReturns a collection of matches in other models based on the results of a WhereUsed analysis on this object.


AllocatedWidthThis property returns Returns the allocated width of a column. DATATYPE: Integer.
AttributeNameThis is the logical Logical attribute name. DATATYPE: String.
AverageWidthThis is the average Average width of a column. This property applies only to physical models. DATATYPE: Integer.
CacheThis is the Cache property for the column. DATATYPE: Integer.
CharacterSetThis property specifies Interbase 2007 and later and Teradata V2R5 and later only. Specifies the character set for a CHAR, VARCHAR, and BLOB (Interbase) / CLOB (Teradata) column. This property applies only to Interbase 2007 and later and Teradata V2R5 and later. DATATYPE: String.
CharUsedThis is the CharUsed property for the column. DATATYPE: Boolean.
CheckConstraintThis is the check Check constraint of the attribute, if any. DATATYPE: String.
CheckConstraintNameThis is the Name of the Attribute's Check Constraint. DATATYPE: String.
CollateThis is the Collate property for the column. DATATYPE: String.
ColorThis is the color Color of the Attribute object. It takes a 4-byte integer, where the first byte represents red value (0-255), the second byte represents green value (0-255), and the third byte represents blue value (0-255).
ColumnNameThis is the physical Physical column name. DATATYPE: String.
CompactThis is the Compact property for the column. DATATYPE: Boolean.
CompositeDatatypeThis is the attributeAttribute's full datatype, including nullability. DATATYPE: String.
CompressThis is the Teradata models only. Compress property for the column. This property is only used in Teradata models. DATATYPE: String.
ComputationThis is the Computation property for columns that are computed. Applies to Interbase 2007 and later and SQL server 7.x and later only. Computation property for columns that are computed. DATATYPE: String.
CycleThis is the Cycle property for the column. DATATYPE: Boolean.
DataLengthThe data Data length of the datatype (, if any). DATATYPE: Integer.
DataScaleThe data Data scale of the datatype (, if any). DATATYPE: Integer.
DatatypeThis is the datatypeDatatype. Note : Userthat you can assign user-defined datatype can be assigned datatypes in the UserDatatypeId property. DATATYPE: String.
DeclaredDefaultThis is the default Default constraint for the attribute (, if any). DATATYPE: String.
DefaultIdThe ID of the bounded , default object, if any. This ID is used by ER/Studio. A user can bind a default object to the attribute by assigning a particular default ID to this property. DATATYPE: Integer.
DefaultNameThis is the Name of the Attribute's default constraint. DATATYPE: String.
DefinitionThis is the definition Definition of the attribute. DATATYPE: String.
DomainIdThe ID of the bounded, domain object (, if any). This ID is used by ER/Studio. A user can bind a domain object to the attribute by assigning a particular domain ID to this property. DATATYPE: Integer.
EncryptedThis property indicates if a column is encrypted. This applies only to Oracle 10.2 , and later and Sybase ASE 12.5.3 and later versions of these two platformsonly. Indicates whether a column is encrypted. DATATYPE: Boolean.
EncryptionAlgorithmThis property specifies Oracle 10.2 and later only. Specifies the algorithm used for the column encryption. This applies only to Oracle 10.2 and later versions of this platform. DATATYPE: String.
EncryptionKeyThis property specifies the encryption keys used to encrypt the column. This applies only to Sybase ASE 12.5.3 and later versions of this platformonly. Specifies the encryption keys used to encrypt the column. DATATYPE: String.
EncryptionSALTThis property indicates if Oracle 10.2 and later only. Indicates whether a column is encrypted with SALT. This applies only to Oracle 10.2 and later versions. DATATYPE: Boolean.
EnumOrSetValuesThis is the EnumOrSetValues property for columns that have either Enum or Ser as column data type. DATATYPE: String.
FontFont for the attribute. Although this property , itself, is read only, the user can modify the font by setting the properties in the ERSFont object which is returned to the caller.
ForBitDataThis is the ForBitData property for the column. DATATYPE: Boolean.
ForeignKeyThis indicates if Indicates whether the attribute is a foreign key. DATATYPE: Boolean.
FormatThis is the Teradata models only. Format property for the column. This property is only used in Teradata models. DATATYPE: String.
FreezeNameTrue if this attribute should is not be affected by naming standards name updates. DATATYPE: Boolean.
GenerateByDefaultThis is the GenerateByDefault property for the column. DATATYPE: Boolean.
GenerationExpressionSpecifies how the column should be generated. This property applies only to DB2 UDB version 8 and later versionsonly. Specifies how to generate the column. DATATYPE: String.
GUIDThis is the GUID of the attribute . This ID is as assigned by ER/Studio. Each attribute has a unique GUID. DATATYPE: String.
HasLogicalRoleNameThis indicates if Indicates whether the foreign key column has a logical rolename. DATATYPE: Boolean.
HasRoleNameThis indicates if Indicates whether the foreign key column is rolenamed. DATATYPE: Boolean.
HeadingThis is the DB2 AS/400 Heading for the column. DATATYPE: String.
HiddenThis is the flag indicating Indicating that an Attribute is hidden in the Diagram display. Only applied applies to PK and FK attributes/columns. DATATYPE: Boolean.
HiveColumnPartitionThis property specifies Specifies whether the column is a Hive Partitioning Column. DATATYPE: Boolean
HiveComplexTypeThis property specifies Specifies the Hive column's Complex datatype. DATATYPE: String
IDThis is the ID of the attribute . This ID is as assigned by ER/Studio. Each attribute in a diagram has a unique ID. DATATYPE: Integer.
IdentityThis is the identity Identity property of the attribute. DATATYPE: Boolean.
IdentityIncrementThis is the identity Identity increment value of the attribute. DATATYPE: Integer.
IdentitySeedThis is the identity Identity seed value of the attribute. DATATYPE: Integer.
InterModelIDInterModelID of the object . This ID is as assigned by ER/Studio. DATATYPE: Integer.
IntervalYearToMonthThis is the IntervalYearToMonth property for the column. DATATYPE: Boolean.
IsCaseSpecificTeradata V2R5 and later only. True if this column is case specific. It applies only to CHAR and VARCHAR data types in Teradata version V2R5 and up. DATATYPE: Boolean.
IsComputedInterbase 2007 and later and SQL server 7.x and later only. Returns true if the column is computed (if there is a value specified for the Computation property), false otherwise. Applies to Interbase 2007 and SQL server 7. x and above only. DATATYPE: Boolean.
IsFileStreamSQL Server 2008 and later only. True if this column has FILESTREAM property set. It applies only to VARBINARY(MAX) data type in MS SQL SERVER 2008. DATATYPE: Boolean.
IsGeneratedDB2 UDB 8 and later only. True if the column is generated with an expression. This property applies only to DB2 UDB version 8 and later versions. DATATYPE: Boolean.
IsSparseTrue if this is a sparse column. DATATYPE: Boolean.
IsVirtualTrue if this column is an Oracle (11g or higher) virtual column, i.e. a computed column. A column is virtual if it has a VirtualColumnExpression set. Read-Only. DATATYPE: Boolean
IsWithTimeZoneTrue if this column has WITH TIME ZONE property set. It applies only to TIME and TIMESTAMP data types in Teradata all versions. DATATYPE: Boolean.
IsXMLDocumentSQL server 2005 and later only. Returns true if the column has datatype XML and is flagged as document. Applies only to SQL server 2005 and later versions. DATATYPE: Boolean.
LOBUnitThis is the unit to be Unit used for the LOB size. The value can be empty, "K", "M", or "G". DATATYPE: String.
LocalTimeZoneThis is the LocalTimeZone property for the column. DATATYPE: Boolean.
LogicalRoleNameThis is the Logical Rolename. DATATYPE: String.
LogOrPhysOnlyControls the logical/physical only Attribute Property. DATATYPE: Boolean.
MaxValueThis is the MaxValue property for the column. DATATYPE: Integer.
MinValueThis is the MinValue property for the column. DATATYPE: Integer.
MongoDBArrayThis property indicates that Indicates whether the Column is a MongoDB array. DATATYPE: Boolean
NamingStandardsTemplateIdID of the NamingStandardsTemplate object bound to the attribute (if any). A user can bind a NamingStandardsTemplate to the attribute by assigning a particular NamingStandardsTemplateId to this property. DATATYPE: Integer.
NotesThis is the Notes property of the attribute. DATATYPE: String.
NotForReplicationThis property specifies if SQL Server 2000 and later only. Specifies whether an identity column constraint is for replication. This applies only to MS SQL Server 2000 and later versions. DATATYPE: Boolean.
NotLoggedThis is the NotLogged property for the column. DATATYPE: Boolean.
NullOptionThis is the nullability Nullability of the attribute. The possible values are: 'NULL' or 'NOT NULL'. DATATYPE: String.
OracleNotNullConstraintNameThis property specifies Oracle 8 and later only. Specifies the Not Null constraint of the column. It only applies to Oracle 8 and later versions. DATATYPE: String
PercentNullThis is the percentage Percentage of nulls of a column in a table. This property applies only to physical models. DATATYPE: Integer.
PersistedThis property specifies if SQL Server 2005 and later only. Specifies whether a computed column is persisted. It applies only to a computed column in SQL Server 2005 and later versions. DATATYPE: Boolean.
PhysicalDatatypeThis is the physical Physical datatype of the attribute. DATATYPE: String.
PrimaryKeyThis indicates if Indicates whether the attribute is a primary key. DATATYPE: Boolean.
ReferenceValueIdID of the ReferenceValue object bound to the attribute (, if any). A user can bind a ReferenceValue to the attribute by assigning a particular ReferenceValueId to this property. DATATYPE: Integer.
RoleNameThis is the role Role name of the attribute. DATATYPE: String.
RowGuidColumnThis is the RowGuidColumn property for the column. DATATYPE: Boolean.
RuleIdThe ID of the bounded , rule object (, if any). This ID is used by ER/Studio. A user can bind a rule object to the attribute by assigning a particular rule ID to this property. DATATYPE: Integer.
SequenceNumberThis is the sequence Sequence number of the attribute. DATATYPE: Integer.
ShowLengthThis tells Indicates whether the datatype length is used (true) or not (false). DATATYPE: Boolean.
ShowScaleThis tells Indicates whether the datatype scale is used (true) or not (false). DATATYPE: Boolean.
ShowVirtualColumnDatatypeThis property specifies Oracle 11g and later only. Specifies whether the data type of an Oracle (11g or higher) virtual column should be is manually set (true) or automatically determined by the database (false). DATATYPE: Boolean.
SourceDirectTransformationDescriptionThis is the source Source direct transformation description property for the column. This property applies only to physical models. DATATYPE: String.
SourceDirectTransformationLogicThis is the source Source direct transformation logic property for the column. This property applies only to physical models. DATATYPE: String.
SourceSecondaryTransformationDescriptionSource secondary transformation description property for the column. This property applies only to physical models. DATATYPE: String.
SourceSecondaryTransformationLogicSource secondary transformation logic property for the column. This property applies only to physical models. DATATYPE: String.
SystemNameDB2 AS/400 SystemName for the column. DATATYPE: String.
TargetDirectTransformationDescriptionTarget direct This is the source secondary transformation description property for the column. This property applies only to physical models. DATATYPE: String.
TargetDirectTransformationLogicTarget direct transformation logic property for the column. This property applies only to physical models. DATATYPE: String.
TargetSecondaryTransformationDescriptionTarget secondary transformation description property for the column. This property applies only to physical models. DATATYPE: String.
TargetSecondaryTransformationLogicTarget SourceSecondaryTransformationLogicThis is the source secondary transformation logic property for the column. This property applies only to physical models. DATATYPE: String.
TeradataCollectStatisticsTeradata V12 and later only. Specifies whether the collect statistics option of the column is on. DATATYPE: Boolean.
TeradataIntervalStrTeradata V13 and later only. Specifies the interval string for a column with INTERVAL datatype. DATATYPE: String.
TeradataPeriodTeradata V13 and later only. Specifies whether the column has PERIOD datatype. It only applies to columns that have datatype as TIME, TIMESTAMP and DATE. DATATYPE: Boolean
TeradataUsingSampleTeradata V12 and later only. Specifies whether the using sample option of the column is on. The collect statistics option must be on before this option can be set. DATATYPE: Boolean.
TextLabelDB2 AS/400 TextLabel for the column. DATATYPE: String.
TimeZoneTimeZone property for the column. DATATYPE: Boolean.
TitleTeradata models only. Title property SystemNameThis is the DB2 AS/400 SystemName for the column. DATATYPE: String.
UnsignedMySQL only. Specifies whether the column data type is unsigned. DATATYPE: Boolean.
UserDatatypeIdID of the bounded user datatype object, if any. A user can bind a user datatype object to the attribute by assigning a particular user datatype ID to this property. DATATYPE: Integer.
VirtualColumnExpressionOracle 11g and later only. Holds the expression used to compute a virtual column. DATATYPE: String
XMLCollectionSQL Server 2005 and later only. Column's Collection property, which applies to Columns with datatype XML. DATATYPE: String.
titleSee Also