Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

This section contains the following topics:


Table of Contents


About role management in Alerts


  • Settings
  • Activities
  • Copy Metrics Settings

About editing metric properties

You can edit the properties of each metric that is available in your Precise environment, including Cross-AppTiers metrics, such as: FocalPoints, Agents, Processes, and Licenses. See Editing metric properties.


See About metric properties for Action settings.

About metric properties for Action settings

An environment that is monitored by Alerts may generate alerts at any time. Sitting in front of the screen waiting for a metric to go critical may be strenuous and time consuming. Instead, you can set Alerts to inform you about any alert, or to run your repair utility to fix certain problems.


The two tables below indicate how rules are applied when issuing alerts (both Near-Critical and Critical) for different alert transitions (applies to the following actions: email, message, and program):

Table 16-1 Near-Critical

Old / NewCriticalNear-CriticalNormalNot sampled
CriticalDo not issueIssueDo not issueDo not issue
Near-CriticalIssueDo not issueDo not issueDo not issue
NormalIssueIssueDo not issueDo not issue
Not SampledIssueIssueDo not issueDo not issue

Table 16-2 Critical

Old / NewCriticalNear-CriticalNormalNot sampled
CriticalDo not issueDo not issueDo not issueDo not issue
Near-CriticalIssueDo not issueDo not issueDo not issue
NormalIssueDo not issueDo not issueDo not issue
Not SampledIssueDo not issueDo not issueDo not issue

The table below indicates how rules are applied when issuing alerts for different alert transitions (applies to the following actions: SNMP or MOM):

Table 16-3 SNMP or MOM

Old / NewCriticalNear-CriticalNormalNot sampled
CriticalDo not issueIssueIssueIssue
Near-CriticalIssueDo not issueIssueIssue
NormalIssueIssueDo not issueIssue
Not SampledIssueIssueDo not issueDo not issue

Email action properties

Use the Email Action Type to set the email address of the recipient and the message text that will be sent when an alert is raised by the specified metric.


The $METRIC_NAME metric exceeded its $METRIC_ALERT threshold. The metric's valie value was: $METRIC_VALUE. The metric's thresholds are:$THRESHOLDS.


  1. From the Actions tab on the Metric Properties dialog, select the email option on the Action Type list box.
  2. Select the email action you want to edit.
  3. Click Delete.

Message action properties

Use the Message Action Type to set the text message that will be displayed on every screen with an open Alerts user interface, when an alert is raised by the specified metric. The message text can also include dynamic parameters.


  1. From the Actions tab on the Metric Properties dialog, select the message option on the Action Type list box.
  2. Select the message action you want to edit.
  3. Click Delete.

Program action properties

Use the Program Action Type to set your program to be ran as an action when an alert is raised by the specified metric.


  1. From the Actions tab on the Metric Properties dialog, select the program option on the Action Type list box.
  2. Select the program action you want to edit.
  3. Click Delete.

SNMP action properties

Use the SNMP Action Type to set alerts to be reported to an SNMP based management tool that you may have, such as CA Unicenter® and HP OpenView.


  1. From the Actions tab, select the SNMP option on the Action Type list box.
  2. To apply SNMP traps, check Send an SNMP trap whenever the metric alert level changes.
  3. To test your definitions, click Test.
  4. To save your definitions, choose whether to save them either for the selected instance, or for all the environments’ instances. Then click Save and Close.

MOM action properties

Use the MOM Action Type to set alerts to be reported to the MOM server whenever the metric alert level changes.


Table 16-4 Dynamic parameters

Dynamic parameterDefinition
$METRIC_NAMEName of the metric.
$METRIC_SETName of the metric set.
$TECHNOLOGY_NAMEName of the instance technology.
$INSTANCE_NAMEName of the instance sampled by the metric.
$APPTIER_NAMEName of one of the AppTiers to which the instance applies.
$ENVIRONMENT_NAMEName of one of the environments to which the instance applies.
$ENVIRONMENTS_NAMEName of one of the environments to which the instance applies.
$METRIC_ALERTThe alert severity level of the metric that was issued when the action was activated.

Reason of the sample that caused the action. The reasons can be one of the following:

  • Schedule. A regular sample, which is initiated according to the sampling schedule.
  • Resample. A sample initiated by clicking the Resample button.
  • Restart. A sample of pre-configured metrics after InformPoint restarts.
  • Resample As Startup. A sample of pre-configured metrics after Alerts FocalPoint restarts.
  • Resample By Demand. A sample due to a change in the instance’s availability (for example, if the monitored Oracle database was shutdown, the Oracle Availability metric will be resampled by demand).
$ITEMSHas been deprecated (will not be used in future versions). Use $METRIC_VALUE instead.
  • For Single value metrics:
    Value returned by the metric that was issued when the action was activated.
  • For list metrics:
    List of items returned by the metric sampling. The format of the returned string is as follows:
    Tab-delimited in Email and Message actions.
    Underscore-delimited in Program actions.
$METRIC_TIMEThe time of the last actual sampling.
$SAMPLE_RANGE_START_TIMEThe sampling period start time of the last sample.
$SAMPLE_RANGE_END_TIMEThe sampling period end time of the last sample.
$METRIC_PROGRESSProgress status of the metric.
$PROGRESS_UPDATING_USERRole name of last user that modified the progress status of the metric.
$PROGRESS_UPDATE_TIMETime of the last update of the progress status of the metric.
$THRESHOLDSWarning (near critical) and Critical threshold values defined for the metric. Relevant only for a metric with sub-metrics.
$NEAR_CRITICAL_THRESHOLDWarning (near critical) threshold value defined for the metric. Relevant only for a metric with no sub-metrics.
$CRITICAL_THRESHOLDCritical threshold value defined for the metric. Relevant only for a metric with no sub-metrics.
$SERVER_MACHINE_NAMEName of the server machine on which the instance is running.
$SAMPLING_RATESampling rate of the metric.
$SAMPLING_PERIODSampling period of the metric.
$MIN_VALUEMinimum value that is acceptable for the metric.


An example for using dynamic parameters in Email or Message actions can be found in the Message text box in the Email tab (default message).


The following examples are provided:•    action

  • action_example.bat (for Windows). To activate this file, set the following command line:


  • (for Linux or UNIX). To activate this file, set the following command line:

For both examples, when Alerts activates the file, it writes to a log file information about the alert, which can be helpful for troubleshooting alerts. The log file name is action_example.log and it contains the following text:


<$METRIC_VALUE result>.

See “Email action properties” on page 171. See “Message action properties” on page 172. See “Program action properties” on page 173. See “SNMP action properties” on page 174. See “MOM action properties” on page 174. Email action properties, Message action properties, Program action properties, SNMP action properties, and MOM action properties.

About setting Alerts SNMP connectivity

SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) is the Internet standard protocol for network management software. Alerts supports connectivity to an SNMP Framework using the following Protocol Data Unit (PDU) operations:

  • SNMP get


  • Operation. Alerts FocalPoint can receive SNMP Get requests from an SNMP manager to read the Precise


  • Alerts database accordingly.
  • SNMP trap


  • operation. When Alerts SNMP server is enabled for actions, Alerts sends SNMP traps to your SNMP


  • manager in case an alert state is raised or resolved.

SNMP Get Operation

Alerts has an extended user interface, allowing you to set metric definitions and to view the samples results. However, you may want to use your SNMP manager to receive metric specific data from Alerts.

To enable this option, first create a Management Information Bases (MIB) file. The MIB file maps the Alerts database entities, such as the various environments, various instances, and the metrics relevant for each of the instances. Because different sites have different environments, instances, and so on, you must adjust the Alerts MIB file to each site.

Creating an MIB file

Alerts FocalPoint creates the MIB file and displays its status (success or failure) on the standard output. The newly created MIB file name is InformForAlertsMib.mib and is stored in the following directory:<i3




Information about the MIB creation process can be found in the log file:<i3




To create an MIB file•    On

  • On the server that Alerts FocalPoint is installed, run the following command, according to the server operating system, from the Precise root directory:

On a Windows NT


server. <i3_root>\products\pulse\pulsefocal\bin\ createalertsmib.bat

On a Linux or UNIX


server. <i3_root>/products/pulse/pulsefocal/bin/

Enabling the Get operation

To use your MIB browser to open the MIB file that you have created and browse the different metrics, you must set the Get parameters on both your SNMP manager and Alerts. The examples provided along with the following instructions relate to the CA Unicenter MIB browser, which is an SNMP management application.

To set the get parameters1.    Copy

  1. Copy the newly created MIB file (InformForAlertsMib.mib) to the SNMP server's MIBs directory.
    For example in CA-Unicenter:  <TND_root>\SERVICES\CONFIG\MIBS.


  1. Upload the MIB file to your SNMP MIB browser.
    For example in CA-Unicenter, run the following command from the TND directory
    ldmib -n oidprecise -m InformForAlertsMib.mib


  1. In the SNMP tab of Alerts Settings dialog box, set an available listening port in the SNMP port box. This port will receive the Get requests from your SNMP MIB browser. Also, set the SNMP version according to your MIB browser.


Browsing the Alerts MIB

Before you start browsing the Alerts MIB, it is recommended to be familiar with the following issues:•    Technology

  • Technology representation


  • Identifying environments and instances in the MIB


  • Identifying metrics in the MIB


  • Identifying property fields in the MIB


  • MIB structure

Technology representation

The MIB tree shows the technologies of the Precise environment as the numbers 1 - 15. The table below shows how each number in a MIB tree is mapped to a technology.

Table 16-5    MIB 5 MIB tree mapping



numberMapped to ...


1    Oracle

2    Sybase

3    MS-SQL

4    Tuxedo

5    Web

6    J2EE

7    SAP

8    Oracle Applications

9    Microsoft .NET


11    EMC Storage

12    Other

13    OS

14    Precise status

15    Websphere MQ

16    Sybase Replication Server


8Oracle Applications
9Microsoft .NET
11EMC Storage
14Precise status
15WebSphere MQ
16Sybase Replication Server

Identifying environments and instances in the MIB

Alerts displays environments and instances by their names (environment_name, instance_name), while the MIB presents them by their identifiers (environment_id, instance_id).

To identify environments and instances in the MIB1.    Retrieve

  1. Retrieve a mapping table that maps the environment and instance names to their identifiers by running the following SQL statement in the Alerts schema:
         INCE_DELETED = ‘F’ AND
         INII_DELETED = ‘F’ AND
         INAP_DELETED = ‘F’ AND
         INEN_DELETED = ‘F’ AND

Identifying metrics in the MIB

Alerts displays metrics by their names (metric_name), while the MIB presents them by their identifiers (metric_id).

The mapping table is sorted by the metric name.

To identify metrics in the MIB•    Retrieve

  • Retrieve a mapping table that maps between the metric names and their identifiers by running the following SQL statement in the Alerts schema:
    select indicator_id,indicator_name, from pulse_indicators order by indicator_name;

Available property fields in the MIB

The table below describes the available property fields for a metric.

Table 16-6    Available 6 Available property fields in the MIB



FieldDescriptionApplies to



the metric's value.


Same as the dynamic parameter: $METRIC_VALUE


Displayed in the Value metrics tab only. In case of a parent metric, only the sub-metrics show this field.





the metric's status. Possible values: Critical, Near-critical, Normal, and Unsampled.

In the MIB browser, Downtime and Disabled statuses appear also as


Unsampled status.



Specifies the sampling rate in minutes.


Same as the dynamic parameter: $SAMPLING_RATE

In case of a parent metric, only the parent shows this field.





the metric's Near-critical threshold.


Same as the dynamic parameter: $NEAR_CRITICAL_THRESHOLD

In case of a parent metric, only the sub-metrics show this field.





the metric's Critical threshold.


Same as the dynamic parameter: $CRITICAL_THRESHOLD

In case of a parent metric, only the sub-metrics show this field.




whether or not the metric is enabled (values: yes or no).





the metric's last sampling time.


Same as the dynamic parameter:  $ACTUAL_SAMPLING_






the metric's name.


Same as the dynamic parameter: $METRIC_






the instance's name.


Same as the dynamic parameter: $INSTANCE_




Specifies the list of items returned by the metric sampling.

Same as the dynamic parameter: $ITEMS

Displayed in the list of items of the metrics list. For parent metrics, the list


contains also the sub-metrics.



Specifies the Technology name.


Same as the dynamic parameter: $TECHNOLOGY_






the Machine name.


Same as the dynamic parameter: $SERVER_MACHINE_






the AppTier name.


Same as the dynamic parameter: $APPTIER_






the Environment name.


Same as the dynamic parameter: $ENVIRONMENT_



14MetricIDSpecifies the Metric ID name.


15Returned value



the Returned value name.


Same as the dynamic parameter: $METRIC_






the Thresholds name.


Same as the dynamic parameter :




MIB structure

The Alerts MIB structure complies with the Alerts SNMP Object Identifier (OID) structure. The OID of the Alerts Get requests for a specified metric is:

Where field is the field number as specified in the metric fields table (previous table). You can identify this OID from the SNMP trap messages, using the  the $METRIC_TOKEN dynamic parameter.

SNMP trap operation

Using SNMP trap operations, you can automatically receive alerts in your SNMP server. The trap message contains critical information about the trap alert.


Alerts supports both SNMP message versions, SNMPv1 and SNMPv2. Alerts sends traps when a change occurs in a metric severity level, that is, when the metric state is changed between the following states: Critical, Near-Critical, Normal, and Unsampled.

Alerts trap message

The following is an example of an Alerts'SNMP trap message:

Trap(v1) received from host at Nov 18, 2008 12:27 PM. Enterprise Oid:

. ( , Specific Type : 1, Trap Varbinds :

Object ID: .
( STRING: Availability

Object ID: .
( STRING: 1199

Object ID: .


Object ID: .
( STRING: Oracle Object ID:

( STRING: server-name1

Object ID: .
( STRING: Oracle Object ID:
. (
STRING: Default

Object ID: .
( STRING: test Precise trap

Object ID: .

STRING: test Precise trap

Object ID: .
( STRING: test Precise trap Object ID:
. (
STRING: test Precise trap

Object ID: .

STRING: Test trap-message from Alerts

From the above table you can see that the Varbind Object ID for all the metrics of an Alerts trap starts with:

The table below describes the SNMP trap structure. The abbreviated OID (Object ID) is the number after the last period on the varbinds table (as stated before, the rest of the number is the same for all varbinds).

Table 16-7    SNMP 7 SNMP trap structureDescription    Abbreviated Object

DescriptionAbbreviated object identifier (OID)

Metric    7

Instance    8

Technology    10

Machine    11

AppTier    12

Environment    13

Sampled on    6

Alert    1

Value    15


Sampled on6
Message until v. 8.



The trap can be parsed with a commercial trap catcher according to the position of the varbinds or their OID. The following apply only to the last varbind on the table (OID=0):•    All

  • All the fields with the dollar sign ($) are dynamic parameters. Alerts translates these parameters before sending the SNMP trap.


  • Spaces inside items are converted to the underscore character (_) to allow saving the position.

To enable identification of the alerted metric's OID, required for the Get and Set requests, the SNMP action supports the following dynamic parameter:  $METRIC_TOKEN. This dynamic parameter is the MIB OID of the metric. In addition, consider the following:•    All

  • All items in the SNMP trap message keep their position, so you can access particular message items using built-in SNMP functions.


  • You can set all metrics of an instance to trigger SNMP actions through the Instances tab of the Settings dialog box.

See “Modifying instances association on the Instances tab” in the Precise Administration Guide.


  • In case of parent metrics, Alerts sends an SNMP trap message only to the parent metric.


To cause the SNMP trap to act as in version 7.5, add the following parameter to the Alerts FocalPoint registry, and then restart the Alerts FocalPoint:




About Alerts MOM connectivity

This section describes how to go about setting up Alerts for MOM connectivity.

Activating MOM integration in Alerts

To activate and deactivate the Alerts integration with the MOM server, go to “Setting Setting a MOM server for actions on the MOM tab. See “Setting a MOM server for actions on the MOM tab” on page 62.

Setting anonymous access to a MOM server

Setting anonymous access to a MOM server

Before integrating Alerts Before integrating Alerts with the MOM server in AdminPoint, anonymous access to the MOM Web console must be set.

To set anonymous access to the MOM server1.    Open

  1. Open the IIS Manager on the MOM server.


  1. Select to open the “Microsoft Operations Manager Web console” properties screen.


  1. Click the Directory Security tab.


  1. On the “Anonymous access and authentication control” panel, click Edit.


  1. Mark “Enable Anonymous access” and type in the username and password (to be used for MOM integration setup on the AdminPoint Alerts General Settings screen).


  1. Save the changes.

Issuing rules for MOM actions

If MOM action is defined for a metric, MOM integration is activated and a MOM action is issued every time a metric's alert changes.



For disabled metrics, the metric's initial status is not reported to MOM. The metric is only reported when the disabled status changes to another status. Disabled metrics do not appear in the MOM console.

Display of MOM alerts in the MOM server

The MOM alert can be displayed only when integration between Alerts and the MOM server is activated and the registration process is completed successfully. A MOM alert can be the result of either clicking the Test button or of a real action performed by the Alerts FocalPoint.

When you open the MOM Operator Console, select Alert Views in the Alert Views pane. The figure below displays the MOM Operator console user interface 

Figure 16-1    MOM 1 MOM Operator console





Alert Views pane




Alerts View Results








Alerts Details pane









Image Added

If you have successfully installed the Precise Management Pack (see Precise Installation Guide), you will see a Precise folder in the Alert Views tree. This folder displays on the Alerts View Results pane, If you have successfully installed the Precise Management Pack (see Precise Installation Guide), you will see a Precise folder in the Alert Views tree. This folder displays on the Alerts View Results pane, all actions generated as MOM alerts.


The table below shows the different MOM severities displayed in the MOM operator console according to the Alerts alert levels.

Table 16-8    Alert 8 Alert level names in the MOM operator console



alertMOM severity






Critical (Key Metric)


Critical Error


SampledUnknown (alert will not be seen in the MOM console)

Default SQL Server and MS .NET metrics MOM actions definitions

Alerts is delivered with a set of predefined MOM alert actions for metrics monitored by Precise Microsoft technologies.



About creating customized metrics

You can add customized metrics to an AppTier (excluding the Cross-AppTiers), or delete customized metrics.


To sample customized metrics, InformPoint must be installed on the sampled instance server. In the case of a remote SQL server instance, the InformPoint that samples the instance is the one installed on the remote SQL server collector.

Creating customized executable files

A customized metric can be associated with a host script that you create, so that Alerts operatively monitors a parameter specific to your environment.

Save the host script in the server machine where the sampled instance is running, in the directory:


Although the root directory of the running script is <i3<i3_root>root>, the program runs from the userprograms directory.

To simulate a run of customized metric, use a command line shell and type from the Precise root directory:For





UNIX or Linux



You can create a customized metric that returns a single value or a list of values. A customized metric that returns a single value is created by apply the following guidelines:•    The

  • The script must return a single value to the Standard Output (echo command). The type of the value must be numeric or float. Alerts compares this value to the customized metric thresholds to determine the metric alert status.


  • The script must output only the value. To avoid that commands be printed, Windows scripts must start with @echo off. UNIX scripts must start with the shell type, for example #!/bin/ksh.


  • You can use dynamic parameters for customized metrics in the command line.

See Using dynamic parameters in customized metrics.

A customized metric that returns a table with multiple values is created by apply the following guidelines:•    The

  • The script must return a list of values to the Standard Output (echo command). Each line in the output must contain a name and a value separated by a tab (\t only, not a space). The value must be numeric or float. Alerts compares these values to the customized metric thresholds to determine the metric alert status.


  • The script must output only the value. To avoid that commands be printed, Windows scripts must start with @echo off. UNIX scripts must start with the shell type, for example  #!/bin/ksh.


  • In some operating systems, the tab character may be ignored when printing it using the echo command. In those cases, use the ' character around the text, as follows:  echo 'Alerts 80'.

You can use dynamic parameters for customized metrics in the command line.  See Using dynamic parameters in customized metrics.NOTE    It


It is recommended to test your scripts in your environment before running them through Alerts. For UNIX scripts, verify that the script has rx security permissions.

Windows script examples

The examples for Windows scripts, whose file names end with _example, are listed in the following tables. These files can be found also in any server where InformPoint is installed, in the directory:


The table below shows an example of customized metrics with a single value.

Table 16-9    Example 9 Example of customized metrics with a single value - Windows

Script fileScript






<value>This script returns a constant value that creates a straight line graph.



<program_run_command> ECHO



This script indicates whether or not a certain program is running. The script returns 0 if the program runs with no errors, and n>0 if errors occurred. You can set Near-Critical threshold to 1 to alert each time the program fails.

The table below shows an example of customized metrics with multiple values.

Table 16-10    Example 10 Example of customized metrics with multiple values (table type) — Windows



fileScript linesDescription



ECHO Demo 0
ECHO Demo2 1

ECHO Demo3


2This script returns a list of items including their values for each sample. A tab character (not space) separates between the item name and the item value.

UNIX/Linux shell script examples

The examples for UNIX/Linux shell scripts, which their file names end with _example, are listed in the following tables. These files can be found also in any server where InformPoint is installed, in the directory:


The table below shows an example of customized metrics with a single value for UNIX or Linux scripts.

Table 16-11    Examples 11 Examples of customized metrics with a single value (UNIX/Linux)

Script fileScript






<value>This script returns a constant value that creates a straight line graph.



test -e test.txt
cat test.txt | wc -c

echo 0


This script counts the number of characters of a specified text file. For example, you can set the metric thresholds to alert when the file size exceeds a certain size.

The table below shows an example of customized metrics with multiple values (table type) for UNIX or Linux scripts.

Table 16-12    Example 12 Example of customized metrics with multiple values (table type) - UNIX/Linux

Script fileScript




echo 'Demo 0'
echo 'Demo2 1'
echo 'Demo3 2'


This script returns a list of items including their values for each sample. A tab character (not space) separates between the item name and the item value.


Creating customized stored procedures

To monitor a parameter specific to Oracle or SQL Server AppTiers, you can create a stored procedure and connect it to a customized metric of Alerts. The type of your stored procedure, Oracle or MS-SQL, must be according to your PMDB type.

In addition, the stored procedure can be defined only in Oracle or SQL Server AppTier instances. To create Oracle stored procedure metrics, you must install the Precise for Oracle FocalPoint with at least one instance. To create MS-SQL stored procedure metrics, you must install the Precise for SQL Server FocalPoint with at least one instance.

Creating MS-SQL stored procedures

When creating a stored procedure in MS-SQL, apply the following guidelines:

To create MS-SQL stored procedures1.    Connect

  1. Connect to the database as Precise for SQL Server user.


  1. Ensure that the name of the stored procedure includes the database name. For Oracle users, the procedure name must not end with a semicolon (;).


  1. The naming convention for the program in Alerts must be:  databaseName..


  1. Procedure().


  1. Verify that the return value of the execution is a single numeric value (integer).


  1. Info

    You can use any procedure and an unlimited number of parameters, including no parameters.

To create an MS-SQL stored procedure1.    Apply

  1. Apply the following format:
    CREATE PROCEDURE user_def @@var1 type1, ...., @@var-n type-n
    - Custom query


  1. Use the following format within the call from the customized metric (the code should be entered in the Program box when adding a new Customized Metric):
    user_database..user_def val1, ...., val-n

Example of an MS-SQL stored procedure

The following stored procedure enables Alerts to send an email when the number of rows in a table called SALES.ITEMS reaches an amount that you set in the Thresholds tab.

To apply the MS-SQL stored procedure1.    Connect

  1. Connect to the database schema of the Precise for SQL Server.


  1. Create the function user_def in the user_database as follows:
    CREATE PROCEDURE user_def @@sampling_rateint,@@sampling_period int


  1. When you create the customized metric under the MS-SQL instance, set the program name to:

Use dynamic parameters. See Using dynamic parameters in customized metrics.

To test the MS-SQL stored procedure1.    Connect

  1. Connect to the database schema of the Precise for SQL Server.


  1. Run the function user_def in the user_database as follows:
    user_database..user_def sampling_rate , sampling_period

Creating Oracle stored procedures

When creating a stored procedure in Oracle, apply the following guidelines:

To create Oracle stored procedures1.    Connect

  1. Connect to the database as Precise for Oracle user.


  1. Ensure that the name of the stored procedure includes the package name and ends without a semicolon (;).


  1. The naming convention for the program in Alerts must be:  PackageName.ProcedureName().


  1. Verify that the return value of the execution is a single numeric value (integer).

To create the Oracle stored procedure package•    Apply

  • Apply the format as follows:
    Create or replace package user_defined_pack as
    function user_def(var1 type1, .... , var-n type-n)
    return return-type;
    pragma restrict_references(user_def,WNDS,WNPS);
    end user_defined_pack;

To create the Oracle stored procedure package body and insert your custom code into the user defined functions1.    Apply

  1. Apply the following format
    Create or replace package body user_defined_pack as
    function user_def(var1 type1, ...., var-n type-n) return
    return- type is
              -- Custom
         code end
    end user_defined_pack;


  1. Use the following format within the call the call from the customized metric (the code should be entered in the Program box when adding a new Customized Metric):
    user_database..user_def val1, ...., val-n

You can use any package or function name, and an unlimited number of parameters (including NONE).

Example of an Oracle stored procedure

The following stored procedure enables Alerts to send an email when the number of rows in a table called ITEMS, which belongs to a user called SALES, reaches an amount that you set in the Thresholds tab.

To apply the Oracle stored procedure1.    Connect to

  1. Connect to the database schema of the Precise for Oracle.


  1. Create the package  user_defined_pack as follows:
    Create or replace package user_defined_pack as
    function user_def(sampling_rate number, sampling_period
    number, warning_threshold number, critical_threshold number)
    return number; pragma
    end user_defined_pack;


  1. Run the following script in the Precise for Oracle database schema to create the package body of package user_defined_pack:
    Create or replace package body user_defined_pack as
    function user_def(sampling_rate number, sampling_period
    number, warning_threshold number, critical_threshold number)
    return number is
    tbl_num_rows number; BEGIN
    select num_rows into tbl_num_rows from sys.dba_tables where
    table_name='ITEMS' and owner='SALES';
    return (tbl_num_rows);
    end user_def;
    end user_defined_pack;



  1. When you create the customized metric under the Oracle instance, set the program name to:
    user_defined_pack.user_def ( @SAMPLING_RATE , @SAMPLING_PERIOD ,

Use dynamic parameters. See Using dynamic parameters in customized metrics.

To test the Oracle stored procedure1.    Connect

  1. Connect to the database schema of the Precise for Oracle.


  1. Run the function user_def in the user_database with your values as follows:
    select user_defined_pack.user_def(sampling_rate,
    sampling_period, warning_threshold,
    critical_threshold) as value from dual;

Using dynamic parameters in customized metrics

When you set a customized metric, you can use dynamic parameters in the Program command line.



The dynamic parameters in customized metrics are not the same as used in actions.

The table below describes the dynamic parameters that you can use in customized metrics.

Table 16-13    Dynamic 13 Dynamic parameters





IDID of the customized metric.


NAMEName of the customized metric.


IDID of the instance that is sampled by the customized metric.


NAMEName of the instance that is sampled by the customized metric.


NAMEName of the server machine on which the InformPoint agent is installed.


NAMEName of the server machine on which the instance is running. (May be differ from


@SERVER_MACHINE_NAME only on MS-SQL instances.)


CODEThe code of the metric's technology.


RATESampling rate (in minutes).


TIMETimestamp of the sampling.


THRESHOLDWarning (near critical) threshold value.


THRESHOLDCritical threshold value.



Include list of the items to consider when sampling data (the format is: value1, value2, value3, ...). The values of this parameter equal to the values that you set in the Consider only the following items text box in the threshold tab.








Exclude list of the items to ignore when sampling data (the format is: value1, value2, value3, ...). The values of this parameter equal to the values that you set in the Ignore the following items text box in the threshold tab.




Scroll Ignore
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