Versions Compared


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  1. Log in as Admin user to Custom Portal version 9.6.
  2. Go to Control Panel>Settings>Authentication>LDAP.
  3. Under Authentication, mark Enabled.
  4. Under Default Values, mark Microsoft Active Directory Server.
  5. Under Connection, provide the parameters described in the following table:

    Base Provider URL<url_of_the_base_provider>
    Base DN<base_dn>
  6. Under Users, provide the parameters as described in the following table:

    Authentication Search Filter(&(objectCategory=person)(sAMAccountName=@screen-name@))
    Import Search Filter((objectclass=person)
    User name<user_name>
    Email address<email_address>
    First name<given_name>
    Last name<last_name>
    Job title<title>
  7. Under Groups, do not mark/configure anything.
  8. Under Import/Export, mark or clear the parameters as described in the following table:

    Import enabledMark
    Import on startup enabledMark
    Import intervalAny selection as long as it is not grayed-out.
    Export enabledDo not check this box.
  9. Under Password policy, mark the “Use LDAP Password Policy” check box.


The Precise adapter enables the user to communicate with different Precise installations from different versions (OOTB supporting v8, v8.x, v9, and v9.6).

The Starting from v8.5, the AES encryption method was introduced in Precise. It is used as the default communication encryption method. For the adapter to communicate with the data source in the configuration process, the user will be is prompted to copy the encryption key files from the Precise installation to the Precise Custom Portal installation.


Table 3-1. Fixed Adapter Data Source fields

NameA unique user-defined name that identifies the data source. the identifier is displayed in the Data source list when you edit a portlet.
User group

Indicates which user group has been granted permission to view information from this data source. This parameter is case-sensitive.


If the Group parameter is left empty, every user can view information from this data source.

See About the DBAdapter, About the Retrieve from Database portlet, and Assigning permissions to adapters through user groups.


Table 3-2 DBAdapter fields

Driver name

Driver Name    Name of the database driver. This driver lets you access the database that you want to retrieve information from. For example, to connect to a SQL Server driver, type the following:

The driver must be installed on the same server that the DB adapter is installed on. In many cases this will be the same server that the Precise Custom Dashboard is installed on.

Connection string

Location of the database that you want to connect to and the driver used to connect to it. For example:


UserUser name that allows you to access information from the database.
PasswordPassword that allows the user to access information from the database.

See About the Adapter Settings portlet, About the Retrieve from Database portlet, and Common JDBC drivers.


Table 3-3 Microsoft SQL Server JDBC driver

JDBC driverValue
Connection strong formatjdbc:sqlserver://<host>:<port1433>;DatabaseName=<database>

The following table shows the information you must enter in the DBAdapter portlet settings to connect to a MySQL database.

Table 3-4 MySQL JDBC driver

JDBC driverValue
Driver namecom.mysql.jdbc.Driver
Connection string formatjdbc:mysql://<host>:<port>/<databaseName>

The following table shows the information you must enter in the DBAdapter portlet settings to connect to a Sybase database.

Table 3-5 Sybase JDBC driver

JDBC driverValue
Driver namecom.sybase.jdbc2.jdbc.SybDriver
Connection string formatjdbc:sybase:Tds:<host>:<port>/<databaseName>

The following table shows the information you must enter in the DBAdapter portlet settings to connect to a Oracle database.

Table 3-6 Oracle JDBC driver

JDBC driverValue
Driver nameoracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver
Connection string formatjdbc:oracle:thin:@<host>:<port>:<sid>

About the Portlet Upgrader portlet

This portlet is located in the portlets tree under admin.


Table 3-7 Portlet Upgrader portlet

Source adapterList of defined adapters
Source data sourceList of defined data sources for the selected source adapter
Destination adapterList of defined adapters
Destination data sourceList of defined data sources for the selected destination adapter

See Configuring the portlet.

About the Refresh Rate Settings portlet

The administrator can configure how often the information displayed in the dashboard is refreshed in the Refresh Rate Settings portlet. These settings apply to all pages on the dashboard.


Table 3-8 Available display views

TableDisplays the data in table format.
Bar chart

Only numeric data is displayed. Non-numeric data is ignored.

The first column of data is displayed along the X-axis. Remaining numeric columns are displayed as values in the chart.

Multiple line chart

Only numeric data is displayed. Non-numeric data is ignored.

The first column of data is displayed along the X-axis. Remaining numeric columns are displayed as values in the chart.

Combined multiple line chart

Only numeric data is displayed. Non-numeric data is ignored.

The first column of data is displayed along the X-axis. Remaining numeric columns are displayed as values in the chart.

This chart has multiple Y-axes, each axis corresponding to a specific line.

Horizontal bar chart

Only numeric data is displayed. Non-numeric data is ignored.

The first column of data is always displayed. Remaining numeric columns are displayed as values in the chart.

Line chart

Only numeric data is displayed. Non-numeric data is ignored.

The first column of data is displayed along the X-axis. Remaining numeric columns are displayed as values in the chart.

Multiple pie chart

Only numeric data is displayed. Non-numeric data is ignored.

The first column of data is displayed as the name of the chart. Remaining numeric columns are displayed as values in the chart.

Each row is displayed in a different pie.

Pie chart

Only numeric data is displayed. Non-numeric data is ignored.

The first column of data is displayed as the name of the chart. Remaining numeric columns are displayed as values in the chart.

Only the values in the first row are displayed in the pie chart.

Ring chart

Only numeric data is displayed. Non-numeric data is ignored.

The first column of data is always displayed. Remaining numeric columns are displayed as values in the chart.

Only the values in the first row are displayed in the ring chart.

See Configuring the portlet, Defining the portlet data preferences, and About the DBAdapter.


Table 3-9 Time Frame options

FromDetermines when the sampling period begins (date and time).
ToDetermines when the sampling period ends (date and time).
LastLets you focus on the last <n> minutes, hours, days, weeks or months from the current time.

Configuring the portlet


  1. In the Title area of the portlet, click on the existing title and rename it to a title that helps you remember what is displayed in the portlet.
  2. Click the Preferences icon () to edit the portlet preferences.
  3. Under Show fields, choose the information that you want to display in the portlet.
  4. Under Filter data by, determine which information to display. Depending upon the Precise installation/data source selected you may be prompted to enter additional information.
    If the Filter field supports the use of wildcard characters, use the percentage (%) character.
  5. Under Properties, determine how you want the information displayed, as follows:

    View data asDetermines whether data is displayed as a table or chart. If the data is of the same unit and type, it is displayed in the same chart.
    Chart height

    If you choose to display the data in a chart, determines the height of the chart, in pixels.

    Position legendIf you choose to display the data in a chart, determines where to position the legend (options include top, bottom, left, or right of the chart).
    Portlet heightDetermines the height of the portlet, in pixels.
    Portlet width

    Determines the width of the portlet, in pixels.

    The width of the portlet is also influenced by the layout of the page the portlet is displayed on.

    Free textAllows you to enter text that is displayed at the top of the portlet. You can use this text to explain what the purpose of the portlet is, or give an overview of what is displayed in the portlet.
  6. Click OK.

Removing a portlet package from the Precise Custom Dashboard


For the latest information on the Precise Custom Dashboard, see the Precise Customer Support Portal.


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