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When a specific restore policy is selected from the Restore Policies tree node, the content pane displays information describing the status of that policy. Use this view to determine which restore operations initiated by the policy have succeeded or failed.

What actions can you perform?

From the Restore Policies tree

By right-clicking a policy under the the  Restore Policies node node, you can access the following shortcuts:

Action ...

What it does ...

Create Restore Policy

Opens the Restore Policy wizard, allowing you to create a new policy.

Edit Policy

Opens the Restore Policy wizard (with all options pre-set to the values used for this operation), allowing you to edit any of the options.

Copy PolicyOpens the Backup Policy wizard  (with all options pre-set to the values used for this operation), allowing you to create a copy of it.

Delete Policy

Allows you to delete the policy. Although restore operations associated with this policy will no longer be performed, the previous status messages returned by this policy will continue to be stored in the SQL Safe Repository.

Disable PolicyAllows you to disable
the selected policy. Restore operations associated with this policy will no longer be performed.

Start Jobs for Policy

Allows you to run the restore job associated with this policy, performing an ad-hoc restore with the options already set by the policy.

View Out of Date JobsAllows you to view jobs that are out of date.
Update Out of Date JobsAllows you to update the list of out of date jobs.

Refresh Policy List

Updates the Restore Policies node with the latest policies.

From the Current Status pane

By clicking the links available in the Current Status  pane, you can access the following shortcuts:

Action ...

What it does ...

View Policy SettingsAllows you to view a summary of the policy settings.

Edit Policy

Opens the Restore Policy wizard, allowing you to change your policy settings.

Disable Policy

Disables the selected policy. Once a policy is disabled, it will no longer perform restore operations for the associated databases. To recover a database that belongs to a disabled policy, perform a manual restore using the Restore



Start Full Restore

Performs a full restore of all databases that belong to this policy by running the corresponding job. This action applies to your previously defined policy settings.

From the Operation


Details grid

By right-clicking on an operation, you can access the following shortcuts:

Action ...

What it does ...

CancelAllows you to cancel the backup policy.
View DetailsShows the  Details pane, providing additional information about the selected operation.

Restore again

Runs the restore operation again, using the same settings.

Restore with different options

Opens the Restore wizard (with all options pre-set to the values used for this operation), allowing you to specify different options before running the operation.

Set Progress To

Allows you to change the status of the selected operation.

Close DetailsHides the Details pane.

What does the Current Status mean?

The Current Status displays the most recent, combined status of the restore operations performed by this policy. When there are multiple operation statuses, the policy status reflects the most critical operation status. When all restores have been completed successfully according to the policy schedule, a green OK icon is displayed.

What is the Last Operation Status?

The Last Operation Status Status shows an overview of the most recent backup, restore, or log shipping operations that occurred across your enterprise. Use this view to quickly determine whether your servers are in compliance with your corporate policies. The operation status is limited to restore operations performed by this policy.

What are the Operation Details?

The Operation Details grid displays a listing of all restore operations performed for the databases included in the selected policy for the last 7 days. This grid includes the following columns:



ProgressDuring an operation, the progress bar will denote the percentage of the operation completed. When the operation is complete, it will display a green bar labeled 100%.
 If an operation is completed with errors, this column will display a red bar labeled Error. If an operation is completed with warnings, this column will display a yellow bar labeled 100% with an asterisk. This column also indicates when the backup file has been deleted (groomed), and therefore is no longer available to be restored.
InstanceDisplays the name of the SQL Server instance
that was backed up or restored by this operation.
DatabaseDisplays the name of the database
that was backed up or restored by this operation.
Confirms that a restore operation was performed.
Displays the type of operation performed. The types are Backup, Restore, and Verify.
Backup TypeDisplays the type of backup
performed by the operation.
Currently, only the recovery of full backups is supported by the restore policy.
The types are Full, Log, Differential, and File.
CompressedDisplays the size of the backup file after compression.
RatioDisplays the ratio of the Uncompressed size of the database reported by SQL Server to the resulting Compressed size of the backup file created by SQL Safe.
CompressionDisplays the type of compression used for the backup.
Database SizeDisplays the size of the original database.
UncompressedDisplays the size of data contained in the database, as reported by SQL Server.
EncryptionDisplays the type of encryption SQL Safe used during the backup operation


Displays the compressed file size of the backup used in this restore.


Displays the percentage of the data that was compressed in the associated backup.


Displays the type of compression that was used for the associated backup
DurationDisplays the
number of seconds
time ( hours:minutes:seconds ) required to complete the
Start TimeDisplays the start date and time of
the restore operation
the operation.
End TimeDisplays the end date and time of the operation.
ThreadsDisplays the number of threads SQL Safe used during the backup operation.
FormatDisplays the backup format. SQL Safe backup (Safe) or native backup (Bak) format.

Can you customize the columns in the Operation Details grid?

You can sort by the content of any of the columns by clicking the column header.


How do you refresh the data displayed in the Operation Details grid?

If a recent operation does not appear in the status view, you can refresh the status of this pane by clicking the Refresh icon in the pane title bar.

What are the details?

To see the detailed results of a specific operation, right-click the operation in the Operation Details grid and select select View Details. The Details pane displays below. By default, this pane is hidden.

The Details pane provides the following information about the selected backup operation:




Displays the database size, the size of the uncompressed backup, the size of the compressed backup, and the compression ratio achieved with this backup. The ratio is a measure of the storage savings achieved with SQL Safe compression technology.  For more information about the storage space savings, you can realize using SQL Safe,

see Understand

see understand your total cost of operation (TCO).

Result Text

Displays text describing the result of the restore.


Displays the complete path of the backup set file for the restore.

Backup Set Description

Displays the description you specified for this restore.

Storage Options

Displays which locations were chosen to store the backup files associated with the restore.

SQL Safe   is a high-performance backup and recovery solution for your SQL Servers. Learn more > >
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