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title1.5 Known issues


  • SQL BI Manager 1.0 users must upgrade to 1.1 before attempting to upgrade to 1.5.

SQL BI Manager 1.0 users first must upgrade to SQL BM Manager 1.1 before upgrading to version 1.5.

To upgrade from SQL BI Manager 1.0 to version 1.1, follow these steps:

  1. Verify that you have product administration permissions.
  2. In the Repository databases screen, enter the location of the existing 1.0 database (SQL Server Instance) and existing database name (BI Database Name).
  3. The installer detects a 1.0 schema and executes the migration.

To upgrade from SQL BI Manager 1.1 to version 1.5, see Install SQL Business Intelligence Manager.

title1.1 Known issues


  • The IDERA Dashboard installer is unable to create a login on SQL Server 2005 repository databases.

The IDERA Dashboard installer is designed to create a login for the specified service account in the SQL Server Repository database. However, this installer is occasionally unable to create a login on SQL Server 2005 Repository databases.  This results in lack of access to the IDERA Dashboard Repository.  To solve this issue, create the necessary SQL Server logins outside of the installation process:

  1. Start SSMS and connect to the SQL Server 2005 Repository database.
  2. Create a login in the SQL Server 2005 Repository for the service account to be used during the IDERA Dashboard installation.
  3. Run the IDERA Dashboard installer.


  • SQL BI Manager 1.1 requires a custom upgrade procedure.

In SQL BI Manager 1.1 migration occurs as part of the installation process and requires a custom upgrade procedure.  This limitation will be corrected in an upcoming release.

To upgrade from SQL BI Manager 1.0 to our latest version follow these steps:

  1. Verify that you have product administration permissions.
  2. In the Repository databases screen, enter the location of the existing 1.0 database (SQL Server Instance) and existing database name (BI Database Name).
  3. The installer detects a 1.0 schema and executes the migration.


title1.0 Known issues

BI services monitoring

  • SQL BI Manager fails to register BI services for monitoring if a local SQL Server instance is not installed in on the host machine.

In SQL BI Manager 1.0, any BI service must have a local instance of SQL Server installed to be registered for monitoring.  For machines where a BI service is running without a local SQL Server instance, installing a copy of SQL Server Express on the target machine allows those services to be monitored. This limitation will be corrected in an upcoming release.

  • Anchor
    The Remove option in the BI Services views removes the monitored BI service instance.

Users that want to stop monitoring a specific BI service should use “Disable Monitoring” which is accessible through the “gear” icon to the right of the service instance name in the service (SSAS, SSRS, SSIS) view.  Selecting Remove will remove the service instance and any associated monitored BI services will stop collecting data and sending alerts as a result.

Adding users

  • SQL BI Manager fails to add a user if he/she lacks an account on the local SQL BI Core Repository.

SQL BI Manager is designed to add users and grant access as needed. However, users that lack an account on the local SQL BI Core Repository fail to be added as new users in the Administration tab.  Please register new users with the SQL BI Core Repository before adding them to SQL BI Manager.

  • Anchor
    New SQL BI Manager users may experience issues when logging into SQL BI Manager console.

Some recently added users may experience issues when login in the SQL BI Manager console regardless of their Administration or Read Only Read-Only privileges, or correct Windows credentials. An incorrect user name or password message displaysdisplays.  This is a result of the above requirement to register new users with the SQL BI Core Repository before adding them to SQL BI Manager.


  • Anchor
    Some SQL Server Reporting Services performance counters are not available for SQL Server 2008.

Windows Service First Session Requests/sec and Snapshot Updates/sec are not available for SQL Server 2008 in the SSRS performance view.

  • Anchor
    SQL BI Manager occasionally returns wrong CPU Usage Percent values for the SSAS, SSRS, and SSIS roll-up views.

Users may find that occasionally the CPU Usage Percent values for the SSAS, SSRS, and SSIS roll-up views of the main dashboard are incorrect. 

  • Anchor
    Cube information for SQL Server Analysis Services fails to display in the SQL Server 2008 X86 version.

SQL BI Manager is designed to display and report on database cube information for SQL Server Analysis Services. However, an issue in the SSAS Performance view results in an empty view for the x86 version of SQL Server 2008.

  • The following SSAS metrics are not collected for this release:

Cache: <Inserts/sec, Evictions/sec, KB added/sec>

Processing: Rows Written/sec

Processing Aggregations: Rows Created/sec

Processing Indexes: Rows/sec

Storage Engine: Data Read from Data File

Storage Engine: Dimension Cache <lookups/sec, hits/sec>

Storage Engine: Flat Cache <lookups/sec, hits/sec>

Storage Engine: Measure Group Cache <lookups/sec, hits/sec>

Storage Engine: Calculation Cache <lookups/sec, hits/sec>

Threads: Processing Pool Job Queue Length 

  • The following SSRS metrics are not collected for SQL Server 2008 in this release:

Cache Flushes/Sec



Snapshot Updates/Sec

Total App Domain Recycles

Online Help

To access the online documentation within the SQL BI Manager application select “Help” from the “gear” icon drop-down menu. You may also access through the following link:


  • Anchor
    BI Services charts in SQL BI Manager display metric data only in the 'Minutes' scale.

Charts in the SSAS, SSRS, and SSIS performance views display metric data only in the 'Minutes' scale. Scale drop-down options for Hour, Day, Week, and Month are not available in this release.

  • Anchor
    The My Environment section of the SQL BI Manager's dashboard does not include monitored BI Service Instance information.

For this release, users should be aware that the information displayed at the top right in the DASHBOARD view (UP, DOWN, CRITICAL) encompasses the total number of monitored BI Service Instances and may be different than the number of monitored servers.

  • Anchor
    The Disable Monitoring option in the BI Services performance views disables only a specific BI service.

For this release, users should be aware that when using the option to Disable Monitoring, available in the SSAS, SSRS, and SSIS performance views, only the specific BI service is disabled. This information is reflected in MY ENVIRONMENT  under "Disabled Instances" from the DASHBOARD VIEW.

  • Anchor
    An option to manually refresh data is not available in all SQL BI Manager views.

SQL BI Manager is designed to collect data and set alerts every 6 minutes. Displayed data may be manually refreshed by selecting F5.

  • Anchor
    An option to modify the number of rows displayed is not available in the dashboard.

SQL BI Manager displays by default 10 rows in the different widget sections of the main dashboard. It is not possible to modify this value in this version.

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SQL Business Intelligence Manager helps monitor and manage the health and availability of SSAS, SSRS & SSIS.
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