Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

To rename multiple entities within a model version...
Right-click on the version of the model in the left pane and select Entities>Rename multiple entities. Alternatively, right-click on a white space in the diagram and select Tables>Rename tables or click on REPLACE WITH THIS IMAGE: Images/Common_Icons/table_rename.png Image Added in the toolbar and select Rename multiple tables from the list.
REPLACE WITH THIS IMAGE: Images/Wizards/Renaming Multiple Entities.pngImage Added

  1. Click Image Added Click REPLACE WITH THIS IMAGE: Images/Common_Icons/addqueryicon.png to specify which tables are to be included or click REPLACE WITH THIS IMAGE: Images/Common_Icons/removequeryicon.png Image Added to specify which tables are to be excluded in this renaming process. Click Next.


  1. Image Added
  2. The tables matching the criteria in the last step are displayed. Move any specific tables tables not to be included to the Exclude tables list and click on Next.


  1. Image Added
  2. From Table rename criteria, manage the rename criteria, click REPLACE WITH THIS IMAGE: Images/Common_Icons/addqueryicon.png Image Added to add a rename criteria.


  1. Image Added




  1. Image Added

    Click to Add rename criteria.


  1. Image Added

    Click to Edit the selected criteria.


  1. Image Added

    Click to Delete the selected criteria.


  1. Image Added

    Click to move the selected criteria a level Up.


  1. Image Added

    Click to move the selected criteria a level Down.

  2. Select a Criteria from the drop-down list and enter one or two values where appropriate.


  1. Image Added 
    The options are as follows:



    Replace any x with y

    Replace any Value 1 with Value 2.

    To lower case

    Convert to lower case.

    To upper case

    Convert to upper case.

    Add before

    Add Value 1 before the name.

    Add after

    Add Value 1 after the name.

    Remove first N characters

    Remove the first (Value 1) characters, where Value 1 is an integer.

    Remove last N characters

    Remove the last (Value 1) characters, where Value 1 is an integer.

    Remove before and including

    Remove the characters in the name before and including Value 1.

    Remove after and including

    Remove the characters in the name after and including Value 1.

    Remove everything before first upper case

    Remove everything in the name before the first upper case letter.

    Remove everything from last upper case

    Remove everything in the name from the last upper-case letter onwards.

  2. Select the required criteria and click Derive.


  1. Image Added

  2. With only the required tables selected, click Rename.


  1. Image Added