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It is assumed that you have both the private key file and certificate file in the PEM format and OpenSSL tool for Windows is installed into. It is also assumed that the private key file is called and the certificate file is called and both are on disk C, in the root directory.


  1. Start a Windows Command Prompt by clicking Start > Command Prompt. Alternatively, you can go to Start > Run and then type cmd without quotes and press <Enter>.
  2. Use C: and then cd\ commands to go to the root directory of the disk C, where the key and certificates are located.
  3. Run the following commands to convert the key and the certificate from PEM to DER format.
    C:\OpenSSL\bin\openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -nocrypt -in -inform PEM -out -outform DER
    C:\OpenSSL\bin\openssl x509 -in -inform PEM -out -outform DER
  4. Use the cd command to go to the directory where the keytool is located.
    cd "C:\Program Files\Idera\Dashboard\WebApplication\JRE\bin\"
  5. Use Internet Explorer to download the ImportKey utility.
  6. Point Internet Explorer to
    . Unzip the utility to C:\Program Files\Idera\Dashboard\WebApplication\JRE\bin\ directory.
  7. Run the following command. It will launch the ImportKey utility and create the keystore file (default name is keystore.ImportKey) in your home directory (in Windows 2008 it is usually C:\Users\<your username>). The private key and the certificate will be placed there.
    java ImportKey c:\ c:\


    The keystore and key passwords both must be set to password.

  8. The following command allows you to set the password for your keystore file. The default password is importkey. Enter it when prompted, and then type the new password, which must be set to password.
    keytool -storepasswd -keystore c:\Users\Administrator\keystore.ImportKey
  9. This command will allow you to set the password for the key file in the keystore. The default password is importkey. Enter it when prompted, and then type the new password, which must be set to password.
    keytool -keypasswd -alias importkey -ketstore c:\Users\Administrator\keystore.ImportKey
  10. Use Internet Explorer to download the intermediate certificate chain for the Certification Authority (CA). For example, point Internet Explorer to
  11. Save the intermediate certificate chain to the root directory of the disk C.
  12. Import the received trusted certificate into your keystore file.
    keytool -import -alias intermed -file c:\sf_issuing.crt -keystore c:\Users\Administrator\keystore.ImportKey -trustcacerts


    Internet Explorer may change the file extension. If the command above does not work, try sf_issuing.cer instead of sf_issuing.crt.

  13. Open Windows Explorer. Navigate to the directory C:\Program Files\Idera\Dashboard\WebApplication\conf.
  14. Rename the file keystore to keystore.old. Then rename the file C:\Users\<your username>\keystore.ImportKey to C:\Program Files\Idera\Dashboard\WebApplication\conf\keystore.
  15. Restart the IDERA Dashboard Web Application service.
