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CM/Schema > Comparison Options > Decorator Options

Decorator Options affect particular database objects...







CM/Schema > General


CM/Schema > Mapping Options




Command Line




Label Decorations



These options include:

  • Preserve Target File Group (on extended alter) (SQL Server only) When an extended alter is generated for an object, the target objects file group remains the same as the original object if this option is enabled.
    If this option is disabled, the targets objects file group are set to the one used by the source object.
  • Preserve Target Storage (Oracle only) The functionality is similar to Preserve Target File Group but this option applies to the storage properties of Oracle objects.
  • Preserve Target Tablespace (Oracle only) The functionality is similar to Preserve Target File Group but this option applies to the tablespace properties of Oracle objects.
  • Preserve Target Segment (Sybase only) Preserves the Segment property for tables, indexes, and partition definitions.
  • Recompile This option triggers a recompilation for dependent procedures, when the target object needs to be dropped and recreated (extended altered).
  • Comment Out Extended Alters for Tablespaces An extended alter is essentially a drop and then a recreate. For tablespaces, an extended alter is a dangerous operation that may cause data loss.
    This option is by default enabled and generates commented out DDL for tablespace extended alter.

CM/Schema > Comparison Options > Identifier Options

The Identifier Options panel contains parameters that determine what elements of the source and target data source are ignored during the schema comparison and synchronization process.

These options include:

  • The Ignore Name Case option specifies that the syntax case is ignored when doing comparisons. This option is deselected by default.
  • The Ignore Constraint Names option specifies that differences in table constraint names are ignored when doing comparisons. This option is deselected by default.
  • The Ignore Specific Name (IBM DB2 for LUW only) option ignores SQL specific names in procedures, functions, and methods. This option is deselected by default.

CM/Schema > Comparison Options > DDL Extract Options

The DDL Extract Options section contains the Extract DDL parameter. When it is selected, the DDL code appears separate editor window after the comparison job runs. This option is deselected by default.

CM/Schema > Comparison Options > Additional Options

Additional comparison options are listed at the bottom of the list of preferences.

These options include:

  • Enable Dependency Linking. When this option is activated, the comparison contains information about dependencies between objects. This information is critical for the ordering of the generated DDL. If the option is not enabled, the schema comparison is faster but when DDL is generated for more than one object, the ordering is incorrect. By default, Enable Dependency Linking is deselected for Oracle, so all GRANT statements for Oracle objects are not extracted and compared.

CM/Schema > General

The General options relate to schema comparison jobs:

  • Show uncomment alter tablespace script confirm dialog. There is an alter tablespace script confirm dialog that displays by default. Deselect this option if you do not want to see this dialog.
  • Do not ask about running the created jobs. Select this option if you want to ignore the system prompt when running schema comparison jobs. If you select this option, you can also select whether to automatically run a schema comparison job when an object is created.
  • Automatically launch jobs created from selected objects. Select this option if you want to automatically run a schema comparison job when an object is created.

Once you configure new defaults, click Apply.

CM/Schema > Mapping Options

You can specify the default mapping job options available on the Mapping tab of the Schema Comparison Job editor:

  • Ignore Case. By default, schema comparison jobs ignore the case of the texts. Deselect this option if case is important to you.
  • Ignore Spaces. By default, schema comparison jobs ignore spaces in the texts. Deselect this option if spaces are important to you.
  • Ignore Underscores. By default, schema comparison jobs compare underscores in the texts. Select this option if you do want to ignore underscores.
  • Show Users. (Oracle only) By default, schema comparison jobs show users from the source and target that have at least one object. Select this option if you want to show all users from the target, regardless of whether they have any objects in their schema, and map them with users from the source.

Once you configure new defaults, click Apply.

CM/Schema > Refinements Options

The Refinements Options determine whether new objects are included. By default, they are included when you run a schema comparison job. You can configure the job to ignore new objects by unchecking this option.

Command Line

You can specify the Default Script Output for the following command line jobs:

  • Windows (*.bat). By default, the command line interface produces batch files.
  • Ant (*.xml). Click Ant (*.xml) if you want the command line interface to produce XML files by default.

Once you configure new defaults, click Apply. For more information, see Generating Command Line Scripts.


You can specify default compliance ranges for comparison results. These ranges are percentage amounts that specify when to pass, warn, or fail a configuration comparison job in the Compliance Explorer.

These options include:

  • Compliance Met. By default, this value is 100%, which allows a job to pass.
  • Compliance Critical. By default, this value is 75, meaning that 75-99% compliance results in a warning.
  • Compliance Not Met. By default, this value is 0, meaning that 0-74% compliance results in a failure.

Once you configure new defaults, click Apply.

Label Decorations

Label Decorations provides a link to the standard Eclipse Preferences section where you can specify decorations for an object in the Eclipse interface.

In the Job Decoration Text panel, select Project to add a decoration in the Project Explorer.

Once you configure new defaults, click Apply.

Notification > Email Notification

You can specify email server parameters that enable email notifications for jobs.

The parameters include:

  • Host. The name of the email host server is required.
  • Port. The default port number is 25.
  • Sender Address. The email address to use for sending email from DB Change Manager to others.
  • User Name. The user name of the sender on the mail server.
  • Password. The password of the sender on the mail server.
  • Web Server Report Directory. The root directory of the web server where DB Change Manager saves reports; for example, c:\apache2\htdocs.
  • Web URL Prefix. The URL used by DB Change Manager to specify links in the report and in the notification email; for example,

Use the Test Email button to validate the settings. DB Change Manager prompts you for an email address, and then sends a test notification email to that address.

Once you have validated the email settings, click Apply.

Notification > Email Notification > Advance Settings

Advanced Settings lets you map SMTP properties to values. Refer to for more information.

SMTP properties are listed at: http://

Notification > Email Notification > Contacts

Contacts are email addresses used in email notifications. When a new notification is sent, it is sent to all of the addresses added to the contact list.

To add a contact

  1. In Preferences > Notification > Email Notification > Contacts, click Add.
  2. Enter an email address, and then click OK.

You can also import existing contact lists from XML files, or export the current contact list as an XML file.

Notification > Email Notification > Templates

You can create and edit email templates that format the texts used in email notifications. The default template shows how the templates work. You can add a template and customize the values of the template variables.

Available actions include:

  • Edit. The Edit button opens the Edit Template dialog for the selected template.


    Press Ctrl-Space on the Notification screen to open a list of variables.

  • Add. Opens the Add Template dialog.
  • Remove. Removes the selected template.

To create a new email notification template

  1. Select the default template.
  2. Click Edit.
  3. Click the Template Key icon on the left to see the template variables that are available.
  4. In the Body section, select and copy the template text.
  5. Click Cancel.
  6. In Preferences > Templates, click Add.
  7. In the Add a Template dialog Body section, paste the copied text.
  8. Edit the text. Click the Insert template key dropdown to select from a list of variables.
  9. Name the template.
  10. Type the Subject content that is the subject of your email. You can use variables in a subject.

Notification > File System Notifier

You can specify where file system notifications are stored using Preferences > Notification > File System Notifier options, including:

  • Enable file system notification service. By default, file system notifications are not enabled. Select this option to enable them.
  • Report, Log, and Script Directories. By default, file system notifications are created in the Documents and Settings/username/ Change Manager Results directory. Click Browse to change the default directories.

Once you have validated the email settings, click Apply.

Notification > Popup Notification

You can set the default options for System Tray notifications, including:

  • Enable system tray notification service. By default, system tray notifications are not enabled. Select this option to enable them.
  • Display notification time. By default, the notification lasts for 3000 milliseconds.
  • Show only when minimized to tray. By default, the popup displays when the System Tray is minimized.
  • Play sound. By default, if notifications are enabled, a sound accompanies a notification.
  • Custom sound. You can change the default sound and select a .wav sound file.

Once you have validated the email settings, click Apply.

Notification > Popup Notification > Advanced Settings

You can change the default options for System Tray notifications. These options include:

  • Generate notification when job is run from. By default, if notifications are enabled, a notification is generated for each job run from the Workbench or from the command line. You can limit notifications to one or the other.
  • Generate notification when job finishes. By default, a notification is generated for each job that succeeds or fails. You can limit notifications to one or the other.
  • Generate notification for threshold. This option is currently unavailable.

After you change the notification settings, click Apply.


The Projects option applies to the Project Explorer:

  • Suppress Project Required Warning Dialog. This option disables the warning dialog when using the Project Explorer. By default, it is disabled.

After you change the projects settings, click Apply.


The Reports settings let you customize the look, feel, and format of reports issued when you generate a job report for comparison jobs.

  • The Report Style tab
    • Logo. You can browse to upload a logo. The logo should be 80 pixels wide by up to 420 pixels tall.
    • Accent color. You can select an accent color from the color palette.

After you change the style settings, click Apply.

  • The Paper Setup tab
    • Paper size. You can use the dropdown list to select from a list of standard paper sizes, and choose between Portrait or Landscape orientations.
    • Margins. You can set the Top, Right, Left, and Bottom margins for the paper. If you prefer not to use inches, set the Unit option to either centimeters or millimeters.

After you change the paper setup options, click Apply.

  • The Contents tab
    • CM/Config: Include matching configuration parameters. By default, matching configuration parameters are included in a report.
    • CM/Data: Include matching data fields (database level). By default, matching data fields in databases are included in a report.
    • CM/Data: Include matching data fields (table level). By default, matching data fields in tables are included in a report. You cannot change this option.
    • CM/Data: Include detail reports in CM/Data notifiers. By default, details are included in a data job notification.
    • CM/Schema: Include matching schema objects. By default, matching schema objects are included in a report.
    • CM/Schema: Include DDL in Schema Reports. By default, DDL is included in a report. If you do not need the DDL in the report, and to improve performance, deselect this option.
    • Split reports when exceeding _ number of objects. By default, reports including over 1000 objects are split into multiple sections, to improve performance. You can change the default number of objects in a section.

After you change the contents options, click Apply.

  • The Font tab
    • Path. By default, DB Change Manager includes the FreeSerif.ttf font for use in reports. You can change this to another font on your system.
    • PDF Encoding. If you change the font, make sure that the appropriate PDF encoding is set. Leave the field blank to use the default encoding.

After you change the font options, click Apply.

Script Execution Options

The Script Execution Options apply to automation scripts:

  • Connection Auto Commit. By default, auto commit applies to synchronization scripts for data comparison jobs.

If you change the script execution settings, click Apply.

System Tray

The System Tray options affect the Windows System Tray:

  • Show System Tray Icon. By default, the System Tray icon is shown.
  • Minimize to System Tray. You can minimize the system tray by selecting this option.

If you change the System Tray settings, click Apply.

Task Scheduler

The Task Scheduler options affect batch files:

  • Always schedule auto generated batch files. By default, automatically generated batch files do not run on schedule. Select this option to require scheduling.
  • Batch files directory. By default, batch files are saved in Documents and Settings\username\change_manager_x\workspace\Change Management\AutoGeneratedBatchFiles. You can change this to another directory.

If you change the task scheduler settings, click Apply.

Data Sources

The Data Sources preferences specify where registered data source definitions and metadata are stored:

  • Data Sources. By default, batch files are saved in Documents and Settings\username\Application Data\IDERA\Data Sources. You can change this to another directory.
  • Metadata. By default, metadata files are saved in Documents and Settings\username\Application Data\IDERA\Data Sources\metadata. You can change this to another directory.

If you change the data source file location settings, click Apply




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