Page History
Trigger a response if the refresh occurred during the displayed time frame. Click during this time and then select the time and date range to set the alert response trigger time frame.
Where Alert Rank value
Trigger a response based on its rank value. Click value, select the condition from the dropdown menu (greater than, less than, or equal to), and set the alert response trigger value (between 1 and 100).
Where metric severity is unchanged for a specific time period
Trigger a response when the severity of a metric remains unchanged for a specified time period. Click specific time frame and set the alert response trigger time period in minutes (between 1 and 1000 minutes).
AnchorAvailableAction AvailableAction
Available action providers
AvailableAction | |
AvailableAction |
Anchorscomalert scomalert
SCOM Alert Action Provider
scomalert | |
scomalert |
When the criteria for the new alert rule is met, SQL Diagnostic Manager sends an alert to SCOM.
To create SCOM alert response:
- Send to SCOM as Alert option.
- Select the metrics you want to be sent to SCOM as alerts. You can also select all available metrics.
- Click OK.
To create SCOM alert response:
- Send to SCOM as Event option.
- Select the metrics you want to be sent to SCOM as alerts. You can also select all available metrics.
- Click OK.