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You can sort data using various options in the chart view or using options in the Advanced dialog.

Table of Contents

Visual Analytics also allows clearing an applied sort and changing the default sorting properties for any dimension.


You can sort data by using sort icons present on the measure axis, column and row headers, toolbar, and tooltip. You can also sort data by using the menu options for dimensions present in the chart properties deck.


You can sort data using the sort icons on measure axis. Hover, the mouse on a measure axis, to see the sort icon. When you click the icon once, data is sorted in the descending order, click again, and data is sorted in the ascending order. If you click again, the data is reset to its default order. The following example shows product categories in ascending order based on their profit values.

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Column and Row Header Sort

Hover the mouse on a column or row header, to see the sort icon. When you click the icon once, the cells of the selected row/column are sorted in the descending order, click again, and data is sorted in the ascending order. If you click again, the data is reset to its default order.
Row Header Example: The following example shows product categories for France sorted in the descending order based on their profit values.
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Column Header Example: The following example shows territories sorted in the descending order based on the profits of Helmets.
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Tooltip Sorting


  • Visual Analytics sorts the innermost dimension records by their measure value. This creates a manual sort for the innermost dimension. The following example shows Territory sorted in the ascending order by profits of Bike Racks. See Also, Manual Sorting.

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  • You can apply tooltip sorting on the leaf headers only when a dimension is present in the Chart Properties Deck. Visual Analytics sorts data of each cell by its measure values for that header record. The following example sorts individual chart segments of each cell by its measure values. 

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Toolbar Sorting


The following example shows product categories sorted on profit values because the selected measure is profit.

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Sorting Using the Advanced Dialog

You can sort data by using various sorting options in the Advanced dialog. To sort, right-click a dimension, click Sort > Advanced > choose a sorting option, and then click Apply.
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Sort by Field

This option sorts data based on the aggregation values of the specified field. To apply sorting, from the Field drop-down list, choose a dimension or measure, and then from the adjacent drop-down list, choose an aggregation function. The following example shows product categories based on profits but sorted according to the average value of the tax amount.
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Per Cell by Measure Values

This option sorts individual chart segments of each cell by its measure values. It is available only for the dimension placed in the Chart Properties Deck. To apply sorting, place the dimension in the Chart Properties Deck > right-click the dimension > click Sort > Advanced > Per Cell Measures Values. When there are multiple dimensions in the Chart Properties Deck, on applying sorting to one dimension, all other dimensions are also sorted according to their measure values. You can sort Pie, Sunburst, Mekko, Funnel, and Bar charts using this option. The following example shows profits of various shipping methods categorized by territories in the ascending order.

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Manual Sorting

Manual sorting lets you control the order in which data appears in the chart view. You can move the records up and down the list and also reverse the order of the list by using the scroll arrows.
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Clear Sort

Clear Sort removes sorting from the chart view. The chart view is reset to the default sorting properties of the dimension.  To remove sorting, in the chart view > right-click the dimension > Sort > Clear Sort.
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Change Default Properties


  1. In the Dimension Pane, right-click a dimension, and then click Default Properties > Sort Advanced.
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  2. Choose a sort option and then click Apply.
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