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This is a guide to installing the WhereScape Enablement Pack for Azure Synapse for WhereScape RED

Table of Contents

Include Page
Prerequisites For PostgreSQL Metadata -WIP
Prerequisites For PostgreSQL Metadata -WIP

 Prerequisites For Target Database Azure Synapse

Before you begin the following prerequisites must be met:

  • Create Database and ODBC DSN  DSN:
    • Azure Synapse
      • At least one schema available to use as a RED Data Warehouse Target
    • Python 3.8 or higher
      • Select "Select Add Python 3.8 to PATH" from installation Window
      • Pip Manager Install with command : python  python -m pip install --upgrade pip

Include Page
Install Guides-Common
Install Guides-Common

Post Install Steps - Optional

If you used the script 'script Setup_Enablement_Pack.ps1' then the following optional post-install steps are available

Configure Connections

There were Three are some connections added that will optionally require your attention:

  1. Connection: 'Database Source System' - this connection was set up as an example source connection,
    • open it's its properties and set it up for a source DB in your environment
    • or you can remove it if not required.
  2. Connection: 'Azure Synapse'- this connection was set as per parameters provided in script 1
    1. open its properties and check the extended properties tab, set it up for Blob Storage Account, Blob Storage Access Key, Blob Storage ContainerBlob Endpoint, Blob Storage Data Source, and Azure SQL DW Connection String

Enable Script Launcher Toolbar

Several stand-alone scripts provide some features such as "Ranged Loading", these scripts have been added to the Script Launcher menu but you will need to enable the menu toolbar item to see them.
To enable the Script Launcher menu in RED: Select menu item , select View>Toolbars>Script Launcher

Source Enablement Pack Support

Source Pack Name

Supported By Azure Synapse

Supported Features


Cloud File Parser

  1. Amazon S3
  2. Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2
  3. Google Cloud Storage
  1. CSV
  2. Excel
  3. JSON
  4. XML
  5. AVRO
  6. ORC

Bulk load

Refer to Windows Parser Guide

Windows Parser

  1. CSV
  2. Excel
  3. JSON
  4. XML
  5. AVRO
  6. ORC

Load Template, Source Properties will have the option to select parser type to load the files.

Refer to Windows Parser Guide

Include Page
Troubleshooting and Tips - RED10
Troubleshooting and Tips - RED10