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SQL Compliance Manager is ONLY compatible with IDERA Dashboard version 4.8.1 and with limited support.

IDERA SQL Compliance Manager


versions 5.0 and newer only.

Before installing IDERA SQL Compliance Manager, consider the following best - practices:

  • Ensure you review the the product requirements.
  • Decide whether you should should install the Collection Server on a dedicated SQL Server instance.
  • If you plan to audit instances running SQL Server 2005 or later, install the Collection Server on a computer hosting the highest version of SQL Server running in your environment. For example, to accept event data from audited instances running SQL Server 2012, the Repository databases must reside on a SQL Server 2012 instance.

This procedure guides you through the installation of SQL Compliance Manager and the Idera Dashboard and IDERA Dashboard. 


It is possible to install and use IDERA SQL Compliance Manager


without installing the IDERA Dashboard.

The IDERA Dashboard works as a complement of SQL Compliance Manager, allowing you to monitor SQL Server instances remotely.

To learn more about this product, visit IDERA Dashboard.

By default, SQL CM SQL Compliance Manager installs with a trial license. For more information about trial licenses or upgrading your license, see see Licensing.

Start your


SQL Compliance Manager installation

You can install SQL Compliance Manager and the Idera IDERA Dashboard and SQL CM on any computer that meets or exceeds the the product requirements.



install SQL Compliance Manager:

  1. Log on with an administrator account to the computer on which you want to install SQL CMSQL Compliance Manager.
  2. Run SETUPRun SQLCMInstall.EXE in  in the root of the installation kit.
  3. Review the information you need to start the installation and click Next. 
  4. Review and accept the license agreement by selecting the I accept the terms and conditions of the End User License Agreement checkbox.
    Select the appropriate setup type and then click Next.

    Setup TypeDescription
    All SQL Compliance Manager components and IDERA DashboardAllows you to install all
    SQL Compliance Manager components and the IDERA Dashboard on
    the Quick Start window.
  5. On the Welcome window of the setup program, click Next.
  6. Select an option to run the Idera Dashboard. You can install this framework locally or register with a previously-installed copy on another server.
  7. Specify a service account and password, and then click Next. The Welcome to the Idera Dashboard Setup wizard displays.
  8. Click Next to start the Idera Dashboard installer.
  9. Review the license agreement. To accept this license agreement, click I accept the terms in the license agreement, and then click Next.
  10. this computer
    SQL Compliance Manager Management console onlyAllows you to install only the SQL Compliance Manager Management console
    SQL Compliance Manager Agent onlyAllows you to install only the SQL Compliance Manager Agent
    IDERA Dashboard onlyAllows you to install only the IDERA Dashboard


  11. If you chose All SQL Compliance Manager components and IDERA Dashboard setup, complete the following procedure:

    1. Specify the following information and click Next.

      1. Location in which you want to install SQL Compliance Manager.

      2. Display name for this installation. 
        The IDERA Dashboard displays this name for the current installation. The name can only contain letters, numbers, or hyphen - characters.

      3. Whether you want to install or upgrade the IDERA Dashboard locally or use a remote installation. 
        If you chose to use a remote installation, you need to provide an existing IDERA Dashboard URL and Dashboard administrator credentials. 

    2. Specify a SQL Server Instance and a form of authentication to create the SQL Compliance Manager and the IDERA Dashboard repositories. 
      At this point, you can enable the Clustered Environment checkbox. If you select this option, you have to select whether you are working on an active or passive node and specify the same information mentioned above for the environment. For more information, see Deploying SQL Compliance Manager in a Clustered Environment.
      Test the connections to make sure the information is correct and click Next.
    3. Specify where the SQL Compliance Manager Agent should store collected audit data, and click Next. The specified folder will be the trace file directory on the audited SQL Server instance
    Select an installation location and user access. You can use the default install location or specify a different path (Change). For your first install, we recommend using the default location.  Click Next to continue with the installation
    1. .
    2. Type the appropriate credentials in the provided fields under which
    1. IDERA services run, and
    1. click Next.
    The Idera Dashboard
    1. IDERA uses this account to connect, discover, and gather configuration information from SQL Servers in your Business environment. The installer grants the "Log on as a Service" right to the account that you specify.
    2. Review the installation settings and click Install.
  12. On the Service Ports window, specify the ports you want the web application and dashboard services to use. The Idera Dashboard uses ports 9094, 9290, 9291, and 9292 for the web application and dashboard services respectively. However, you can specify different service ports.
  13. Verify that the Firewall allows TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) traffic through your specified ports, and then click Next.
  14. On the Repository Database screen, specify the host SQL Server instance you want to use for the Idera Dashboard Repository database. Type the name for the Idera Dashboard Repository database.
  15. If your SQL Server environment uses SQL Server Authentication, select the check box and click Change to enter SQL Server credentials. By default, the Idera Dashboard uses your Windows credentials when connecting to the Repository database.
  16. If you use Microsoft SQL Server Authentication, a new window displays where you can type the respective SQL Server login and password.
  17. Click Next. The user that installs the Idera Dashboard has access to this application by default as a Dashboard Administrator. You can choose whether you want other users to have access to the Idera Dashboard in the Administration view.
  18. Click Next.
  19. Click Install to indicate that you are ready to complete your installation with the configurations you specified. If you want to review or change any of your settings, click Back.
  20. Click Finish to exit the Idera Dashboard Setup Wizard.
  21. Once you have configured the Idera Dashboard, click Finish to start the SQL CM installation and prompt its corresponding Welcome Setup wizard.  To review or change any of your settings, click Previous.

If you wish to uninstall the Idera Dashboard, make sure to unregister all products by clicking the Manage Products link of the Products widget in the Administration view. For additional information, see Managing product registry in the Idera Dashboard.

Start your SQL CM installation

The Welcome to the Setup Wizard for Idera SQL CM displays automatically.

To continue installing SQL CM:

  1. If you chose the SQL Compliance Manager Console setup, complete the following procedure:

    1. Specify the location in which you want to install the console and click Next.

    2. Review the installation settings and click Install.  

  2. If you chose the SQL Compliance Manager Agent setup, complete the following procedure:

    1. Specify the location in which you want to install the console and click Next.

    2. Select a SQL Server instance to audit and the appropriate credentials. Click Next. 

    3. Specify where the SQL Compliance Manager Agent should store collected audit data, and click Next. The specified folder will be the trace file directory on the audited SQL Server instance.
    4. Specify the SQL Server hosting the SQL Compliance Manager collection service and click Next.

    5. Review the installation settings and click Install. 

  3. If you chose the IDERA Dashboard setup, complete the following procedure:

    1. Specify the location in which you want to install the IDERA Dashboard and click Next.
    2. Specify a SQL Server Instance and a form of authentication to create the IDERA Dashboard repository and click Next.
    3. Type the appropriate credentials in the provided fields under which IDERA services run, and then click Next. IDERA uses this account to connect, discover, and gather configuration information from SQL Servers in your Business environment. The installer grants the "Log on as a Service" right to the account that you specify.
    4. Review the installation settings and click Install.
  4. If you chose the SQL Compliance Manager Agent and the IDERA Dashboard

  5. On the Welcome window of the setup program, click Next.
  6. Review the license agreement. To accept this license agreement, click I accept the terms in the license agreement, and then click Next.
  7. Accept the default folder for your SQL CM installation, or click Browse to specify a different folder.
  8. Select whether you want the SQL CM application to be available to all users who log on to this computer, and then click Next.

    If you select this option …Setup configures the user logon profile to …
    Anyone who uses this computerDisplay icon on desktop when anyone logs onto this computer using a valid domain user account
    Only for meDisplay icon on desktop only when the current user account logs onto this computer
  9. Select the appropriate setup type, and then click Next.

    Setup TypeDescription
    TypicalAllows you to install all SQL Compliance Manager components on this computer
    Console OnlyAllows you to install only the SQLcompliance Management Console
    Agent OnlyAllows you to install only the SQLcompliance Agent
    CustomAllows you to select the individual SQL CM components you want to install
  10. If you chose the Custom type , select one or more SQL CM component, and then click Next. Using the Custom setup type, you can install SQL CM components in the following ways:
    • Collection Server and Repository with SQLcompliance Agent
    • Collection Server and Repository
    • Management Console with SQLcompliance Agent
    • Management Console only
    • SQLcompliance Agent only

      The setup program installs the Repository when you install the Collection Server.

      To install all SQL Compliance Manager components at the same time, use the Typical setup type.

  11. If you chose to install the Collection Server and SQLcompliance Agent using the Typical or Custom

    setup, complete the following procedure:

    1. Specify the location where in which you want the Collection Server to store audit data received from the SQLcompliance Agent, and then click Next. The specified folder is the trace file directory on the Collection Server.
    2. Specify the Windows user account that you want the Collection service and SQLcompliance Agent to run as to access the Repository, and then click Next.
    3. Click Browse to select the SQL Server instance on which you want to install the Repository. The setup program creates the Repository databases on the specified instance.
    4. to install the SQL Compliance Manager Agent and the IDERA Dashboard, then click Next.
    5. Specify a SQL Server Instance and a form of authentication to create the IDERA Dashboard repository and click Next.
    6. Type the appropriate credentials in the provided fields under which the IDERA services runSpecify the authentication the setup program should use to connect to the selected SQL Server and create the Repository, and then click Next.
    7. If you want to audit the Repository or other databases associated with the selected SQL Server instance , click Yes, and then click Next.
    8. IDERA uses this account to connect, discover, and gather configuration information from SQL Servers in your Business environment. The installer grants the "Log on as a Service" right to the account that you specify.
    9. Specify where the SQL Compliance Manager Specify the location where the SQLcompliance Agent should store collected audit data, and then click Next. The specified folder will be the trace file directory on the audited SQL Server instance.
    10. Specify the SQL Server hosting the SQL Compliance Manager collection service and click Next. 
    11. Review the installation settings and click InstallSelect whether you want to start the services immediately after install, and then click Next.
  12. If you chose the Agent Only the SQL Compliance Manager Management Console and the IDERA Dashboard setup, complete the following procedure: 
    1. Specify the location where the SQLcompliance Agent should store collected audit data, and in which you want to install the SQL Compliance Manager Console and the IDERA Dashboard, then click Next. The specified folder will be the trace file directory on the audited SQL Server instance.
    2. Specify the Windows user account the SQLcompliance Agent service should run as to access databases associated with the audited SQL Server instance, and then click Next If you are installing the agent on a computer that belongs to a workgroup or non-trusted domain , specify a valid local account (MyComputer\AccountName).
    3. Type the name of the computer on which the Collection Server is installed, and then click Next If you are installing the SQLcompliance Agent on a workstation or a computer that belongs to a non-trusted domain , the setup program is unable to validate a connection to the specified computer. Click No when prompted to specify another Collection Server computer.
    4. Click Browse to select the SQL Server instance you want to audit, specify the authentication the SQLcompliance Agent should use to connect to associated databases, and then click Next.
    5. Select whether you want to start the SQLcompliance Agent service immediately after install, and then click Next.
  13. Click Install to indicate that you are ready to complete your install with the configurations you specified. The SQL CM console automatically launches. To access the Idera Dashboard, see Log in the Idera Dashboard and web console.


SQL Compliance Manager audits all activity on your server. Learn more > >
    1. Specify a SQL Server Instance and a form of authentication to create the IDERA Dashboard repository and click Next.
    2. Type the appropriate credentials in the provided fields under which IDERA services run, and then click Next. IDERA uses this account to connect, discover, and gather configuration information from SQL Servers in your Business environment. The installer grants the "Log on as a Service" right to the account that you specify.
    3. Review the installation settings and click Install.

    If you are installing SQL Compliance Manager’s collection service on a repository running on SQL Server 2012 or below, the wizard will automatically install the necessary Microsoft components to finish the SQL Compliance Manager installation.

    For more information, see these important installation steps.

  1. To launch SQL Compliance Manageryou can select the Launch the SQL Compliance Manager Windows Console checkbox. 
    To access the IDERA Dashboard, open the URL provided in the completed installation window. Ensure to review Log in to IDERA Dashboard


If you want to install the SQL Compliance Manager Management Console and the SQL Compliance Manager Agent, you must install them together; otherwise, you will need to install the console with the installation wizard first, and then use the SilentInstaller to install the agent.

For more information, see Perform a silent installation of the SQLCM Agent.


The SQL Compliance Manager installer detects if the local machine has an older version of the SQL Server 2012 Native Client installed and if needed SQL CM upgrades the Native Client to the latest version and proceeds with the installation. If no Native Client is installed on the server, then SQL CM installs the latest Native Client version and proceeds with the installation.


If you wish to uninstall the IDERA Dashboard, make sure to un-register all products by clicking the Manage Products link of the Products widget in the Administration view. For additional information, see Managing product registry in the IDERA Dashboard.

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