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The Current tab displays information on the last minute of activity. For example, if you have worked at your screen for ten minutes and then refresh the information displayed on your screen, you will be able to view new information that occurred during the last minute of activity.

See About the Dashboard tab on page 33.

How the Current tab is structured


In the Association area, click the row of the session that you want to view detailed information for. The Tab heading indicates the newly selected entity; the Main area displays detailed information on the session you drilled down to, and the Association area shows information on the statements associated with this session.

See About Precise for Sybase tabs on page 15 and  and About the Dashboard tab on page 33.

About the entities you can examine in the Current tab


The table below describes the information displayed in the Instance overview.

Table 5- 1 Instance overview

View AreaDescription

Displays the following session-related information:

  • Sessions. Indicates the number of sessions (different SPIDs) that were connected to the Sybase instance during the last sample.
  • Active Sessions. Number of sessions (different SPIDs) connected to the Sybase instance during the last sample that were not in a state that is not part of the In Sybase group.
  • Locked Sessions. Number of blocked sessions in the last sample.

Displays information on the following statistical parameters:

  • CPU Time. Cumulative CPU time for all sessions connected to the instance during the last minute.
  • Physical I/O. The total number of physical I/O requests performed by all sessions connected to the instance during the last minute.
  • Memory Pages Used. Displays the total number of memory pages, currently used by all of the open sessions.
In Sybase (Last Minute)

Displays the resource consumption breakdown of the instance during the last minute (that is, 60 samples of the Collector agent). In addition to the resource distribution, the view displays the number of sessions in each state during the last sample.

It is important to remember that since this view only displays last minute's activities, you will always be viewing the activities that occurred during the last minute and not the activities that occurred since the last refresh action.

The following information is displayed:

  • State. Displays the In Sybase state.
  • In Sybase. Graphical representation of the Time column.
  • Time. Amount of time the selected entity was in this state.
  • %. Percentage of time the selected entity was in this state.
  • Sessions (Last Sample). Current number of sessions in the specified state. For example, there are currently three sessions experiencing a Lock Wait state.

All the information displayed in this table represents information collected during the last minute, with the exception of the Sessions column, which represents the number of sessions, in the last sample, that were in a particular state.

See About session states on page 25.

About the Database entity


The table below describes the information displayed in the Database overview.

Table 5- 2 Database entity overview

View AreaDescription

Displays the following session-related information:

  • Sessions. Number of sessions (different SPIDs) that were connected to the database during the last sample.
  • Active Sessions. Number of sessions (different SPIDs) connected to the database during the last sample that were not in Request Wait state.
  • Locked Sessions. Number of blocked sessions connected to the database during the last sample.

Displays information on the following statistical parameters:

  • CPU Time. Cumulative CPU time for all sessions connected to the database during the last minute.
  • Physical I/O. Total number of physical I/O requests performed by all sessions connected to the database during the last minute.
  • Memory Pages Used (Total). Displays the total memory (in pages) consumed by all sessions that were opened in Sybase during the last 15 minutes and were connected to the current database.
In Sybase (Last Minute)

Displays the resource consumption breakdown of the database during the last minute (that is, 60 samples of the Collector agent). In addition to the resource distribution, the view displays the number of sessions in each state during the last sample.

It is important to remember that since this view only displays the last minute's activities, you will always be viewing the activities that occurred during the last minute and not the activities that occurred since the last refresh action.

The following information is displayed:

  • State. Displays the In Sybase state.
  • In Sybase. Graphical representation of the Time column.
  • Time. Amount of time the selected entity was in this state.
  • %. Percentage of time the selected entity was in this state.
  • Sessions (Last Sample). Current number of sessions in the specified state. For example, there are currently three sessions experiencing a Lock Wait state.

All the information displayed in this table represents information collected during the last minute, with the exception of the Sessions column, which represents the number of sessions in the last sample that were in a particular state.

See About session states on page 25.

About the Session entity


The table below describes the information displayed in the Session overview.

Table 5- 3 Session overview

View AreaDescription
Session Tab

Displays information on the following session identifiers:

  • State. Current state of the session.
  • In Sybase. Graphical representation of the Time column. Text -Text of the statement which is currently running.
  • Status. Current status of the session as reported by Sybase. The Session status can be one of the following:
  • Alarm sleep. Waiting for alarm to wake process up.
  • Background. A process, such as a threshold procedure, run by Adaptive Server rather than by a user process.
  • Infected. Server has detected a serious error condition; extremely rare.
  • Latch sleep. Waiting on a latch acquisition.
  • Lock sleep. Waiting on a lock acquisition.
  • PLC sleep. Waiting to access a user log cache.
  • Recv sleep. Waiting on a network read.
  • Remote I/O. Performing I/O with a remote server.
  • Runnable. In the queue of runnable processes.
  • Running. Actively running on one of the server engines.
  • Send sleep. Waiting on a network send.
  • Sleeping. Waiting on a disk I/O, or some other resource (often indicates a process that is running, but doing extensive disk I/O).
  • Stopped. Stopped process.
  • Sync sleep. Waiting on a synchronization message from another process in the family.
  • Last Batch Time. If the session is currently executing a batch, this field displays the time the batch started; otherwise it displays the time the previous batch finished executing. Idle Time -Time elapsed since last batch.
  • Parallel Sessions. Current number of sub-threads used to execute a batch in parallel. This counter is calculated from the fid column in the sysprocesses. It enables you to verify that Sybase uses the best execution plan for the current statement.
  • Blocked By. If the session is blocked by another session, displays the SPID of the blocker session.
Connection TabA connection includes session identifiers, such as database, login, machine and user, as reported by the sysprocesses.

The following information is displayed:

  • Session status. Current status of the session as reported by Sybase.
  • Last Batch Time. If the session is currently executing a batch, this field displays the time the batch started; otherwise it displays the time the previous batch finished executing.
  • Idle Time. Time elapsed since last batch.
In Sybase (Last Minute)

Displays the resource consumption breakdown of the session during the last minute (that is, 60 samples of the Collector agent).

It is important to remember that since this view only displays the last minute's activities, you will always be viewing the activities that occurred during the last minute and not the activities that occurred since the last refresh action.

The following information is displayed:

  • In Sybase. Graphical representation of the Time column.
  • Time. Amount of time the selected entity was in this state.
  • %. Percentage of time the selected entity was in this state.
Locks Tab

Displays information on the current session locks that exists in the instance. Contains the following information on each session:

  • Blocked by. If the session is blocked by another session, displays the SPID of the blocker session.
  • Blocker user/program.
  • Locking chain. For more than one locked session.
  • Lock wait. Lock duration.
Statistics Tab

Displays information on the following statistical parameters:

  • CPU Time. CPU time for the sessions during the last minute.
  • Physical I/O Operations. Total number of physical I/O requests performed by the session during the last minute.
  • Memory Pages Used. Number of pages in the procedure cache that are currently allocated to the SPID.

See About session states on page 25.

About viewing the current statement's text


The table below describes the information displayed in the Statement or Batch overview.

Table 5- 4 Statement or Batch overview 





IDInternal statement hash value (SHV) calculated by the Collector agent.


DatabaseIdentifies the database on which the statement or batch is run. This information is used by Precise for Sybase to display the statement's execution plan.


Displays the parsing user who runs the statement or batch. This information is used by Precise for Sybase to display the statement's execution plan.


Number of times the Collector agent identifies that the statement or batch was executed.


Total time required to execute the selected statement or batch during the last time slice.
Duration (Avg)


Average duration of each statement execution during the last time slice.


TimeCumulative CPU time for the statement during the last time slice.

Table 5-4    Statement or Batch overview

Parameter    Description

Physical I/O


OperationsTotal number of physical I/O requests during the execution of the statement or batch during the last time slice.
Parallel Sessions (Min)


Minimum number of threads used to execute the statement or batch in parallel. This counter is calculated from the fid column in sysprocesses. This enables you to verify that Sybase is using the best execution plan for the current statement.
Parallel Sessions (Max)


Maximum number of threads used to execute the statement or batch in parallel. This counter is calculated from the fid column in sysprocesses. This enables you to verify that Sybase is using the best execution plan for the current statement.
In Sybase (Last minute)


Displays the resource consumption breakdown of the statement or batch during the last minute (that is, 60 samples of the Collector agent). In addition to the resource distribution, the view displays the number of sessions in each state during the last sample.

It is important to remember that since this view only displays the last minute's activities, you will always be viewing the activities that occurred during the last minute and not the activities that occurred since the last refresh action.

The following information is displayed:


  • State. Displays the In Sybase state.


  • In Sybase. Graphical representation of the Time column.


  • Time. Amount of time the selected entity was in this state.


  • %. Percentage of time the selected entity was in this state.

See How information is collected on page 25.

About viewing current Statement or Batch text

Displays text of the selected statement or batch.

About the Statement and Batch Association area

It is possible to view statement or batches in the Association area while drilling down from a single session. The table includes only statements or batches that were executed during the last time frame. A time frame is a 15-minute interval. If a statement or batch was executed in an earlier time frame, this statement or batch no longer appears in the Current tab. Instead, you can view information on this statement or batch in the Activity tab.

The table below describes the information displayed in the Association area, when viewing a statement or batch entity.

Table 5-5    Statement Statement/Batch Association table



GeneralShows general information on the displayed statements or batches.


SybaseShows information on performance and statistics of the displayed statements or batches.


Shows statistics of the displayed statements or batches.

See See About session states on page 25.See , Understanding In Sybase session states on page 25.See , and Understanding Non-In Sybase session states on page 27.

How the Current tab can help you identify performance problems

You can identify a performance problem by doing one or more of the following :actions.•    See

Examining the resource consumption of an entire instance and database


The Current tab provides an almost real-time

•    See Observing session activity on page 47.

•    See Examining a single connection on page 47.

Examining the resource consumption of an entire instance and database

The Current tab provides an almost real-time picture of the performance and behavior of your Sybase instance. It displays information on the last minute of activity.

To examine the resource consumption of an entire instance and database1.    Examine

  1. Examine the activities of the entire instance level to determine what is happening in your system.


  1. Examine the current activity at an instance level of display to see how the system is currently behaving and determine if there is an overall problem that affects all sessions or if there is a problem with specific sessions.


  1. Start your investigation in the Overview view of an Instance or Database entity. This will show you a breakdown of resource consumption for the last minute.

Observing session activity

In the Association area you can see which sessions are currently connected to the Instance, or view which sessions are currently using a specific database or holding a specific object.

To observe session activity1.    Observe

  1. Observe the current state of the session and determine if it is active or waiting for a resource.


  1. Identify the session by different identifiers such as its login, the machine it is running on, or the programs it is running. The current active SQL code is displayed for active sessions.


  1. If you have hundreds of sessions running, and you want to focus your investigation on the sessions that were active in Sybase during the last minute, select Active Sessions from the Association Controls in the Association area.

Examining a single connection

You may need to explore a single running SPID, to obtain more information for it. To examine a single connection1.    Drill down

  1. Drill down to the specific SPID in question. Continue examining its resource breakdown, its recent statements, or the batches in which the session was executed, during the last few minutes.


  1. Check if the session is blocked and by whom.



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