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Report Manager displays generated reports in PDF format for pre-defined reports or in Microsoft Excel format for customized reports. You can view reports only in the Data view. The following procedure describes how to view reports that have already been generated at pre-scheduled times. See Creating customized reports on page 23 and Running a report on page 21.

To view a report

  1. From the Tier Selection bar, select the Tier for which you want to view a report.
  2. From the Report Set Selector, select the Report Set that contains the required report. The Reports Table displays the reports of the selected report set.
  3. From the Reports Table, select the report you want to view and click View (or double-click the report). If the report is not yet generated or does not contain data (the Pages column indicates 0), Report Manager displays a message that allows you to rerun the report.


Report Manager generates a report according to the settings of its properties. You can rerun a selected report with different property settings for that particular run. For example, you can rerun the report to include only specific counters and a specific Time Frame. See Setting report properties on page 22 and Introducing Report Manager reports on page 29.

To run a report

  1. From a report view, click Rerun. The Properties for This Run dialog box is displayed. This dialog box contains similar tabs to the tabs of the report Properties dialog box (Description, General, Time Frame, and Filters).
  2. In the Properties for This Run dialog box, set the properties according to your preferences.
    These settings affect only the current run of the report and do not affect the default properties of the report.
  3. Click OK. Report Manager generates the report and then displays it.


Each report is assigned with a set of properties and schedule. If you want to have more than one report of the same set (Profile, Exception, and so on) and the same entity, but with different properties and schedule, you can create a copy of the report, and then modify the properties and schedule of the report copy. See Setting report properties on page 23 and Setting the schedule of a report generation on page 23.

To create a copy of a selected report


After creating a customized report, you can modify and redesign it. See Editing an existing customized report on page 26.

Defining a query statement


You can add, rename, or remove queries using the buttons located to the right of the Query Selection box, in the customized report data selection page.

Table 3- 1 Query selection icons

Image Modified
Click to add a new query.
Image Modified
Click to rename an existing query.
Image Modified
Click to remove an existing query.

To define a query statement:


The following figure shows how to set the filter conditions in your customized report.

Figure 3- 1 Customized report data selection page - filtering conditions example

Image Modified

To set filtering conditions

  1. From the Data Tree, select the field for which you want to create the condition, and then click (arrow) of the Filter Table. The selected field appears in the Field Selection box.
  2. From the Operator box, select the required operator, such as Like, =, <, and In.
  3. In the Value box, do one of the following:
    1. Type a value by which the data of the field is filtered.
    2. Click the List icon and choose a data field from the List of Values dialog box.
  4. To remove a condition from the Selected Instances table, select it and then click Remove.
  5. To update a condition, select it from the Selected Instances Table, modify the condition parameters, and then click Update.
  6. To modify the order of the conditions, select the required condition from the Selected Instances Table and click UpArrow or DownArrow (located to the right of the Selected Instances Table).


Report Manager enables you to configure various settings through the Settings menu, located at the Precise bar.

Setting the General settings

The General Settings dialog enables you to set the following items:•    The

  • The subfolder in which Report Manager saves the PDF and Microsoft Excel files of executed reports. By default, the subfolder is not defined (Report Manager saves the PDF files in its server file system).


  • An option that determines whether Report Manager generates links in the executed reports or not. These links enable users who read the reports to drill down from the reports to the exact location in the Precise or Insight products (depends on the selected entity location) for further investigation. By default, this option is enabled.

To set the General settings1.    From

  1. From the Precise bar, click Settings and from the menu select General Settings. The General Settings dialog box is displayed. Check


  1. the desired settings.


  1. To store PDF files in a specified subfolder in the Report Manager server, click the option box and type the path in the box, or open the Browse for Folder dialog box and then select the required subfolder.


  1. In the Generate Launching Links option box, select enable (to enable) or clear (to disable) the links.

Setting the Display settings

The Display Settings dialog box enables you to set the reports that will be listed in the Reports Table when you launch Report Manager. Any settings you make in this dialog box affect only your display and do not affect the reports list when other users launch Report Manager. However, a user with administrator privileges can set the reports list also for other users.

To set the Display settings1.    From

  1. From the Precise bar, click Settings and from the menu select Display Settings. The Display Settings dialog box is displayed. By default, all the pre-defined reports are selected.


  1. From the Tier box, select the Tier for which you want to modify the reports list.


  1. From the Listed to the User table, select the report that you do not want to display and then click Left Arrow.
    Repeat this step for all Tiers as required.

Setting the Multi settings

When you launch Report Manager, the Multi Settings dialog box enables you to set parameters and scheduling times for multiple Report Manager reports. You can select one of the Tiers installed in your application, Cross-Tiers, or ALL (Tiers).

There are various sets of Report Manager reports. With the Multi Settings dialog box you can select one or all sets of Report Manager reports. The sets of Report Manager reports you can select are as follows:•    All

  • All (sets)


  • Profile


  • Exceptions


  • Availability


  • Load Balancing


  • Capacity Planning


  • Customized

To set the Multi settings1.    From

  1. From the Precise bar, click Settings and from the menu select Multi Settings. The Multi Settings dialog box is displayed.


  1. From the Tier box, select the Tier (or all Tiers) you want listed in the Multi Settings reports table.


  1. From the Set box, select the report set (or all sets) you want listed in the Multi Settings reports table.


  1. To change report parameters and/or scheduling, Press Ctrl+Shift to select a range of reports.


  1. Click Properties to set report properties. See Setting report properties


  1. .


  1. Click Schedule to set the time schedule for the reports. See Setting the schedule of a report generation


  1. .


  1. Click Close to close the Multi Settings dialog box.

Setting the Mail settings

The Mail Settings dialog box enables you to email Report Manager reports. The Mail Settings dialog box enables you to define the following:•    Enable

  • Enable/Disable the integration of Report Manager with an Email server.


  • The name of the mail server.


  • The name of the person the Report Manager messages are sent by.

To set the Mail settings1.    From

  1. From the Precise bar, click Settings and from the menu select Mail Settings. The Mail Settings dialog box is displayed.


  1. Select Integrate Report Manager with an Email server to enable the mail utility.


  1. Insert the Email server name and originator of the mail messages.



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