Class Module | Description |
| This is the color Color for Attachments. This property takes a 4-byte integer where the first byte represents a red value (0-255), the second 8 byte represents a green value (0-255), and the third byte represents a blue value (0-255). |
AttachmentFont | This is the font Font for Attachments. Although this property , itself, is read only, the user can modify the font by setting the properties in the ERSFont object which is returned to the caller. |
AttributeFont | This is the font Font for local, non-key attributes. Although this property , itself, is read only, the user can modify the font by setting the properties in the ERSFont object which is returned to the caller. |
CompleteRoleName | This determines whether Determines whether you want to display complete role names are displayed (true) or not (false). DATATYPE: Boolean. |
DataSecurityColor | This is the color Color for Data Security. This property takes a 4-byte integer where the first byte represents a red value (0-255), the second 8 byte represents a green value (0-255), and the third byte represents a blue value (0-255). |
DataSecurityFont | This is the font Font for Data Security. Although this property , itself, is read only, the user can modify the font by setting the properties in the ERSFont object which is returned to the caller. |
Definition | This is the submodel Submodel definition property. DATATYPE: String. |
DiagramBackgroundColor | This is the color Color for the background of the submodel. This property takes a 4-byte integer where the first byte represents a red value (0-255), the second 8 byte represents a green value (0-255), and the third byte represents a blue value (0-255). |
EntityBackgroundColor | This is the color Color for the background of the entity. This property takes a 4-byte integer where the first byte represents a red value (0-255), the second 8 byte represents a green value (0-255), and the third byte represents a blue value (0-255). |
EntityDimTypeLabelColor | This is the color for Color for Entity Dimension Type Label. This property takes a 4-byte integer where the first byte represents a red value (0-255), the second 8 byte represents a green value (0-255), and the third byte represents a blue value (0-255). |
EntityDimTypeLabelFont | This is the font Font for Entity Dimension Type Label. Although this property , itself, is read only, the user can modify the font by setting the properties in the ERSFont object which is returned to the caller. |
EntityDisplayFormat | This is the display Display format of Entities in the submodel. The possible Valid values are: Attributes = 1 - Attributes, Entities = 2 - Entities, 3 - Primary Keys = 3, 4 - All Keys = 4, Definition = 5 - Definition, Note = 6 - Note. DATATYPE: Integer. |
EntityForegroundColor | This is the color Color for the foreground of the entity. This property takes a 4-byte integer where the first byte represents a red value (0-255), the second 8 byte represents a green value (0-255), and the third byte represents a blue value (0-255). |
EntityNameFont | This is the font Font for the entity name. Although this property , itself, is read only, the user can modify the font by setting the properties in the ERSFont object which is returned to the caller. |
EntityTitleColor | This is the color Color for the title of the entity. This property takes a 4-byte integer where the first byte represents a red value (0-255), the second 8 byte represents a green value (0-255), and the third byte represents a blue value (0-255). |
ForeignKeyFont | This is the font for Font for foreign key attributes. Although this property , itself, is read only, the user can modify the font by setting the properties in the ERSFont object which is returned to the caller. |
ForeignNonKeyFont | This is the font Font for foreign, non-key attributes. Although this property , itself, is read only, the user can modify the font by setting the properties in the ERSFont object which is returned to the caller. |
GridSpacing | This is the spacing Spacing for grid points. DATATYPE: Double. |
GridsPerLine | This is the number Number of grid points per line. DATATYPE: Integer. |
GridUnits | This is the unit Unit type for the grid measurement. The possible Valid values are: Inches = 0 - Inches, Centimeters = 1 - Centimeters. DATATYPE: Integer. |
GUID | GUID of the submodel . This GUID is as assigned by ER/Studio. Each submodel has a unique GUID. DATATYPE: String. |
HorizontalScrollPosition | This is the horizontal Horizontal scroll bar position of the diagram display window. DATATYPE: Integer. |
HorizontalViewSize | This is the width Width of the diagram display window. DATATYPE: Integer. |
ID | ID of the submodel . This ID is as assigned by ER/Studio. Each submodel in a diagram has a unique ID. DATATYPE: Integer. |
IndexColor | This is the color Color for Indexes. This property takes a 4-byte integer where the first byte represents a red value (0-255), the second 8 byte represents a green value (0-255), and the third byte represents a blue value (0-255). |
IndexFont | This is the font Font for Indexes. Although this property , itself, is read only, the user can modify the font by setting the properties in the ERSFont object which is returned to the caller. |
InheritedNonKeyColor | This is the color Color for the foreign, non-key attributes. This property takes a 4-byte integer where the first byte represents a red value (0-255), the second 8 byte represents a green value (0-255), and the third byte represents a blue value (0-255). |
InheritedPrimaryKeyColor | This is the color Color for foreign, primary key attributes. This property takes a 4-byte integer where the first byte represents a red value (0-255), the second 8 byte represents a green value (0-255), and the third byte represents a blue value (0-255). |
InheritOption | This determines if Determines whether the submodel will inherit inherits objects added to nested submodels. DATATYPE: Boolean. |
IsActive | This indicates if Indicates whether the submodel is the one currently displayed. DATATYPE: Boolean. |
MainSubModel | This tells Tells the user whether the currently displayed submodel is the main sub model (true) or not (false). DATATYPE: Boolean. |
Name | This is the name Name of the submodel. DATATYPE: String. |
NamingStandardsTemplateId | ID of the NamingStandardsTemplate object bound to the submodel (if any). A user can bind a NamingStandardsTemplate to the submodel by assigning a particular NamingStandardsTemplateId to this property. DATATYPE: Integer. |
NonInheritedNonKeyColor | This is the color Color for local, non-key attributes. This property takes a 4-byte integer where the first byte represents a red value (0-255), the second 8 byte represents a green value (0-255), and the third byte represents a blue value (0-255). |
NonInheritedPrimaryKeyColor | This is the color Color for local, primary key attributes. This property takes a 4-byte integer where the first byte represents a red value (0-255), the second 8 byte represents a green value (0-255), and the third byte represents a blue value (0-255). |
OffPageBackgroundColor | This is the color Color for the background of the off page. This property takes a 4-byte integer where the first byte represents a red value (0-255), the second 8 byte represents a green value (0-255), and the third byte represents a blue value (0-255). |
OffPageForegroundColor | This is the color Color for the foreground of the off page. This property takes a 4-byte integer where the first byte represents a red value (0-255), the second 8 byte represents a green value (0-255), and the third byte represents a blue value (0-255). |
PageBoundary | This is the page Page boundary. DATATYPE: Integer. |
PageForegroundColor | This is the color Color for the foreground of the page. This property takes a 4-byte integer where the first byte represents a red value (0-255), the second 8 byte represents a green value (0-255), and the third byte represents a blue value (0-255). |
PageNumberColor | This is the color Color for the number of the page. This property takes a 4-byte integer where the first byte represents a red value (0-255), the second 8 byte represents a green value (0-255), and the third byte represents a blue value (0-255). |
PageNumberFont | This is the font Font for the page numbers. Although this property , itself, is read only, the user can modify the font by setting the properties in the ERSFont object which is returned to the caller. |
PageOrientation | This is the page Page orientation. The possible Valid values are: Portrait = 1 - Portrait, Landscape = 2 - Landscape. DATATYPE: Integer. |
PageSize | This is the page Page size. DATATYPE: Integer. |
ParentSubmodelID | ID of the parent Submodel object if this Submodel is a child in a nested Submodel. DATATYPE: Integer. |
PrimaryKeyFont | This is the font Font for the local, primary key font. Although this property , itself, is read only, the user can modify the font by setting the properties in the ERSFont object which is returned to the caller. |
RelationshipBusinessNameColor | This is the color Color for the relationship business name. This property takes a 4 byte integer where the first byte represents a red value (0-255), the second 8 byte represents a green value (0-255), and the third byte represents a blue value (0-255). |
RelationshipBusinessNameFont | This is the font Font for the relationship business name. Although this property, itself, is read only, the user can modify the font by setting the properties in the ERSFont object which is returned to the caller. |
RelationshipColor | This is the color Color for the relationships. This property takes a 4-byte integer where the first byte represents a red value (0-255), the second 8 byte represents a green value (0-255), and the third byte represents a blue value (0-255). |
RelationshipNameColor | This is the color Color for the relationship name. This property takes a 4-byte integer where the first byte represents a red value (0-255), the second 8 byte represents a green value (0-255), and the third byte represents a blue value (0-255). |
RelationshipNameFont | This is the font Font for the relationship name. Although this property , itself, is read only, the user can modify the font by setting the properties in the ERSFont object which is returned to the caller. |
SchemaObjDisplayFormat | This is the display Display format of Schema Objects in the submodel. The possible Valid values are: Name = 1 - Name, Definition = 2 - Definition. DATATYPE: Integer. |
Shadow | This determines Determines whether shadows are drawn (true) or not (false). DATATYPE: Boolean. |
ShadowColor | This is the color Color for the shadow of entities, views, etc. This property takes a 4-byte integer where the first byte represents a red value (0-255), the second 8 byte represents a green value (0-255), and the third byte represents a blue value (0-255). |
ShapeNameFont | This is the font Font for the shape name. Although this property , itself, is read only, the user can modify the font by setting the properties in the ERSFont object which is returned to the caller. |
ShapeTextFont | This is the font Font for the shape text. Although this property , itself, is read only, the user can modify the font by setting the properties in the ERSFont object which is returned to the caller. |
ShowAttributeName | This determines Determines whether attribute's physical name is displayed (true) or not (false). DATATYPE: Boolean. |
ShowCardinality | This determines Determines whether cardinality is displayed (true) or not (false). DATATYPE: Boolean. |
ShowColumnName | This determines Determines whether attribute's logical name is displayed (true) or not (false). DATATYPE: Boolean. |
ShowEntityAlternateKey | This determines Determines whether entity's alternate keys are displayed (true) or not (false). DATATYPE: Boolean. |
ShowEntityAttachment | This determines Determines whether entity's attachments are displayed (true) or not (false). DATATYPE: Boolean. |
ShowEntityAttachmentValue | This determines Determines whether entity's attachment values are displayed (true) or not (false). DATATYPE: Boolean. |
ShowEntityAttributeBitmap | This determines Determines whether entity's attribute bitmaps are displayed (true) or not (false). DATATYPE: Boolean. |
ShowEntityDataSecurity | This determines Determines whether entity's data security are displayed (true) or not (false). DATATYPE: Boolean. |
ShowEntityDataSecurityValue | This determines Determines whether entity's data security values are displayed (true) or not (false). DATATYPE: Boolean. |
ShowEntityDataType | This determines Determines whether entity's data types are displayed (true) or not (false). DATATYPE: Boolean. |
ShowEntityDimensionalType | This determines Determines whether entity's dimension type are displayed (true) or not (false). DATATYPE: Boolean. |
ShowEntityDimensionAttributes | This determines Determines whether entity's dimension attributes are displayed (true) or not (false). DATATYPE: Boolean. |
ShowEntityDomain | This determines Determines whether entity's domains are displayed (true) or not (false). DATATYPE: Boolean. |
ShowEntityFactAttributes | This determines Determines whether entity's fact attributes are displayed (true) or not (false). DATATYPE: Boolean. |
ShowEntityIndex | This determines Determines whether entity's indexes are displayed (true) or not (false). DATATYPE: Boolean. |
ShowEntityInversionEntry | This determines Determines whether entity's inversion entries are displayed (true) or not (false). DATATYPE: Boolean. |
ShowEntityName | This determines Determines whether entity's physical name is displayed (true) or not (false). DATATYPE: Boolean. |
ShowEntityNameCompartment | This determines Determines whether entity name compartments are displayed (true) or not (false). DATATYPE: Boolean. |
ShowEntityNullOption | This determines Determines whether entity's null options are displayed (true) or not (false). DATATYPE: Boolean. |
ShowEntityOwner | This determines Determines whether entity's owner is displayed (true) or not (false). DATATYPE: Boolean. |
ShowGrid | This determines Determines whether to show the grid (true) or not (false). DATATYPE: Boolean. |
ShowRelationshipBusinessName | This determines Determines whether relationship business names are displayed (true) or not (false). DATATYPE: Boolean. |
ShowRelationshipName | This determines Determines whether relationship names are displayed (true) or not (false). DATATYPE: Boolean. |
ShowSchemaObjRelationships | This determines Determines whether schema object relationships are drawn (true) or not (false). DATATYPE: Boolean. |
ShowSchemaObjs | This determines Determines whether schema objects are displayed (true) or not (false). DATATYPE: Boolean. |
ShowShapeNames | This determines Determines whether shape names are displayed (true) or not (false). DATATYPE: Boolean. |
ShowTableName | This determines Determines whether entity's logical name is displayed (true) or not (false). DATATYPE: Boolean. |
ShowTrigger | This sets Sets the ShowTrigger flag. DATATYPE: Boolean. |
ShowTriggerActions | This determines Determines whether relationship trigger actions are displayed (true) or not (false). DATATYPE: Boolean. |
ShowVerbs | This determines Determines whether verbs are displayed (true) or not (false). DATATYPE: Boolean. |
ShowViewNameCompartment | This determines Determines whether view name compartments are displayed (true) or not (false). DATATYPE: Boolean. |
ShowViewOwner | This determines Determines whether view's owner is displayed (true) or not (false). DATATYPE: Boolean. |
ShowViewParentName | This determines Determines whether view's parent name is displayed (true) or not (false). DATATYPE: Boolean. |
ShowViewRelationships | This determines Determines whether view relationships are drawn (true) or not (false). DATATYPE: Boolean. |
ShowViews | This determines Determines whether views are displayed (true) or not (false). DATATYPE: Boolean. |
SnapToGrid | This determines Determines whether to snap objects (entites, views, etc.) to the grid (true) or not (false). DATATYPE: Boolean. |
StraightRelLine | This determines Determines whether straight relationship lines are drawn (true) or not (false). DATATYPE: Boolean. |
TextBackgroundColor | This is the color Color for the background of the text object. This property takes a 4-byte integer where the first byte represents a red value (0-255), the second 8 byte represents a green value (0-255), and the third byte represents a blue value (0-255). |
TextBlockBorderColor | This is the color Color for the border of the text object. This property takes a 4-byte integer where the first byte represents a red value (0-255), the second 8 byte represents a green value (0-255), and the third byte represents a blue value (0-255). |
TextBlockFont | This is the font Font for the text object. Although this property , itself, is read only, the user can modify the font by setting the properties in the ERSFont object which is returned to the caller. |
TextForegroundColor | This is the color Color for the text in text objects. This property takes a 4-byte integer where the first byte represents a red value (0-255), the second 8 byte represents a green value (0-255), and the third byte represents a blue value (0-255). |
TitleBlockBackgroundColor | This is the color Color for the background of title blocks. This property takes a 4-byte integer where the first byte represents a red value (0-255), the second 8 byte represents a green value (0-255), and the third byte represents a blue value (0-255). |
TitleBlockBorderColor | This is the color Color for the border of the title block. This property takes a 4-byte integer where the first byte represents a red value (0-255), the second 8 byte represents a green value (0-255), and the third byte represents a blue value (0-255). |
TitleBlockFont | This is the font Font for the title block. Although this property , itself, is read only, the user can modify the font by setting the properties in the ERSFont object which is returned to the caller. |
TitleBlockTextColor | This is the color Color for the text of the title block. This property takes a 4-byte integer where the first byte represents a red value (0-255), the second 8 byte represents a green value (0-255), and the third byte represents a blue value (0-255). |
TriggerColor | This is the color Color for Triggers. This property takes a 4-byte integer where the first byte represents a red value (0-255), the second 8 byte represents a green value (0-255), and the third byte represents a blue value (0-255). |
TriggerFont | This is the font Font for Triggers. Although this property , itself, is read only, the user can modify the font by setting the properties in the ERSFont object which is returned to the caller. |
VerbFont | This is the font Font for the verb. Although this property , itself, is read only, the user can modify the font by setting the properties in the ERSFont object which is returned to the caller. |
VerbTextColor | This is the color Color for the verb. This property takes a 4-byte integer where the first byte represents a red value (0-255), the second 8 byte represents a green value (0-255), and the third byte represents a blue value (0-255). |
VerticalScrollPosition | This is the vertical Vertical scroll bar position of the diagram display window. DATATYPE: Integer. |
VerticalViewSize | This is the height Height of the diagram display window. DATATYPE: Integer. |
ViewBackgroundColor | This is the color Color for the background of views. This property takes a 4-byte integer where the first byte represents a red value (0-255), the second 8 byte represents a green value (0-255), and the third byte represents a blue value (0-255). |
ViewDisplayFormat | This is the display Display format of Views in the submodel. The possible Valid values are: Attributes = 1 - Attributes, Entities = 2 - Entities, 3 - Primary Keys = 3, 4 - All Keys = 4, Definition = 5 - Definition, Note = 6 - Note. DATATYPE: Integer. |
ViewFieldFont | This is the font Font for local, non-key view fields. Although this property , itself, is read only, the user can modify the font by setting the properties in the ERSFont object which is returned to the caller. |
ViewFieldTextColor | This is the color Color for the view field text. This property takes a 4-byte integer where the first byte represents a red value (0-255), the second 8 byte represents a green value (0-255), and the third byte represents a blue value (0-255). |
ViewForegroundColor | This is the color Color for the foreground of views. This property takes a 4-byte integer where the first byte represents a red value (0-255), the second 8 byte represents a green value (0-255), and the third byte represents a blue value (0-255). |
ViewNameFont | This is the font Font for the view name. Although this property , itself, is read only, the user can modify the font by setting the properties in the ERSFont object which is returned to the caller. |
ViewRelationshipColor | This is the color Color for the view relationship. This property takes a 4-byte integer where the first byte represents a red value (0-255), the second 8 byte represents a green value (0-255), and the third byte represents a blue value (0-255). |
ViewTitleColor | This is the color Color for the title text of views. This property takes a 4-byte integer where the first byte represents a red value (0-255), the second 8 byte represents a green value (0-255), and the third byte represents a blue value (0-255). |
WrapEntityName | This determines Determines whether entity names are wrapped (true) or not (false). DATATYPE: Boolean. |
WrapViewName | This determines Determines whether view names are wrapped (true) or not (false). DATATYPE: Boolean. |
ZoomFactor | This is the viewing Viewing zoom percentage of the submodel (ie, 50, 100, %200, etc.). DATATYPE: Integer. |