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Holds information on the SQL Server instance MTNC change log.

Column NameColumn Description
SQCH_PWII_INSTANCE_IDID of the SQL Server instance.
SQCH_ENTITY_TYPEType of the entity that was changed.
SQCH_ENTITY_NAMEName of the entity that was changed.
SQCH_PARENT_ENTITY_NAMEThe name of the parent entity that was changed.
SQCH_CHANGE_TYPEType of the performed change (Created, Dropped, Updated).
SQCH_DATA_CHANGEDName of the property that was changed.
SQCH_OLD_VALUEOld value, before the change.
SQCH_NEW_VALUENew value, after the change.


Holds information on the statement execution plan.

Column NameColumn Description
SQEC_PWII_INSTANCE_IDID of the SQL Server instance.
SQEC_DATABASE_NAMEName of the database in which the change occurred.

One of the SQL Server users who executed this statement.

If this statement is not part of a stored procedure, this is the user used as the parsing user when explaining this batch.

SQEC_BATCH_HVUnique identifier (number) assigned to the batch.

Unique identifier (number) assigned to statements inserted in the statement workshop workspace.

Statements loaded into the PW have the value.

SQEC_EXPLAIN_TIMEDate and time the batch was explained and its access plan was changed.
SQEC_STATEMENT_ID_IN_BATCHA statement number in the first batch sampled running the statement.
SQEC_OPERATOR_IDSequence order of this operation in the access plan for a statement.
SQEC_PREDICATE_IDSequent of the predicate.
SQEC_OBJ_DATABASE_NAMEDatabase name of the object accessed in this operation.
SQEC_OBJ_OWNER_NAMEOwner of the object accessed in this operation.
SQEC_OBJ_NAMEName of the object accessed in this operation.
SQEC_OBJ_NAME_ALIASAlias of the object accessed in this operation.
SQEC_COLUMN_NAMEName of the column of the object that was changed.
SQEC_USED_IN_SEEKIndicates whether the column in the specified operator is used in a seek action. The value can be Y/N.
SQEC_LAST_EXPLAIN_INDIndicates that this operation belongs to the last explain of the batch.
SQEC_UNION_IDThe Union ID to which the column belongs (starting from 0) when the statement contains union.


Holds the text of batches.

Column NameColumn Description
SQBX_BATCH_HVUnique identifier (number) assigned to the batch.
SQBX_BATCH_TEXTThe text of the batch.


Holds the list of SmarTune findings that will not be displayed in the SmarTune workspace if the user marked them to be ignored.

Column NameColumn Description
SQIF_STATEMENT_HVFor the heavy collapsed statement, it contains the collapsed hash value.
SQIF_DATABASE_IDFor the heavy statement and heavy collapsed statement types, this is the database ID at which the statement was running, normalized at PW_SQDN_DATABASE_NAMES_N.

For the heavy statement and heavy collapsed statement types, this is the database name on which the statement was running.

For the heavy object finding type, it is the table's database name.


One of the MS-SQL Server users who executed this statement.

If this statement is not part of a stored procedure, this is the user used as the parsing user when explaining this batch, normalized in table PW_SQUN_USER_NAMES_N.


For the heavy statement and heavy collapsed statements, this is the user that runs the statement.

For the heavy object finding, this is the owner of the table.

SQIF_FULL_OBJECT_IDFor the heavy object finding, this is the Ignored table ID, normalized in table PW_SQKN_LOCKED_OBJECT_NAMES_N.

The type of the finding:

  • 1: Heavy Statement
  • 2: Heavy Object
  • 3: Heavy Collapsed Statement
  • 4: Instance event
SQIF_UI_USER_NAMEThis is the user (login) that asked the finding to be ignored.
SQIF_INSTANCE_PROBLEM_IDFor the Instance event finding, it contains the instance event ID.


Holds all the object operators per object.

Column NameColumn Description
SQEJ_DATABASE_NAMEName of the database.

One of the MS-SQL Server users who executed this statement.

If this statement is not part of a stored procedure, this is the user used as the parsing user when explaining this batch.

SQEJ_BATCH_HVUnique identifier (number) assigned to the batch. Only the first batch appears.

Unique identifier (Number) assigned to statements inserted in the statement workshop workspace.

Statements loaded into the PMDB get this the value.

SQEJ_STATEMENT_ID_IN_BATCHA statement number in the first batch sampled running the statement.
SQEJ_EXPLAIN_TIMEDate and time the batch was explained and its access plan was changed.
SQEJ_OPERATOR_IDSequence order of this operation in the access plan for a statement.
SQEJ_OPERATOR_TYPEPhysical operation in the access plan.
SQEJ_OBJ_DATABASE_NAMEDatabase name of the object accessed in this operation.
SQEJ_OBJ_OWNER_NAMEOwner of the object accessed in this operation.
SQEJ_OBJ_NAMEName of the object accessed in this operation.
SQEJ_OBJ_NAME_ALIASAlias name of the object accessed in this operation.
SQEJ_INDEX_NAMEName of the index accessed in this operation. Otherwise NULL.
SQEJ_CONTRIBUTION_RATIOContribution value of the object in this operation to the statement.
SQEJ_MISS_INDEXES_INDIndicator if indexes are missing in this operation.


Collects space information per partition.

Column NameColumn Description
SQPU_DATABASE_IDThe database to which the statement belongs, normalized in table PW_SQDN_DATABASE_NAMES_N.
SQPU_OBJECT_IDID of the object.
SQPU_FULL_OBJECT_IDThe full object ID, normalized in table PW_SQKN_LOCKED_OBJECT_NAMES_N.
SQPU_INDEX_IDID of the index.
SQPU_PARTITION_IDID of the partition.

Date and time the statistic was sampled.

On an hourly summary level, the date and time are GMT. On all other summary levels, the time is zeroed and SQPU_PWHG_ID should be used.

SQPU_PWHG_IDHour group ID.
SQPU_MINUTES_COUNT_SUMThe timeframe needed to calculated the row (in minutes).
SQPU_P_ALL_ALLOC_MAXNumber of allocated pages for a specific partition (in MB).
SQPU_P_ALL_USED_MAXNumber of used pages for a specific partition (in MB).
SQPU_ROW_COUNT_MAXNumber of rows on a specific partition
SQPU_RECEIVED_TIMESTAMPLocal date and time the row was loaded into the PMDB.


Collects information about schema changes made to a partition schema.

Column NameColumn Description
SQCP_DATABASE_IDThe database to which the statement belongs, normalized in table PW_SQDN_DATABASE_NAMES_N.
SQCP_NAMEName of the partition schema.
SQCP_IDPartition schema ID.
SQCP_NUMBER_FGNumber of file groups of the partition schema.


Collects information about schema changes made to a partition schema filegroup.

Column NameColumn Description
SQCF_DATABASE_IDThe database to which the statement belongs, normalized in table PW_SQDN_DATABASE_NAMES_N.
SQCF_PS_NAMEName of the partition schema.
SQCF_FP_NAMEName of the partition function.

Type of the partition schema.


Collects information about schema changes made to a partition function.

Column NameColumn Description
SQCN_DATABASE_IDThe database to which the statement belongs, normalized in table PW_SQDN_DATABASE_NAMES_N.
SQCN_PF_NAMEName of the partition function.
SQCN_NUM_VALUESNumber of values of the partition function.

Partition function type.


Collects information about schema changes made to a partition function values.

Column NameColumn Description
SQCV_DATABASE_IDThe database to which the statement belongs, normalized in table PW_SQDN_DATABASE_NAMES_N.
SQCV_PF_NAMEName of the partition function.
SQCV_VALUEValue of the partition function, one row for each value.
SQCV_POSITIONPosition of the value within the partition function.
SQCV_TYPEType of the value, such as int and date.


Contains wait event counters info (MS-SQL).

Column NameColumn Description
SQWI_WAIT_GROUPNormalized, wait group names.
SQWI_WAIT_TYPENormalized, wait type names.
SQWI_GROUP_FROM_VERSIONGroup from, based on MS-SQL version.
SQWI_GROUP_TILL_VERSIONGroup till, based on MS-SQL version.
SQWI_COUNTER_FROM_VERSIONCounter from, based on MS-SQL version.
SQWI_COUNTER_TILL_VERSIONCounter till, based on MS-SQL version.
SQWI_EXPLANATIONCounter explanation.
SQWI_IS_LATCHWait event - 0. Latch event - 1.


Contains wait counter’s data (MS-SQL).

Column NameColumn Description
SQWC_TOTAL_WAIT_TIME_SUMSummarizes wait event's total wait time.

Summarizes wait event's resource wait time.


A daily table which is being loaded every night by the Collects objects PMDB process. The table summarizes statistic data (such as locks, in_msssql, and using_cpu) per object (such as table and index). The idea behind this table is to accelerate the GUI in the Objects workspace.

Column NameColumn Description
SQOP_PWII_INSTANCE_IDID of the MS-SQL Server instance.

Date and time the statistic was sampled.

On an hourly summary level, the date and time are GMT.

On all other summary levels, the time is zeroed and SQAM_PWHG_ID should be used.

SQOP_MINUTES_COUNT_SUMThe timeframe needed to calculated the row, in minutes.
SQOP_RECEIVED_TIMESTAMPLocal date and time the row was loaded into the PMDB.
SQOP_PWHG_IDHour group ID.
SQOP_OBJECT_FULL_IDFor heavy object finding, the Ignored table ID, Normalized in table PW_SQKN_LOCKED_OBJECT_NAMES_N.
SQOP_DATABASE_IDThe database to which the statement belongs, normalized in table PW_SQDN_DATABASE_NAMES_N.

Full table ID means: <db_name>,<table_owner>,<table_name>.

It is a normalized field which holds only a numeric hash value of the full table name.

The normalization table is: PW_SQKN_LOCKED_OBJECT_NAMES_N.

SQOP_TOTAL_INMSSQL_SUMIndicates the total amount of time MS-SQL Server was actively executing queries. It is also the sum of the columns.
SQOP_USING_CPU_SUMTotal time of CPU use.
SQOP_IO_WAIT_SUMAmount of time the process was waiting for I/O operations to terminate.
SQOP_LOCK_ROW_SUMAggregates lock waits of row locks.
SQOP_LOCK_KEY_SUMAggregates lock waits of key locks.
SQOP_LOCK_PAGE_SUMAggregates lock waits of page locks.
SQOP_LOCK_TABLE_SUMAggregates lock waits of table locks.
SQOP_LOCK_OTHER_SUMAggregates lock waits of other locks.
SQOP_LOCK_MD_STAT_SUMAggregates lock waits of MetaData Statistics type.
SQOP_LOCK_MD_PART_SUMAggregates lock waits of MetaData Partition Function type.
SQOP_LOCK_MD_OTHER_SUMAggregates lock waits of other MetaData types.


Contains overtime history of statement's estimated cost changes.

Column NameColumn Description
SQEE_PWII_INSTANCE_IDID of the MS-SQL Server instance.
SQEE_DATABASE_NAMEName of the database.

One of the MS-SQL Server users who executed this statement.

If this statement is not part of a stored procedure, this is the user used as the parsing user when explaining this batch.

SQEE_BATCH_HVUnique identifier (number) assigned to the batch.

Unique identifier (number) assigned to statements inserted in the statement workshop workspace.

Statements loaded into the PMDB have the value 0.

SQEE_STATEMENT_ID_IN_BATCHA statement number in the first batch sampled running the statement.
SQEE_EXPLAIN_TIMEDate and time the batch was explained and its access plan was changed.
SQEE_ESTIMATE_COSTEstimated cost of this operation.
SQEE_ACTUAL_PLAN_INDAn indicator if the execution plan is actual or estimated PW_SQEA_EXPLN_ACCESS_PATH


Contains overtime history of statement's access path changes.

Column NameColumn Description
SQEA_PWII_INSTANCE_IDID of the MS-SQL Server instance.
SQEA_DATABASE_NAMEName of the database.

One of the MS-SQL Server users who executed this statement.

If this statement is not part of a stored procedure, this is the user used as the parsing user when explaining this batch.

SQEA_BATCH_HVUnique identifier (number) assigned to the batch.

Unique identifier (number) assigned to statements inserted in the statement workshop workspace.

Statements loaded into the PMDB have the value 0.

SQEA_STATEMENT_ID_IN_BATCHA statement number in the first batch sampled running the statement.
SQEA_EXPLAIN_TIMEDate and time the batch was explained and its access plan was changed.
SQEA_ESTIMATE_COSTEstimated cost of this operation.
SQEA_ACTUAL_PLANAn indicator if the execution plan is actual or estimated.
SQEA_ACCESS_PATH_HVUnique identifier (number) assigned to the access plan of the statement.
SQEA_MISS_INDEXES_IMPACTThe minimal possible impact of indexes that are missing for effective query execution.
SQEA_EXPLAIN_OPER_USAGEThis column contains a mask of operations that appeared in the execution plan.

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